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PIA to face further losses

PIA is one of the poor dumbest Airline , they r Always late , air staff behaviour is very rude.. Etc etc Etihad Is gud

That I wouldn't say. The staff is pretty good especially considering the fact that most people travelling with PIA consider that PIA un key chachay ki airline hai and behave rudely with the staff comparing to how they behave with staff on other airlines.
PIA is one of the poor dumbest Airline , they r Always late , air staff behaviour is very rude.. Etc etc Etihad Is gud
I travelled on PIA from London in April. Flight was to Islamabad and we were flying on a 777.

Three toilets were out of order, the food was so bad that a revolt erupted as passengers had paid around £740.00 per ticket. The 'iceberg lettuce' was blackened and rotten, and the rest of the salad and food was hardly edible.

Added to the fact that our headset entertainment units didn't work, and numerous requests to cabin crew (glass of water, blanket) went unheeded, it all added to the worst PIA experience to date.

It was a stark contrast to last year which was so impressive.

However, certain passengers do add to the poor flight experience.

Such a shame that BA stopped flying to Isloo and that the ME airlines don't fly direct.
@BATMAN: DGMO and others are pakistanis, but look at them what they say about PIA.
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It is not a good time to layoff several thousand people from PIA. Already, the unemployment is sky rocketing and with more layoffs, things will get depressing. Privatization is a solution but a fair one is a key to solve problems. In our country, we are mentally corrupted from a beggar to the president. PIA is just an example of many state run rotten eggs. Private industry has it's say, I mean where are the regulations? Perhaps, regulations are present but no one wants to enforce them.

I hate this ideology of people:
PIA meri mami ki airline hai.
Lahore airport ko apnay dad ka personal airport samjtay hain.

The very same people behave normally abroad but when they visit Pakistan, they think that its their own home.

Government should have solid regulations governing private industry and should enforce those laws but state run institutions are a no no.

As Fatman mentioned earlier: The slogan of Rooti Kapra, Makan should be changed to education, education AND education.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
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PIA is one of the poor dumbest Airline , they r Always late , air staff behaviour is very rude.. Etc etc Etihad Is gud

PIA is better than sum, every flown in Aeroflot? And the reason the staff appears rude, is because of the general customer that comes onbaord a PIA flight is an uncouth, sub human cretin who usually oggles at the hostesses and then keeps demanding drinks and meals or constandly floats about in the ilse creating a health and safety hazard.

Granted this duck is pretty much dead, but its still better than some. And comparing PIA to world leading airlines is both foolish and wrong. It was strong once, sadly due to mis-management and the rest of the nonsesne it is now a mere shadow of it's former self.

Also Airblue domestic and europe has had a massive impact on PIA's coffers.
PIA has to be privatized. Sell 45% shares and we'll get a profitable company within an year.

First of all, i don't know why you don't like criticism on zardari but your self don't miss chance to malign pakistan.

Do you think i'm stupid enough to blame Afghanis as traitors? and neither did i remember using the word for them.
It seems you are bit sensitive this word but it is my belief that our govt. is bunch of anti Pakistan tola.

They all are convicted criminals and this is fact which you can hide by deleting my posts but than forum rules needed to be modified to not speak truth or spread only anti Pakistaniat is allowed.

Now replying to your comment above.... i say hand over the govt. to those who have never been held in jail.... this will be an alternate solution.
Just forcing a profit oriented airline to loss just to buy its shares is no justice.
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Do you think i'm stupid enough to blame Afghanis as traitors?

I dont call you stupid, but a bit naive, i have seen this naivity in your other posts as well. Why should i be traitor to paksitan while i dont hold its nationality? I am surely defending the ligitimate interests of Afghanistna here and else where, thats what you do for pakistan.
@BATMAN: DGMO and others are pakistanis, but look at them what they say about PIA.

