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Photos of the Chinese Armed Forces


On April 4th, 2007, a soldier of Chinese Army Police was receiving the brain-wave Helium-Neon Laser therapy in the Shanghai psychological consulting center, which was established to improve troops' combat capacity by various advanced therapies, such as biofeedback training and emotion release.

Chinese and Pakistan soldiers are reviewed after the successful conclusion of " Friendship 2006" China-Pakistan joint anti-terrorism exercise, Dec 18, 2006.

A soldier of People's Liberation Army (PLA) wearing camouflage netting takes part in the "Friendship 2006", the eight-day China-Pakistan joint anti-terrorism exercise, Dec 18, 2006.

Chinese and Tajik armies hold their first joint anti-terrorism exercise code-named "Cooperation-2006" in Tajikistan, Sept 22, 2006.
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Chinese and Pakistani marine special force corps attend a drill during the multinational Naval Peace Exercise “Aman 09″ in Pakistan, March 7, 2009.
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