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Picture shows exactly what shot down the Malaysian airline


May 21, 2006
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what you think ? intentional or unintentional
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Seems photoshop. That is a Su27 flanker, maybe Ukrainian maybe Russian.
Western officials have, on the other hand, claimed Flight MH17 was hit by a Russian-made surface-to-air missile fired by pro-Russia forces.
On Friday November 14th, Russian state television ran a story of supposed foreign satellite images showing the last moments of flight MH17, with a fighter jet appearing to fire at the plane.
New radar data indicating that military aircraft were in the air near Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 when it crashed in eastern Ukraine on July 17 has been released by a Russian air safety consultancy.
The "leaked" pictures show a missile streaking towards the MH17 flight which was downed, killing all 298 people on board, it was claimed.
A report on Friday by Channel One Russia claimed to have unearthed a "sensational" satellite photo of the last seconds of flight MH17 over Ukraine. Russian state television has produced a "satellite image" that allegedly showed Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 being shot down by a fighter jet yesterday, in what appeared to be a crude fake deliberately released on the eve of the G20 economic summit.
Mikhail Leontyev, editor and host of “Odnako” evening show on Kremlin-owned Channel One TV, dropped the bombshell: an American whistleblower had come forward with a 'satellite' image of a 'Ukrainian fighter jet' shooting down MH17.
Photoshopped. There was no coincidence on who shot what down. The aircraft was travelling over airspace it should not have been.
what you think ? intentional or unintentional
Seems photoshop. That is a Su27 flanker, maybe Ukrainian maybe Russian.
Western officials have, on the other hand, claimed Flight MH17 was hit by a Russian-made surface-to-air missile fired by pro-Russia forces.
an American whistleblower had come forward with a 'satellite' image of a 'Ukrainian fighter jet' shooting down MH17.
Photoshopped. There was no coincidence on who shot what down. The aircraft was travelling over airspace it should not have been.

CNN: US Never Apologized or Admitted Shooting Down Iranian Airliner in 1988
Eric Garris, July 25, 2014
I was amazed to see this on CNN last night.

Erin Burnett reported on other passenger airliners that have been shot down, focusing on the 1988 shooting down of an Iranian passenger airliner by the US Navy, killing all 274 on board.

The US government worked hard to cover up the event and later to justify it. Vice President George H.W. Bush said before the UN:

“I will never apologize for the United States – I don’t care what the facts are.”

To this day, the US has still refused to apologize or to take responsibility for the deaths of 274 innocent people. Year later, the US agreed to pay $60 million to the families of the dead, without admitting responsibility.

Burnett compared the situation to the downing of Malaysia Airlines MH17 over Ukraine last week. She then interviewed presidential worshipper and former advisor David Gergen who admitted that it was “strikingly similar” to the MH17 events, but then tried to explain it was different because we were in the region to do good, unlike Putin’s involvement with events on Russia’s border.

CNN: US Never Apologized or Admitted Shooting Down Iranian Airliner in 1988 « Antiwar.com Blog
CNN: US Never Apologized or Admitted Shooting Down Iranian Airliner in 1988
Eric Garris, July 25, 2014
I was amazed to see this on CNN last night.

Erin Burnett reported on other passenger airliners that have been shot down, focusing on the 1988 shooting down of an Iranian passenger airliner by the US Navy, killing all 274 on board.

The US government worked hard to cover up the event and later to justify it. Vice President George H.W. Bush said before the UN:

“I will never apologize for the United States – I don’t care what the facts are.”

To this day, the US has still refused to apologize or to take responsibility for the deaths of 274 innocent people. Year later, the US agreed to pay $60 million to the families of the dead, without admitting responsibility.

Burnett compared the situation to the downing of Malaysia Airlines MH17 over Ukraine last week. She then interviewed presidential worshipper and former advisor David Gergen who admitted that it was “strikingly similar” to the MH17 events, but then tried to explain it was different because we were in the region to do good, unlike Putin’s involvement with events on Russia’s border.

CNN: US Never Apologized or Admitted Shooting Down Iranian Airliner in 1988 « Antiwar.com Blog

