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Photos That Prove India And Pakistan Are Just The Same

Aamna Ali

May 15, 2011
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Conflict isn't the only thing common to India and Pakistan. We are just like neighbours who might quarrel but always have each other’s back. We are like neighbours who may not be too happy with the noisy parties the other throws but who would still like to be a part of each other's happiness.

This article is an attempt to focus on the everyday, the little things which unite us as a people. Forgive me if I come across as stating the obvious. But sometimes, the best of us tend to forget the obvious. And then it's always good to remember, and to remind.

1. We believe in one God.

No matter what side of the boundary one stands on, one can feel the power of faith. However, spirituality for us is more than religion. It is humanity and compassion.


2. You can't tell the landscape of one from the other at times.

Rocky, steep mountains which stand tall amidst azure streams, upon which frothy white clouds breathe, are a common sight in both countries. A visual treat fit for a traveller’s dreams.


3. We know our real wealth lies in the luscious, green lands.

Though technological advancements have touched our lives, we continue to worship the land which sustains us. Such is the beauty of our fields that a stroll through the green countryside can drive away the worst worries from one's life.


4. Cricket is not just a sport for us.

The sport is a major issue of contention between our countries. But doesn’t our shared love for cricket bring us closer?


5. Our trucks can put the 'Pimp My Ride' team to shame.

From couplets to wisecracks, anything and everything can be spotted adorning the trucks on the road. The splash of colour is proof of our ingenuity and affinity for art.


6. We love to shake a leg.

Many a times, what can’t be expressed through words, is better expressed through actions. And dance is the most tasteful collection of gestures. Both India and Pakistan have been blessed with varied dance forms which are beautiful, scintillating and amazingly expressive.


7. Our voices are not drowned out in the streets.

Meandering through the streets, one can come across the varied expressions of identity that the people indulge in. What meets the eye is a voice which is slowly, but surely building an identity.


8. A mother is just as indulgent on both sides of the border.

They say that no one can love like a mother. And all mothers are capable of showering their children with their selfless love, no matter where they belong. This love can warm any person's heart, no matter which side of the border they stand on.

9. Tragedy has visited us uninvited.

Sorrow knows no name, no creed. Both the countries and their citizens have had to face several tragedies. Earthquakes, floods, terrorist attacks are instances which have seen the countries and their citizens stand together.


10. Selflessly serving the country is duty for us.

A soldier, be it from India or Pakistan, chooses the needs of the country over him/herself. And in return asks for nothing.


11. Our marketplaces are a reflection of our colourful lives.

We don’t really know how to live without colours. Our clothes, houses, cuisines - all reflect our love for colours. After all they break the monotony of life and bring in a breath of fresh air.


12. Our plate carries more than just food.

Food is an art for us, an art which has been crafted over the years with great precision in both the countries. And we like to appreciate this art whole-heartedly!


13. Tea spells comfort for us.

Nothing is more invigorating for our senses than a whiff of hot tea. It is our favoured beverage when sharing anecdotes about life or even when we are too tired to speak.


14. The light of music shines bright in both the countries.

Music is not just a part of our lives but is an indispensable part of our lives. From prayers to love songs to celebrations, music gives expression to all.


15. We take great pride in our past.

Yes, what is gone is gone to never return. But the beautiful memories, the achievements and the stories that our past has bequeathed us with, is something we are proud of.


16. We abhor violence.

We know very well that there are no winners in a war. So, all we hope for is peace and freedom from terrorism and all kinds of violence.

I do not want to break your heart sis, we have another thing in common "Lots of nukes and weapons"and that to me represents our true sentiments towards each other. These pics being similar are just coincidence or some Photoshop technique.
The army pic is from Baluchistan not punjab... But a nice thread..:tup:

P.S : Ladakh is disputed territory and our truck art is awesome (exhibited in India Aswell as around the world).. N so is our food n clothes ..:lol:
Amazing thread ...... Ek hone ke bahut kam reason hai par ladai karne k bahut saare.....
There is no photoshop or coincidence. We are essentially the same country, with one part having a bad day at home.

Pashtuns and Baloch not included of course ..... even the land looks different.
What do you a matathi have in common with a Seriki from Southern Punjab-Pakistan? Or a potohari from Jhelum? Or a Sindhi from Larkana? Even when the british came n colonised Punjab b Sindh you were known as a Hindustani by Punjabi n Sindhis.. and despised.

We Baluch & Pashtun etx have much more common with our countrymen .. We have been loving with eachother since thousands of years as neighbours .. we have been settling n trading here since ages... We share the same religion.. Similiar culture etc.. What do you a marathi share with us? Not religion ,nor culture,nor clothes,nor languages,Mor culture .. what?

And what is this BS about "same country"... When the British came the "Sub continent" was divided in over 600 states or "Kingdoms"...
Forget this aman ka tamasha and let us get back to realities and facts. And fact is we are not same.

The reality is that till the Indus, we are exactly the same. Indic bloodlines. Beyond the Indus are the Iranic bloodlines.

What you see in Pakistan today is the result of trying to mix oil with water. Never going to happen.

You do not have a terrorism problem. You have a classic clash of civilizations problem.

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