It isnot about criticism..... it is about troll comments....
PIA is one of the poor dumbest Airline
Neither is PIA poorest neither it is dumbest!
It may have been hijacked by newely hired staff but dumb is not enough.... we need some description of dumb attitude and some reference, with date and flight leg.
I'm not happy with PIA but when i claim i'll reason for it.

i along with 180 million Pakistanis....blame every thing on govt.. because as they say....... buck stops with the P.M. and President!
I dont call you stupid, but a bit naive, i have seen this naivity in your other posts as well. Why should i be traitor to paksitan while i dont hold its nationality? I am surely defending the ligitimate interests of Afghanistna here and else where, thats what you do for pakistan.

When you and alike have difficulty in understanding my English than we are going in circles...
I meant exactly same as you do....its just different way of sayign it.... same can be rephrased as e.g. how a sane person can blame any foreigner a traitor?
SO......I NEVER BLAMED YOU AS TRAITOR? becuase i know the meaning of traitor.
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I do not need to reply to your accusations but as you challenged forum policy hence I need to reply.

First of all, i don't know why you don't like criticism on zardari but your self don't miss chance to malign pakistan.

I am not answerable to you but valid criticism on anybody is appreciated. Your comment which I deleted had nothing to do with Asif Ali Zardari, even remotely. As for the lameduck accusations of "maligning" Pakistan, that is something that is a product of ideological indoctrination whereby anything that appears to be in conflict with the grand narrative taught to you or even slightly different than your own opinions is labeled "anti-Pakistan", "propaganda" and "conspiracy". Along those very lines you accused other forum members in your deleted post of not knowing anything about the concerned topic rather you accused them of being either Indians or Afghans born in Pakistan. Clearly, you have no respect for any other member or his/her opinion. Choice of bad words on their part does not justify your rant.

If you cannot help but question other member's intentions or loyalties, then your comments will face the same moderation. As for the usual lame-duck accusations on me, I cannot care less for I am able to engage in healthy debate with many members here and can definitely ignore many others.

Do you think i'm stupid enough to blame Afghanis as traitors? and neither did i remember using the word for them.

You claimed that it was hard to differentiate the concerned members from Indians as they had opinions similar to Indians according to you. Then you brought in the "Indianised" thing. Your words clearly spoke of the members is an accusatory manner where you were claiming them to be enemies of Pakistan.

It seems you are bit sensitive this word but it is my belief that our govt. is bunch of anti Pakistan tola.

That is your opinion. I have objections but no reservations over you expressing that. How is the present government valid in this debate or especially in your post is beyond me. There is no relevancy between the topic at hand i.e. PIA's losses, over hiring and poor performance and the labels of "anti-Pakistan" that you have stamped on elected representatives.

They all are convicted criminals and this is fact which you can hide by deleting my posts but than forum rules needed to be modified to not speak truth or spread only anti Pakistaniat is allowed.

Again the anti-Pakistan labels for you cannot appreciate valid criticism over ideology or in this case a PSE that has become a financial burden.

Now replying to your comment above.... i say hand over the govt. to those who have never been held in jail.... this will be an alternate solution.

You do not hand over a government in a democracy, you elect a government. If you're unsatisfied with the nature of government and/or the state structure, seek an evolutionary path. Otherwise if you agree with our democratic structure then participate in it and propagate your views to seek fulfillment. Active participation in politics from communal to national level creates a representative government.

Just forcing a profit oriented airline to loss just to buy its shares is no justice.

What? When has PIA ever been a profit-oriented airline? Orientation doesn't matter here. It is a big burden on the economy. Being a devoted socialist, I cry foul against privatization all the time but PIA is one exception which definitely has to be privatized for it has been suffering from chronic losses. saad445566 made some really valid points but we have to weight the options of suffering losses worth tens of billions or earning some revenue from privatizing it and using that to create new job opportunities. It is a complex economic and political discussion and decision and my opinion can be heard resonating among many, many circles. If you do not agree with it, it does not make my opinion invalid.
I do not need to reply to your accusations but as you challenged forum policy hence I need to reply.
I am not answerable to you but valid criticism on anybody is appreciated. Your comment which I deleted had nothing to do with Asif Ali Zardari, even remotely.
I never said my comments were related to Zardari.... it is meant to be about your general bias..
No where i challenge forum policy.... i said you being moderator is deleting post with some weiered accusitions... which i even support saying that i my self had to be crazy calling a Afghan traitor Pakistani....

