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Pictures of North Korea

Funny how a mildly funny thread about North Korea's illustrious leader turned in to posts about bashing each others countries, peoples, and religions.
Considering how South Korea turned out Koreans seem a very capable people and therefore I feel specially sorry for the North Koreans. I suspect its the China that got North Korea where it is now as China wants North Korea to remain its b****h. Nothing good comes out of China; the JF-17 junk is just one example how China raped its ‘deeper than the seas and higher than Himalayas friendship' friend. China is a selfish bully and a threat to the whole world as far as I can see.
I was looking at those handsome pictures of Emperor Kim the III but then suddenly stupid comments appeared.
LOL your voice was heard...as for the Emperor, I wonder why he only has one wife. If he follows Chinese tradition, he would have at least a dozen wifes and concubines.
No but since you specially like to play bitches to Chinese that is why I give China a special mention.


since you are a ***** of west do tell me how u came to the conclusion above
let me tell u a thing they do bully other countries because of their border issues so do we
but you uncle same bullies every one it likes to it haqve no business in asia so why it have so many military bases in the region
so take your usual cr*p some where else
Considering how South Korea turned out Koreans seem a very capable people and therefore I feel specially sorry for the North Koreans. I suspect its the China that got North Korea where it is now as China wants North Korea to remain its b****h. Nothing good comes out of China; the JF-17 junk is just one example how China raped its ‘deeper than the seas and higher than Himalayas friendship' friend. China is a selfish bully and a threat to the whole world as far as I can see.

Like many common chinese, I wish N.Korea could implement its open and reform policy as soon as possible, so that NK people could not suffer any hardship.

It is not 1950s, although I do not know much about military, I think a buffer zone is not necessary due to current military technology. What's more, it's not Chinese who started the Korean War, it's Kim Il-sung. He dragged China and USSR in his boat.

No offense, as an individual person, you should walk and stand up all by yourself. It is also human nature that you will feel bad when we stopped giving you help. You are getting used to our help, when we cannot satisfy and promise you more than you expected, you started to complain, you started to blame Chinese. Actually, we do nothing wrong, we do not owe you anything.
Why don't you try do get stronger on your own hands? I think friendship is on an equal basis.
Actually, we do nothing wrong, we do not owe you anything.
Why don't you try do get stronger on your own hands? I think friendship is on an equal basis.

Well Japan is as strong as it can get and it has even been helping China economically for a long time until recently when China surpassed Japan as second largest economy and yet Japan still gets a hostile China. I don’t think it’s in the genes of Chinese Communist Party to be non-oppressive. They have oppressed everyone within and now they are aiming to oppress externally.
LOL your voice was heard...as for the Emperor, I wonder why he only has one wife. If he follows Chinese tradition, he would have at least a dozen wifes and concubines.

Are you suuurrrrrre?
27th May 2013: Kim Jong-un visits the Masik Mountain in Kangwon Province. He ordered building a luxurious ski resort with slopes and hotels.






Guess who is the man?

He is China's Vice Premier Li Yuanchao following North Korea's largest ever military parade in Pyongyang. Without food and fuel from the big brother China, North Korean regime would collapse in pieces within a year.

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