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Pilot of missing MH370, Zaharie Ahmad Shah starts to unfold

Of course I'm half joking.

Better than your last grand post, Pakistan will be a super Power of South Aisa and dominates India If it can bring all mulsim countries in to one union with some blood shed.
Better than your last grand post, Pakistan will be a super Power of South Aisa and dominates India If it can bring all mulsim countries in to one union with some blood shed.

I didn't say will, I said could. And it could happen, not likely, but it could. Stranger things have happened. Like the ultra communist China turned into crazy capitalists in one night. Nobody thought red China would be where we are today. But here we are.
if everyone is still alive, how come no one texts/calls home?
Damn, THIS is our 9/11, I call this an act of terror, INTERNATIONAL terror, and time to declare a war on terror, now let's wait and see if Xi is the same as Bush.

Be great if the people are alive though, it does seem maybe it haven't crashed. But then again what do we know at this point really.
conspiracy theories by this UK news website nothing else.
it can bring all mulsim countries in to one union with some blood shed.
Why not? Then It will be easy for Pakistan to get kashmir and East Pakistan back . Correct?

How is it Possible when you are flying from country like Malaysia? :-)
alright hindu now run away. And dont log into this forum as its also Muslim forum and may blow off yr computer.:rofl:
Then you should wait till every airliner becomes a pilot less drone

I guess every major airline has one or more muslim pilots

No flying for you :crazy_pilot:

Just be safe

Why only flying...he will need to quit doing everything. ....

On a serious note, these profession calls for extra vigilance of people who are pilots etc. This guy was a known and hardcore sympathiser and should have been a red flag..

Just like corporate world does not have any space for hardcore /fanatic people or even people who are associated with any political party in India...of any kind..these profession should not allow anyone with fanatic leanings..
It would be amazing if all the passengers and crew come out alive of this mystery, but I don't think it would be possible for the pilot or a group of people to land and hide the plane on an active airport without government support.

However there is a remote possibility of using abandoned airstrip or a flat and hard stretch of land in some remote area of a country with limited or no air space surveillance.
The pilots were never dismissed by investigators. Let us be clear about this.

If the pilots, or one of them, has hijacked the aircraft for his own purpose, depressurizing the main cabin and render all passengers unconscious is the quickest and safest way to protect the flight deck from external interference, and in this post 9/11 environment, no passenger is going to be idle if he perceives his life is in danger.

All data links were sequentially turned off. This effectively ruled out any mechanical malfunction since if the malfunction is severe enough, all those data links would be severed within a few milliseconds of each other.

Those turns are important clues. If the pilots, or one pilot, planned this hijacking, the first turn would be precisely calculated to keep the aircraft on its original heading long enough to assure ground controllers that nothing is out of place, then an abrupt heading change back towards and eventually inside Malaysian airspace quick enough to head out again on the other side. Those three turns were at waypoints: Igari, Vampi, and Gival.

Waypoint IGARI Country SN

Waypoint VAMPI Country MY

Waypoint GIVAL Country MY

Exclusive: Radar data suggests missing Malaysia plane deliberately flown way off course - sources| Reuters
...the first two sources said the last confirmed position of MH370 was at 35,000 feet about 90 miles off the east coast of Malaysia, heading towards Vietnam, near a navigational waypoint called "Igari". The time was 1:21 a.m..

The military track suggests it then turned sharply westwards, heading towards a waypoint called "Vampi", northeast of Indonesia's Aceh province and a navigational point used for planes following route N571 to the Middle East.

From there, the plot indicates the plane flew towards a waypoint called "Gival",...

This is too precise to be the work of an amateur who took over the aircraft or something catastrophic happened to the aircraft and a professional pilot under the effects of hypoxia wandered the sky.

Or three waypoints composed to be one big coincidence.

Or the radar tracks interpreters from many countries were complete idiots and told the media completely wrong information.

As far as these airliners goes, they are designed to land, unload, reload, refuel, and take off again. They cannot do this, day in and day out, if their components are not hardy with many redundancies to ensure repeat operations. The longer they stay on the ground, the more money they lose. Every businessman know this. Servicing is not the same as maintenance. Usually, maintenance equals to troubleshooting and repairs while servicing is replenishment of consumables -- like fuel. Servicing is good and maintenance is money losing. So they are designed to be very reliable. That mean if MH370 landed on some rarely used or even abandoned airfield somewhere, all it takes is a minimum ground crew already in place ready to service the aircraft for whatever is its next flight. The ground crew does not need to be from any government.
Hijacked and landed where? at his home? You can hijack a plane but can't just hide it anywhere, you need to land at some airport.

May be some makeshift runway. The LTTE used such runways for their aircrafts during the insurgency campaign with much success.
Probably smaller planes can use smaller makeshift strips, heavy commercial airliners like Boeing won't be able to land safely and take off again from such strips.

May be some makeshift runway. The LTTE used such runways for their aircrafts during the insurgency campaign with much success.
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