As for the lameduck accusations of "maligning" Pakistan, that is something that is a product of ideological indoctrination whereby anything that appears to be in conflict with the grand narrative taught to you or even slightly different than your own opinions is labeled "anti-Pakistan", "propaganda" and "conspiracy". Along those very lines you accused other forum members in your deleted post of not knowing anything about the concerned topic rather you accused them of being either Indians or Afghans born in Pakistan.
You better not use words like Indoctrination..... because you know nothing about my upbringing.......
I believe.... i have equal rights as an Indian on this forum.... if you never question them for rejecting any thing labeling as propaganda, conspiracy against their state than on what grounds you question me while i do the same? but this is not the subject matter.

replying to your next next accusitions in reference to members....... I'm guilty of calling them graduated from Pakistan... which is matter of no shame... never said they were born in Pakistan.... to be honest about their birth.....i believe contrary to what you are accusing me of summing up in my 4 line post...... but i better not say it.

Clearly, you have no respect for any other member or his/her opinion. Choice of bad words on their part does not justify your rant.
i may have no respect for some but did i mentioned it or its just all those who can counter anti Pakistaniat should be labled as such?
Is calling names to Hon. Zaid Hamid or Hon. Pervaiz Musharaf or Pak Fauj has failed its objectives?

If you cannot help but question other member's intentions or loyalties, then your comments will face the same moderation.
I agree.... but when did i quoted any member? neither in your deleted post.

As for the usual lame-duck accusations on me, I cannot care less for I am able to engage in healthy debate with many members here and can definitely ignore many others.
So be it... what does it has to do with my 4 line deleted post?
Honestly.... I doubt your claims... its just that i have never accused you......neither i challenge your capacity of carrying out healthy debate....and I do not mind in saying....... that your comfort zone may not neccessarily healthy for me.... all i can say have fun... enjoy your debates.....

You claimed that it was hard to differentiate the concerned members from Indians as they had opinions similar to Indians according to you.
Then you brought in the "Indianised" thing. Your words clearly spoke of the members is an accusatory manner where you were claiming them to be enemies of Pakistan.
You know what... i don't remember any more the words i wrote... in very precise manner and i'm in no position to carry on debates on individual words, where the exact context is missing.
I must admit this accusition is close.... so than please... delete my post and charge me as guilty but why more?
Seriously it does not conicide with earlier accusition of calling them traitors!!!

That is your opinion. I have objections but no reservations over you expressing that.
I can only ...appreciate your kindnes..

Again the anti-Pakistan labels for you cannot appreciate valid criticism over ideology or in this case a PSE that has become a financial burden.

Same..... discussed above.

You do not hand over a government in a democracy, you elect a government.
If you're unsatisfied with the nature of government and/or the state structure, seek an evolutionary path. Otherwise if you agree with our democratic structure then participate in it and propagate your views to seek fulfillment. Active participation in politics from communal to national level creates a representative government.
I don't believe we have democracy....
I have my reasons but like to discuss it some other place other topic..

What? When has PIA ever been a profit-oriented airline? Orientation doesn't matter here. It is a big burden on the economy. Being a devoted socialist, I cry foul against privatization all the time but PIA is one exception which definitely has to be privatized for it has been suffering from chronic losses. saad445566 made some really valid points but we have to weight the options of suffering losses worth tens of billions or earning some revenue from privatizing it and using that to create new job opportunities. It is a complex economic and political discussion and decision, but I have view that can be heard among many, many circles. If you do not agree with it, it does not make my opinion invalid.
Good.... you have valid point.
PIA is one of the poor dumbest Airline , they r Always late , air staff behaviour is very rude.. Etc etc Etihad Is gud

Better than what is it called ariana? lol the ancient ones.

PIA must be privatized, where the heck is that privatization minister. :angry:

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