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Philippines War on ISIS, Abu Sayaf, Maute: News & Discussions

Two from Malaysia. One is an Ustaz, another is a university lecturer. They say poverty is the source of extremism, i disagree.


Poverty is an excuse for Islamists. The problem is in the ideology, not in the material conditions. Perhaps the inconvenient truth is that organized religion is essentially bad, although it may in rare cases be used for good.

Organized religions must be subdued as they tend to become political and challenge secular state authority. Especially if a religion is more about public life than private life, that's an cancerous ideology that spreads faster than wildfire -- as seen in Syria and now being seen in the Philippines.

That's why this statement is very true:

If there was any criticism of Assad – especially early on in 2011-2012, but especially in the beginning of the crisis in Syria – the criticism from Syrians would have been: “He wasn’t heavy-handed enough.”

If president Duterte is going to commit a mistake, it is if he goes soft-handed by giving ear to the terror-sponsoring regimes such as the US and institutions such as the HRW and AI.

Duterte needs to mobilize the region, especially the ASEAN, the ASEAN+3 and the ARF. The SCO anti-terror task force might get involved, as well. They have been doing annual drills, it is perhaps time to show what they have learned so far.

This is a test case if we have a region in East Asia or not.

China needs to help the Philippines, but watch out that this won't become China's Philippines such as America's Vietnam or the Soviet's Afghanistan. The US deep state might set this as a trap for the Chinese to fall into.

Exactly. For this region, China needs to mobilize and act in tandem with the region, not singularly.
China needs to help the Philippines, but watch out that this won't become China's Philippines such as America's Vietnam or the Soviet's Afghanistan. The US deep state might set this as a trap for the Chinese to fall into.
The Chinese will create more chaos and bloodshed in the Philippines. Besides it is delusional to believe the Chinese will care of the fate of the Philippines. They don't care of the fate of overseas Chinese, why should the mainlanders care of foreigners? The only country China is willing to go to a war is Cambodia. Or Korea, because of fear of invasion of China. Cambodia because the Khmer can attack Vietnam.

Cambodia is a useful tool for the Chinese.

Other than that they are only interested of doing business.

You can blame the US for creating chaos too. But it is the incompetence of the Philippines to annihilate the terrorists.
Yes, PH armed forces can hold for now but as war drags on they gonna need materials support. ASEAN, China and Russia all should act swiftly.

IS scumbags are ridiculously frantic, they even have check points!
Bro, i would suggest China and Russia to send in an ample amount of troops to showcase a friendly gesture to Duterte to help fight the wackos.
Concurrently, it will benefit Russia and China from spreading of ISIS to their respective countries.

View attachment 399352

What hell of this guy in red circle is doing? Is he deadly scared? Pinoys' anti-terror weaspon is really shabby.
He's cocking his rifle.
Depends on how far back you want to go. It is similar to other South East Asia countries. Its Hinduism and Buddhism before Islam became dominant in the 14th century.

It was actually Animism first (Belief of things), then Hinduism, then Buddhism, then Islam and then Christianity. And Islam were never a major Filipino Religion as they roughly start at the same time during the age of sail. It was estimated less than 50-100 years apart.

The Chinese will create more chaos and bloodshed in the Philippines. Besides it is delusional to believe the Chinese will care of the fate of the Philippines. They don't care of the fate of overseas Chinese, why should the mainlanders care of foreigners? The only country China is willing to go to a war is Cambodia. Or Korea, because of fear of invasion of China. Cambodia because the Khmer can attack Vietnam.

Cambodia is a useful tool for the Chinese.

Other than that they are only interested of doing business.

You can blame the US for creating chaos too. But it is the incompetence of the Philippines to annihilate the terrorists.

People don't seems to know the reason why this started in the first place is because there Muslim extremist group do not treat kindly to "Foreigner" on their land (They see other Filipino as foreigner, or in other word, infidel...)

I would REALLY LIKE TO SEE what happen if Chinese or Russian (all infidel to them) got into the mix....

Buying popcorn for that one...
People don't seems to know the reason why this started in the first place is because there Muslim extremist group do not treat kindly to "Foreigner" on their land (They see other Filipino as foreigner, or in other word, infidel...)

I would REALLY LIKE TO SEE what happen if Chinese or Russian (all infidel to them) got into the mix....

Buying popcorn for that one...
It is foolish to send troops into the mess. For what reason? Saving the Philippines from the mess they have inflicted on themselves? Durtete talks big of separation from America, alienating Europe, allying to China the new friend as he says. It is a perfect opportunity for the radicals, islamists and terrorists to take over the country.

The PLA vows to protect the CCP, not even the country nor Chinese population. Why should they die for the Philippines?

No, even if the terrorists take over the Philippines, or the islamists take control of Indonesia, the only action the Chinese will do is offering the new rulers of PN and Indonesia a nice package from the Silkroad fund.
It is foolish to send troops into the mess. For what reason? Saving the Philippines from the mess they have inflicted on themselves? Durtete talks big of separation from America, alienating Europe, allying to China the new friend as he says. It is a perfect opportunity for the radicals, islamists and terrorists to take over the country.
The PLA vows to protect the CCP, not even the country nor Chinese population. Why should they die for the Philippines?
No, even if the terrorists take over the Philippines, or the islamists take control of Indonesia, the only action the Chinese will do is offering the new rulers of PN and Indonesia a nice package from the Silkroad fund.
Why would you wish ill for a fellow Asean country.
Lets hope Duterte can quell the insurgency quickly, preferably with help from everybody including the US, China and Russia. China maybe able to help the Philippines similar to how China help bring peace to Sri Lanka. Chinese friendship with the Muslims in Philippines are centuries old.
Duterte is popular with the masses, though you may not get that from reading online news.
It is foolish to send troops into the mess. For what reason? Saving the Philippines from the mess they have inflicted on themselves? Durtete talks big of separation from America, alienating Europe, allying to China the new friend as he says. It is a perfect opportunity for the radicals, islamists and terrorists to take over the country.

The PLA vows to protect the CCP, not even the country nor Chinese population. Why should they die for the Philippines?

No, even if the terrorists take over the Philippines, or the islamists take control of Indonesia, the only action the Chinese will do is offering the new rulers of PN and Indonesia a nice package from the Silkroad fund.

why would you include Indonesia? are you suffering brain haemmoraghic?
Didn't notice this thread blew up, what's the latest? Doesn't seem any news is coming out, it must be over by now?
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