Jigs, it is probably our heron, actually i am nearly sure it is ours. But ithe news are full with lies.(Mixed with some truth, that makes a lie dangerous.) I just wanted to show another perspective.
I can talk too much about this issues. But this is our internal problem and I dont want to talk our internal weaknesses on net. For example,
I think Erdogan and its AKP is the biggest problem for next 50 years.(With them or without them.) But telling these issues on net doesnt solve them even creates other problems.(even if they were false analyses) I think you can understand what I said. Think like this is a family issue.
That is classified and no one on here would know that based on solid information.
This may be classified for Israilies, but in our army even lieutenants know Israil have patrolling drones at our border, gathering information. This information is used for diffirent causes:
- Israil feels unsafe everytime.(and they should, because this is the thing holds their nation united.)
- Israil needs PKK for many reasons. This includes their long term ideological perspective and their economy like drug jobs of Israili intelligence agencies. (PKK is the biggest international drug carrier on this planet. Working with many countries, not just Israil.) Another reason is keeping busy Turkey with anti-terror war. In long term an etnical seperation would be great for Israil. (This is not good for us but good for Israil.)
- Israil needs information about us. Because we are strong in this region. (and we need information about other countries too. This is normal.)
- Israil also using these information for infiltration at borders. (For example Iskenderun incident this year.)
I can count many things. I think all these are normal. In internal politics everybody does nasty things including killing another nations members(at war or peace.), selling drugs for many reasons, supporting problematic fractions or creating problematic fractions. We are doing too, but not that much for last 50 years.
We are a threat for Israil's long term plans, and Israil is a threat for us too. This is normal too, these things happens. We are in a big conflict, but which country doesnt have conflicts with another country?
Many things are generally kept secret even from our own nations. But if you trace leaks and know how to reach information these are not big secrets. Actually all these information are easy to gather, just need to work on.
note: About classified informations: They may be classified in your country but your countries actions might be known by others. In this condition, that action is not a secret anymore. Might be secret in your people, it doesnt change anything.