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Pictures of Iran before 1979





Ghavanino ke az khodeshoon dar nayavordan, ghavanine elsame ("shria law"). Dadash, khodeto chera gool mizani? secular ke migi hasty, ba ghavanine eslam ke moshkel dari, ba akhoodaham moshkel dari... khob onvaght chi chiye to mosalmoone? Hala on be khodet rabt dare.

Manam hichim nashode.
Hameye akhoonda hamishe bi pedaro madar boodan. Age man hichi nemigoftam bekhatere in bood ke jash nabood. To in thread baghie mibinan ke ma chi boodim, chi shodim. Injast ke bayad be baghie hali konim ke nane babahaye ma boodan ke eshtebah kardan va ma hich kareim.

Yavash yavasham dige daram az dorogh goftano, vanemood kardan ke hamechi khobo ba safast khaste misham. Dige kam kam mamlekat dare kamelan az ham mipashe. Chizi digi namoonde ke bakham azash defa konam.

Harki to Iran moonde ba badbakhti dare zendegi mikone, amsale manam ke az bachegi oftadan to ghorbat be fekre inke key mishe in kharab shode dorost beshe ke betoonim bar gardim be mamlekatemoon.

خب ابي جان ....
راستشو بخواي من هيچ وقت درباره ي اينكه همچي اينجا خوب و با صفاست دروغ نميگم.من هميشه باور داشتم و دارم كه تو خاورميانه قدرت برتريم.من هنوزم باور دارم كه ايران توانايي واستادن جلو روي امريكا رو داره .من هنوزم باور دارم مردم ايران تو جهان بهترينند.من واقعا باور دارم كه ايران سريع ترين رشد علمي دنيا رو داره.
اگه قدرت ايران رو به تعداد اف چهارده ها يا به بلندي برج هاي تهران ميبيني خوب بايد بدوني واقعا در اشتباهي بله واقعا ايران امروز بهتر از ايران زمان شاه خدا بيامرز ه
زمان شاه ٥ درصد روستا ها توشون يه لامپ نميتونستي پيدا كني .ولي الان ٩٩/٩٩ درصد روستا ها برق و اب و گاز دارند.من كسي هستم كه فاميلاي زيادي تو روستا دارم ولي الان كه ميبينمشون وضع همشون خوب شده.
تو زمان شاه بدون اجازه امريكا هيچ غلطي تو كشور نميتوستيم بكنيم ولي الان از نعمت استقلال بهره منديم
فكر كردي براي استقلال نبايد هزينه كرد .معلومه كه بايد هزينه كرد.معلومه بايد واسش خون بديم معلومه بايد واسش تو مصرف هاي روزانمون صرفه جويي كنيم

درباره پاراگرافه اولم بگم...
اينا هيچ شباهتي به جمهوري اسلامي واقعي ندارن...بهتره راجب حكومت علي(ع) يه تحقيقي بكني.حكومتي كه توش يه يهودي ميتونه خليفه مسلمين رو به دادگاه ببره و ازش شكايت كنه و حقش رو از خليفه مسلمين بگيره.ولي الان وقتي يكي مياد از خامنه اي انتقاد كنه سروكارش با اوين و زندان گوهردشته.
درضمن ابي جان جونه مادرت نگو كه تا حالا پاتو و از ايران خارج نكردي و اينجور چيزاكه كه در اشتباهي
Thanks for sharing nice pictures.

Sad to see how Iranian government has turned Iran

from Internationally respected leader

to internationally condemned thief.

Truly sad
Man not even the commies really, but wish he did

The ******* commies were loyal to the Soviets.

My own father was a hardcore communists. The man barely got touched before the revolution. After the revolution the mullahs threw his communist asss in jail for two solid years and he was almost executed.

If the mullahs did one thing right, it was the mass execution of the ******* communists. I'm being an idealist here and ignoring the fact that my own father was one of them of course.

You talk to my father today and even now it seems he's more loyal to his commie crap ideology than Iran.

The shah was an angel compared to IR. The mullahs have executed between 30K-50K ppl in their reign. The shah prolly didn't even jail 5000, let alone execute that many. And if you weren't a threat to natioanl security during the shah times, nobody cared about you. It's the same as US right now. People didn't know how good they had it.

My ungrateful father still talks **** about the shah. Our post-rev generations are a million times more rational and educated than the pre-revolution generation Iranians.

Thanks for your honesty.

Many commies in Pakistan refuse to accept they are commie. Instead they falsify themselves as "progressives", or "Isalmic liberals", or the "followers of Khalifa Rashidun".

But in reality they are all little mice of Carl Marx.

Questions for you.

Was your father active against Shah? or just a believer in communism?

Was in university during Shah or already graduated before 1979?

