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Pictures of North Korea

Considering how South Korea turned out Koreans seem a very capable people and therefore I feel specially sorry for the North Koreans. I suspect its the China that got North Korea where it is now as China wants North Korea to remain its b****h. Nothing good comes out of China; the JF-17 junk is just one example how China raped its ‘deeper than the seas and higher than Himalayas friendship' friend. China is a selfish bully and a threat to the whole world as far as I can see.

Is this why Notth Korea allied to the Soviet bloc for most of the Sino Soviet split? Is this why North Korean government propaganda is one of the most ultranationalist in the world including its ultra Korean Nationalist revisionism regarding its past relations with China? And is this why North Korea has been attacking Chinese fishermen to hold for ransom? Is this also why North Korean soldiers beat any north Korean women who is pregnant with a baby from a Chinese father until it gets aborted?
Pictures of a country called North Korea...very weird

Maybe he is too handsome?!

Seems the life is happening slowly and peacefully in NK...
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