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PKK leader hints at alliance with Turkish religious group

I think this is really good move and will push the kurds towards a political solution that will only make turkey stronger.
I have plenty of kurdish friends and i have seen there anti turkish opnions being eroded over the last so many years even to the point where there are now against the kurdish separatist.
The best examples i can think off is wales in the UK where over the space of a few decades the the welsh separatist party Plaid Cymru that was formed on the back of discontent and and prejudice against the english who buying holiday homes and land over wales thus making it unaffordable for the average welsh family who where then pushed down the social-economic ladder.This led to a surge of support for Plaid Cymru who added the demands that the welsh language should be taught and other things to do with culture ect into there manifesto.
Over the same period a small group of extremist welsh started to burn the homes of the english living in wales and general vandalism against them.From there its only a question of time before we start hearing of bombing and killings.
The british govt in response set up welsh tv-radio channels-changed all the signs to welsh and english....road signs...street names.-govt was devolved to give wales its own parliment-ect ect.
All the above and other measures that where introduced wiped out Plaid Cymru support.
So with the turkish govt introducing similar reforms in the kurdish areas of turkey it has slowly drained the support for the separatist and allowed for the political solution to move a step further forward.
yes kurds are wrong but they are turkish its a israeli plot of a civil war in turkey every turk should unite and finish off the terrorists and talk to those who call them self turkish kurds.long live turkey
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