خب ابي جان نگاه كن جه طور اين يارو پاكستاني و اونيارو پاكستاني ضد ايرانيه(حال ندارم اسمشو سرچ كنم) و پان تركا دارن پستاتو لايك ميدن!اينه هموني كه ميخواي؟
we have independence after revolution, i really like our military industries,nowadays we have power and our hand is everywhere and we decide to what to do and no one can order us.I dont care what west countries and their media say about us. during shah the social rules were better than now and about foreign and internal policy both regimes did wrong,
i suggest to people who are visiting this thread to dont judge about islamic republic by these pics, both regimes have some good points and bad point.you guys can also see other threads about iran
. . . .
خب ابي جان ....
راستشو بخواي من هيچ وقت درباره ي اينكه همچي اينجا خوب و با صفاست دروغ نميگم.من هميشه باور داشتم و دارم كه تو خاورميانه قدرت برتريم.من هنوزم باور دارم كه ايران توانايي واستادن جلو روي امريكا رو داره .من هنوزم باور دارم مردم ايران تو جهان بهترينند.من واقعا باور دارم كه ايران سريع ترين رشد علمي دنيا رو داره.
اگه قدرت ايران رو به تعداد اف چهارده ها يا به بلندي برج هاي تهران ميبيني خوب بايد بدوني واقعا در اشتباهي بله واقعا ايران امروز بهتر از ايران زمان شاه خدا بيامرز ه
زمان شاه ٥ درصد روستا ها توشون يه لامپ نميتونستي پيدا كني .ولي الان ٩٩/٩٩ درصد روستا ها برق و اب و گاز دارند.من كسي هستم كه فاميلاي زيادي تو روستا دارم ولي الان كه ميبينمشون وضع همشون خوب شده.
تو زمان شاه بدون اجازه امريكا هيچ غلطي تو كشور نميتوستيم بكنيم ولي الان از نعمت استقلال بهره منديم
فكر كردي براي استقلال نبايد هزينه كرد .معلومه كه بايد هزينه كرد.معلومه بايد واسش خون بديم معلومه بايد واسش تو مصرف هاي روزانمون صرفه جويي كنيم

درباره پاراگرافه اولم بگم...
اينا هيچ شباهتي به جمهوري اسلامي واقعي ندارن...بهتره راجب حكومت علي(ع) يه تحقيقي بكني.حكومتي كه توش يه يهودي ميتونه خليفه مسلمين رو به دادگاه ببره و ازش شكايت كنه و حقش رو از خليفه مسلمين بگيره.ولي الان وقتي يكي مياد از خامنه اي انتقاد كنه سروكارش با اوين و زندان گوهردشته.

Hata ba ye chizi ke gofti movafegh nistam.

Ma to khavare miane ghodrate bartarim? Jedi? Az nazare eghtesad ke hicham nistim. Az nazare ghodrate nezami ke bazam hichim. Hamin soosmar khora age orze dashtan (ke nadaran) mitoonestan ba in hame asbab bazi ke jam kardan Irano shokhm bezanan. Fekr kardi nirooye havaiye emarato, arabestano... shookhie? Ina hame behtarinaro daran. Khode ma age oon hame tajhizate amrikairo nadashtim ke jolo saddam kam ovorde boodim.

Chi migi ma tavanaiye istadan jolo amrikaro darim? Ro che hesabi hamchin harfe khandedariro mizani? Amrika 50 darsade ghodrate daryayiye donyaro dare, nirooye havish mitoone kole donyaro shokhm bezane, abar ghodrate eghtesadie donyast, ta do sale dige az arabestanam bishtar shro mikone naft estekhraj kardan, bozorgtarin oil reservaye donyaro dare... Kafie ye kalam harf bezane kole donya jolosh tazim mikonan. Hala jomhoori eslami rafte ye mosht kharab shodaro dore khodesh jam karde (mese keshvaraye afrigha) fekr mikoni kari mitoone soorat bede joloye oroopa, amrikaye shomali va asiyaye sharghi? Baba az khaab bidar sho. Har rooz daran sanctionaye jadid mizaran roo mamlekat ma ham hich gohi nemitoonim bokhorim bad to migi ma mitoonim jolo amrika vaisim? lol

Mardome Iran to jahan behtarinan? To chi oonvaght ma behtarinim? BA harf zadan hich kas be jai nareside ke ma dovomish bashim.

Roshte elmi khoobe, vali vaghti pool dashte bashim ke in roshte elmiro be estefade bendazim, ke nadarim. Gharb dare sadha billion dollar kharj mikone vase R&D. Ma hanooz darim khoshhali mikonim ke scientific paper darim midim biroon.

Az in dastana ke roostaha injoor boodan hala injoor shodanam dige vaghean khaste shodam. Baba, 40 sale pish bood. 40 sale pish kore jonobi kolan ye deh bood, alan az gharb behtare. Chera rahe door berim? Turkiyaro negah kon. 40 sale pish ashghal dooni bood, alan chand sal poshte sareham bishtarin roshde orooparo dashte. Sathe zendegi sadha barabar az oon chizi ke bood chel sal pish roshd karde. Ta 20 sale dige Turkiye dar sathe ye keshvare oroopaiye.

Hala berim sare asle matlab. MA CHE ESTEGHLALI DARIM? Hameye donya az Iran motenaferan. Hichkasam ke do gheroon az Iran hesab nemibare. Har kasam har gohi mikhad mikhore ma hich kari nemitoonim bokonim. Sanction poshte sanction. Mashallah be in esteghlal.
The lvl of corruption in society today is 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times higher. I'm talking curruption on every level.

Also oil money was used for the country. Yeah, the royal family spent a lot of it on itself, but that was peanuts compared to the amount of oil money that's in the pockets of IR officials today. You then add on the tens of billions that go out of the country towards hezbollah, hamas and the wahabi palistinians and we have even a bigger disaster on our hands. If all this wasn't enough, we also have the IRGC. The IRGC pretty much controlls Iran's economy today. Every major contract goes to them. So essentially the mone that is used for the betterment of the country ends up getting funnelled back into the pockets of officials. Finally on a micro lvl corruption is also higher today. People lie, there is no trust, bribery is off the charts etc...

Speaking of Corruption, Does Iran have any Anti-Corruption organizations? Or maybe a corruption anonymous tip hotline? Those things GREATLY reduce over all corruption in the country.
. . .

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