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Picture shows exactly what shot down the Malaysian airline

First, the Russian MOD released imagery showing that Ukrainian Buk systems were located in the region near where the airplane crashed. Second, the Russian MOD stated that its radars had noted two Ukrainian aircraft, one of which was a Su-25 fighter jet, tailing the Malaysian airliner immediately prior to its crash. The Russian government speculates that either 1) Ukrainian air defense forces were mistakenly aiming at the Su-25, having assumed it was a Russian plane, shot down the airliner by mistake or 2) they deliberately shot at the airliner in order to pin the attack on the separatists.
Who shot down MH 17? | Russian Military Reform

The appearance on radar and video recordings of four aircraft in the vicinity at the time of the crash: MH17, two other Asia-Europe commercial flights, and an unidentified plane that approached MH17 within 3 to 5 km just before the crash. MH17 was only 51 km from the Russian border when it went down, and was about to be handed off to Russian ATC in Rostov-on-Don. Makushev noted that the fourth aircraft was visible to the Rostov center for only four minutes, because it had been climbing, whereas the radar sweep does not detect craft below 5000m. Since the plane did not respond to ATC signals, he raised the question of its being military, possibly an Su-25 fighter jet. The 10500m altitude of MH17 is at the very top of the operating range of the Su-25. The Russian officers raised questions about the whereabouts of Ukraine fighters and their air-to-air weapons at the time MH17 fell. Kartapolov said, “[We] would like to get an explanation as to why the military jet was flying along a civil aviation corridor at almost the same time and at the same level as a passenger plane.”
Putin, Russian Military Raise Questions, Call for Transparency in MH17 Investigation | LaRouche Irish Brigade
3-5km > not as close as in 'supposed foreign satelite image'?
su-25 > looks entirely different.

Briefing by the Russian Ministry of Defense, 21 July 2014

Aerial pic of SU-25s

Su-27 with SU-25

Mig 29 and Su 27 together

Blow up of fighter jet in 'supposed foreign sat image'
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Assuming that pic is real (and that IS an assumption at this point)
Look who posted the info,at what kind of media.One cant simply post such information without prior approval.We are not talking here about some celebrity gossip - it is serious matter for Russia.Most probably posted info is mix between real and fake - it is another way of Russai saying"We know who did it" .Just hours after the incident all western goverments and media were 100% sure it was Russia fault and demonizing campaign has started.But months after -not a single proof delivered neither to that investigation commitee(not that i have any illusion about them being neutral and will do proper investigation) nor to UN.Nothing -just changing narrative and lies.
As for Russia disclosure -most probably they will wait till next summer.Giving more rope to Ukraine and their backers to hang themselves.
There appear to be issues with the image.
Russen maken fake spionage-foto MH17: dit zijn de fouten! | Stop de bankiers
Were MH17 'satellite images' photoshopped? Pictures slammed as 'shoddy fakes' | Daily Mail Online

Boeing: Image Gallery
Compare to this hi-res version

Moreover, the story is inconsistent with the pic: if gunned first, the cockpit would have been gone prior to the missile firing.

The airliner in the pic is almost on top of the crash site, which is just below of the cloud patch in the top right corner. Flying at 10km, doing 555km/h.... she'ld have to go almost straight down to make that.
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Old news. The photo was debunked by Reddit the same day it was shown on Russian TV (14Nov14). bellingcat - Russian State Television Shares Fake Images of MH17 Being Attacked

In brief:
1) The "attacking aircraft" in the photo is an Su-27, rather than a MiG-29, as claimed by the "experts". It is very clearly not an Su-25, per scenarios previously suggested by Russia.
2) The "experts" have no documented expertise, and demonstrated ignorance.
3) The target plane depicted is a 767-200. MH-17 was a 777.
4) The target aircraft appears to be in Boeing livery, based on the location of the large text on the side of the aircraft.
5) The scale between the two aircraft is off.
6) The location depicted is not where the crash occurred.
7) The timestamp on the photo is 12hrs before the event. Sloppy, sloppy, at least get that right.
8) Various people have pieced together the probably original photos that were used to create the image - a couple of satellite photos and two different aircraft images. Dates are all well before the incident.

It should be pointed out as well that this was a Russian state TV channel, but it appears they were acting on their own - that is, it was not a Russian government operation that was being executed, but rather some overzealous reporters who found an image on the internet and used it without further investigation or vetting. So, it's fair to say the people directly involved were idiots, but not necessarily fair to blame this particular forgery on Russia or the Russian government. Probably a random fanboy who isn't that good at Photoshop (but still better than me...).

There is some suggestions that Russian officials were upset with the TV station, as being so obviously wrong is not conducive to persuading the world that Russia is telling the truth.
The location depicted is not where the crash occurred
It IS quite near the crash location, too close actually if you allow for forward motion of 555km/h and time it takes to fall from 10km to 0m.

Never claiimed new news. Where you with your post when it was needed?
why is this thread still open??? obvious hoax/photoshop :tdown:
It IS quite near the crash location, too close actually if you allow for forward motion of 555km/h and time it takes to fall from 10km to 0m.

Never claiimed new news. Where you with your post when it was needed?
:-) I didn't see it myself until Monday or Tuesday. By then, it was old news. I considered posting it just for the MiG-29/Su-27/Su-25 dynamic - I expect people here like looking at photos to identify aircraft, but then found this thread running.

I thought the most important thing was to head of the speculation that was the Russian government. It _could_ have been, but its pretty doubtful - they wouldn't have missing the aircraft types at the very least.
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