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Pilots of Pakistan Air Force ( PAF )



Its clear that these F-7s have undergone some modification just in front of cockpit.....I did not note this structure earlier........

At least 136 Modifications were done on F7s before induction ( As Said by Air Commodore Sattar Alvi in 1989)
AIR MARSHAL did you ask the pilot before putting his photos. post 361, 362. Before downloading them from facebook .Please ask them.
Ok i don't want to open a new thread for this so i thought its appropriate thread to post this small piece of information..

P/O Michael Gorzula from Poland flew Hurricane's with No 607 Squadron during the Battle of Britain.Mieczylslaw (Michael or Mick) was born in Cracow, Poland, in 1919. He was one of approximately 140 Polish pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain. About 50% of them had been killed by the time WWII had ended. Towards the end of the war he shot down an ME 262 for which he was awarded the Polish Cross of Valor. In 1948 he went to Pakistan with a small group of Polish pilots who helped train the air force of that newly independent nation.

Afterwards, he emigrated to Australia where he now lives. He has three children (Stefan, Halina and Genufa) and three grandchildren (Stefania,Michael and Josef). The picture taken in Poland before WWII
Google Image Result for http://www.acesofww2.com/poland/gorzula/Gorzula1944wSPIT.jpg
even a non-air force like me can easily guess
that such a brave and dashing looking person
can only be one and that is our
Sir MuradK

No (sorry to bust your party) he is AVM salim uddin (Dear sir Muradk will remain a mystery):D
Must be quite honorable to serve your country like this... I'm 15, it's not too late, but I just can't.

I will try to help Pakistan in other ways.
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