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Pictures of China

Shenzhen Reservoir and pavilion in 1980

This island, with pavilion, is located near the southeastern corner of the reservoir. I believe this photo was taken from the east side of the reservoir, looking west.


Restaurant at Shenzhen Reservoir

"After stopping at a pavilion which had an exhibit on this area, we next went to the restaurant."

I believe this is "the restaurant." Notes state that the tour group "had a good, multi-course Chinese meal."


Outside of Shenzhen town

Notes state that, from Shenzhen Reservoir, "we then set out for the town itself. We had about 45 minutes to wander about."

Shadows suggest that I was facing east, which - if correct - would mean I walked west a bit, away from the built-up area and the railway.

Countryside -1 Shenzhen in 1980

Looking northeast. Part of "panorama," continuing from previous photo. I would not post these "uninteresting" views ... but I wonder what this location looks like today.


Countryside -3,

I believe that I was facing west-northwest.

Shenzhen in 1980

After lunch, we returned to Shenzhen and had 45 minutes to wander about.


Residential lane

Compared to Hong Kong, Shenzhen was a very quiet, sleepy place. This is part of the Luohu district today.

Outside a shop

I did not think to try to obtain a map of Shenzhen, which might have helped me find the location of some of these photos.


Street scene

I wonder what this location looks like today ...


Shenzhen in 1980
Two-wheel transport

Transportation was by foot and bicycle. Because of this, this part of town was remarkably quiet. The loudest sounds were those made by bicycle bells.


Not a motor vehicle in sight,

There were motor vehicles in Shenzhen, but I did not see any in this area.

"I made a circuit of the town, it was quite - well, dull - but fascinating."

China is so beautiful, and that bridge is amazing :)

The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone had not been approved, but it was "in the works." This was one of the very few "construction sites" that I saw.


The "dusty town of Shenzhen,"

Has any urban area on Earth ever grown so rapidly and changed so dramatically in such a short time as Shenzhen?


Residential lane,

Again, I would not post an "uninteresting" photo like this ... but this is Shenzhen, as it was less than 30 years ago, and ...


Near "the center,"

This photo was taken near the "busiest part of town."

I wonder what this location looks like today ...

To tell you the true, more than 95% structures in the 80s are no longer exist today. They have been torn and retorn to build new structures.

Below is a photo, a view of Lok Ma Chau ( 落馬洲) wetland from Shenzhen, that gives me a different kind of memory. During the 80s I used to bike to one of the hill top and watched the beginning stage of constructions of Shenzhen with skeptical amazement that it'll never catchup to the level of Hong Kong developments.

Now, it seems, we're the poorer of the two with Lok Ma Chau (2nd picture) unchanged and Shenzhen's totally modernized.


Shenzhen in 1980
"Main square,"

This area was the closest thing I saw to a "main square" in Shenzhen.


CITS tour bus,

I believe that the bus in the background is the one used by our tour group.


This was some sort of shop - I do not remember what sort. I took this photo, and the following one:
Shenzhen in 1980
"... and then changed money. I quickly gave up the idea of buying anything when I realized that there was nothing suitable to buy - no postcards - and I did not understand the currency. Buying a soda provided a lesson in 'renminbi.' I resolved to re-exchange it."


Dōngfēng (东风) class diesel locomotive,

My first railway photograph in China (... or so I would have said back then).

We didn't have the immediate feedback of digital photography back then. However, I knew somehow that this view was not the best. Notes read: "I could have done better ..."

(东风, Dōngfēng, = "East Wind," or "Oriental")



The last stop on the CITS tour was "the local kindergarten.' This I found very interesting. Back then, my "first job" was working as an instructional aide (teacher's assistant) at an elementary school.



Tour members wandered around the school courtyard, snapping photos. I do not remember any of the teachers or children speaking English. Nor do I remember any tour members speaking Chinese. I might have tried "Ni hao ma?" or just "Hello," but I do not remember. The children appeared to take all of this in stride. They were very well behaved, although I did see a bit of low-key mischief.

Shenzhen in 1980
Kindergarten children,

Imagine what a story each of these kids might tell today about the amazing transformation of their city.


Kindergarten children

This photo was taken more than 28 years ago, so these children are "thirtysomethings" by now.

Shenzhen in 1980
"Look at all those foreigners!"

The kids did talk with each other, but they did not make much effort to attract attention from us visitors.



Shenzhen in 1980
Inside a classroom

I stepped into a classroom, camera in hand, and took this photo. (Available-light image, high-speed Ektachrome film, exposed at ISO 800.)

"The teacher seemed not to mind."


By the water,

At the risk of repetition, I wonder what this area looks like today.


Shenzhen in 1980, pics over
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