The US shot down the airliner mistaking it for an F-14 while conducting combat operations. In this case, whilst it was flying over a combat zone, no side has taken responsibility for shooting the aircraft down.
Not releasing ATC records,not releasing AWACS data,not releasing satelite data by USA&Co(who keeps blaming Russia without a single proof for it) speak enough which side did it.If Russia really did it-why not release the information and close the case?USA&co cant release non-existent proof of Russia fault neither can falsify it.At the end someone will have to answer for the murder of all people on board of MH17.And this "someone" will be Ukraine and its backers in the West.
guys wt happened no wreckage of any sort sound like a conspiracy to me

what you think ? intentional or unintentional
I think I want to know the following:
- What is the origin of this pic (where did you find it? what is the claimed source (who took it, how dit is get online)?)
- Why use a missile at that close range?
- Do the relative sizes of the aircraft match, given the distance between them?
- Doesn't the R-73 SRAAM have a smokeless rocket motor?
- How can you tell the fighter in the pic is Ukrainian Air Force, rather than someone else's?
(e.g. Mig 29: 80 in service in 2013, 45 MiG-29s aircraft were captured by the Russian Armed Forces, 37 MiG-29s were handed back to Ukraine by late May 2014 [thus leaving 8 in Russian hands]. Initially mothballed, the fleet of MiG-29s was in April 2014 restored to active service. e.g. The Pentagon purchased two Russian-made Su-27 fighter jets from Ukraine , maybe it's the Americans)

  • Length: 21.9 m (72 ft)
  • Length: 17.37 m (57 ft)
Boeing 777-200ER
  • length 209 ft 1 in (63.7 m) > just under 3x Su27, 4x Mig29
  • wingspan 199 ft 11 in (60.9 m) > just over 4x Su-27, 5x Mig29
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guys wt happened no wreckage of any sort sound like a conspiracy to me
Wreckage is currently being collected from the crash site by the international investigative team
6 Nov 2014
Dutch Safety Board commissions the recovery of MH17 wreckage
The Dutch Safety Board has commissioned the recovery and transportation to the Netherlands of wreckage from flight MH17. As part of the investigation into the cause and progress of the crash, the Dutch Safety Board intends to reconstruct a section of the aircraft.

18 Nov 2014
Third day wreckage recovery
This morning the recovery of wreckage from flight MH17 has been continued for the third day in a row. The opportunity for the recoveryteam to be able to work at the crashsite depends on safetyconditions and weatherconditions. The first two days the team was able to work as planned and wreckage has been brought to Torez and loaded into trains. Later on the wreckage will be transported to Kharkov.
Dutch Safety Board | Investigations & Publication | Investigation crash MH17, 17 July 2014
Not releasing ATC records,not releasing AWACS data,not releasing satelite data by USA&Co(who keeps blaming Russia without a single proof for it) speak enough which side did it.If Russia really did it-why not release the information and close the case?USA&co cant release non-existent proof of Russia fault neither can falsify it.At the end someone will have to answer for the murder of all people on board of MH17.And this "someone" will be Ukraine and its backers in the West.
Where is the Russian sat data - if any?
Western officials have, on the other hand, claimed Flight MH17 was hit by a Russian-made surface-to-air missile fired by pro-Russia forces.
On Friday November 14th, Russian state television ran a story of supposed foreign satellite images showing the last moments of flight MH17, with a fighter jet appearing to fire at the plane.
New radar data indicating that military aircraft were in the air near Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 when it crashed in eastern Ukraine on July 17 has been released by a Russian air safety consultancy.
The "leaked" pictures show a missile streaking towards the MH17 flight which was downed, killing all 298 people on board, it was claimed.
A report on Friday by Channel One Russia claimed to have unearthed a "sensational" satellite photo of the last seconds of flight MH17 over Ukraine. Russian state television has produced a "satellite image" that allegedly showed Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 being shot down by a fighter jet yesterday, in what appeared to be a crude fake deliberately released on the eve of the G20 economic summit.
Mikhail Leontyev, editor and host of “Odnako” evening show on Kremlin-owned Channel One TV, dropped the bombshell: an American whistleblower had come forward with a 'satellite' image of a 'Ukrainian fighter jet' shooting down MH17.
How does Russian state television get 'supposed foreign satellite images' ?
> who's satellite?
> how did that end up with Russian state TV?
What new radar data, who's radar, why wasn't this obtained before? How did a Russian air safety consultant come by it?

Where is the Russian sat data - if any?
Seems you missed the press conference of Russian MoD(true not enough info was put out).Seems you missed questions by Russia and left by no answers from Ukraine.Missed or conviniently decide to ignore them since they do not fit your narrative?End of the day it does not matter-results will be out next summer.Lets see what kind of sentences Ukraine and their partners in crime from the West will get then.
Seems you missed the press conference of Russian MoD(true not enough info was put out).Seems you missed questions by Russia and left by no answers from Ukraine.Missed or conviniently decide to ignore them since they do not fit your narrative?End of the day it does not matter-results will be out next summer.Lets see what kind of sentences Ukraine and their partners in crime from the West will get then.
Anyone (including you and me) can ask questions. Few actually have the capacilities to take sat pics. Both the US and Russia have far more surveillance capabilities than any other player in the region. If you want full info, where is the sat data, radar data etc from both US and Russia? Meanwhile, do you think, realistically, either will give full disclosure (thus revealing the level of capability to their opponent)?

Assuming that pic is real (and that IS an assumption at this point), how can you tell who's fighter that is?
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