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Picture of the Day


A man throws animal organs to the birds at Kimari Bridge in Karachi, while a young girl carries wheat dough to sell. Many street children here sell animal organs and wheat dough to help support their families. Girls should be encouraged to go to schools for an educated generation.


Amjad, 11, works at a brick kiln near Lahore. His entire family does the same kind of work. They are paid according to the number of bricks produced on a daily basis. Instead of pushing a wheelbarrow, Amjad should be carrying a school bag and going to school.


Exhausted from work, a young sits on garbage collected in one day from the dumpsites of Karachi. He collects garbage and pieces of metal from the streets every day to sell in order to support his family. This child deserves a better future where education is the focus of his daily life, not work.

What Pakistan is going to do with poor children??? It is hurt feeling to see these beautiful children to work in the labors, we didn't do anything.

See more pictures "Selling Childhood" (June 12 2012)
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3048311 said:
pakistan picture is photo shopped

Its common mentality of Indians which can often be seen in their movies as well that All women in Pakistan wear burka and are victim of abuse and all men have beards and are radicals..........

Several Indian mackerel swim with their mouths wide open, feeding on plankton and larvae in the shallows of the Red Sea off Egypt. British photographer Dr Alex Tattersall said: I came across them not too far down and they just looked so beautiful hanging there with their mouths open.
Picture: National News and Pictures / Dr Alex Tattersall


This photo, captured on a mobile phone, shows a huge cloud hovering threateningly over Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia


Three baby Little Owls anxiously peer out from their nest hoping to catch a glimpse of their mother bringing back dinner. Wildlife photographer Richard Peters photographed the owlets on farmland in Sussex.


A woman smiles and waves as she rests her head in the jaws of a crocodile during a show at Sriracha Tiger Zoo in Sriracha, Thailand

...The sound of a brass band playing Rule Britannia was clearly audible over the barbed wired border in La Linea, where a handful of Spaniards had turned out to watch the spectacle. Antonio Jimenez, draped in a Spanish flag, called it 'an act of provocation'.


Telegraph reader Joe Pilkington writes: On the eve of the Olympic torch relay in Edinburgh, the Mound is ready to welcome the torch on its climb to Edinburgh Castle. New Town and the Firth of Forth are seen in the background at twilight. If you have a photograph you'd like us to consider for a picture gallery, please email it to mypic@telegraph.co.uk, supplying a little info on where and when the picture was taken.


Police officers arrest a Polish football fan during clashes before the Group A Euro 2012 match between Poland and Russia in Warsaw


Russian defender Sergey Ignashevich vies with Polish defender Marcin Wasilewski during their Euro 2012 championships football at the National Stadium in Warsaw

Several Indian mackerel swim with their mouths wide open, feeding on plankton and larvae in the shallows of the Red Sea off Egypt. British photographer Dr Alex Tattersall said: I came across them not too far down and they just looked so beautiful hanging there with their mouths open.
Picture: National News and Pictures / Dr Alex Tattersall


This photo, captured on a mobile phone, shows a huge cloud hovering threateningly over Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

Wowww Subhan ALLAH !

ever done this?


Afghan money changer (Probably in the days of Inflation)


Guess who|?


Obama paying respect to a mosque..Entering bare footed.

Shahid Afridi :)

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