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Physically Challenged Minor Raped in Mumbai

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Dec 26, 2010
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United States
Physically Challenged Minor Raped in Mumbai

A physically challenged minor girl was allegedly raped by two men in the suburban Chembur area of Mumbai, police said today.

The two accused took the 15-year-old girl, who is hearing and speech impaired, to a toilet in Chembur area yesterday afternoon and allegedly raped her.

The victim lived in a shanty with her parents in Chembur, police said, adding that a case has been registered against the two unknown persons while the girl has been sent for medical examination.

However, the police is finding it difficult to identify the culprits as the victim was not in a position to provide details.

Police suspected that the accused could be from the same area.

Okay, this rape epidemic is getting out of hand in India.


chadd yaar.
Local news.....
chadd yaar.
Local news.....

I'm not blaming Indians as a whole here, but this is kind of fucked.

I'm sure it's happened in Pakistan, where some guys took advantage of a mentally handicapped girl, but these kind of things world wide should be highlighted so that society tries to better their communities.

At least children should be left to feel safe, especially the handicapped.
Apply Islamic Shari'ah to rape epidemic in India, under the supervision of Saudi experts :agree:

These bast*rd indian rapists will sh!t in pants even at the thought of raping somone. :fie:
Please stop it, rape sickens me and atleast there is a strong public sentiment in India which may result in strict penalty for such offenses.
Please stop it, rape sickens me and atleast there is a strong public sentiment in India which may result in strict penalty for such offenses.
Dude, I you have been long time member of this forum, you will know the real intention behind the thread.
Apply Islamic Shari'ah to rape epidemic in India, under the supervision of Saudi experts :agree:

These bast*rd indian rapists will sh!t in pants even at the thought of raping somone. :fie:

Nice suggestion, indians wont take it, they presently have a parliament whose 50+ members are rapists claims a report!!
Apply Islamic Shari'ah to rape epidemic in India, under the supervision of Saudi experts :agree:
These bast*rd indian rapists will sh!t in pants even at the thought of raping somone. :fie:
Don't generalize and mind your f***ing language.
Doesn't matter. These guys enjoy such news as they get a chance to bash India. I think they wish these incidents to happen more in India. It gets them off. I can't blame them.
Stop trolling guys.

Innocent child is a victim.
Better take care of your own country's children and stop posting local Indian news and Rape news, both of which are banned topic.
Sad to see this crime against humanity has been hijacked into a point scoring match.
Started by OP for the same purpose. Nothing better can be expected from him after all.
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