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Philippines War on ISIS, Abu Sayaf, Maute: News & Discussions

Philippine people are the most peaceful people. This CIA and MOSSAD son isis is now rising every where specially against the russia and here against china in Afghanistan they are against Pakistan and every each muslim.similarly in syria.
Need a positive and severe attack from Chinese otherwise this is alarming for them.
R.I.P forthe dead ones in Philippines

Philippines Government makes assault on Maute insurgents
Updated about 11 hours ago

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Government troops are engaging insurgents in Marawi City with heavy gunfire.
Reuters: Romeo Ranoco


Just carry on..chinese boots will be soon on the ground for help.wish the best for Philippine army.
Philippine people are the most peaceful people. This CIA and MOSSAD son isis is now rising every where specially against the russia and here against china in Afghanistan they are against Pakistan and every each muslim.similarly in syria.
Need a positive and severe attack from Chinese otherwise this is alarming for them.
R.I.P forthe dead ones in Philippines

Just carry on..chinese boots will be soon on the ground for help.wish the best for Philippine army.
I suggest China to send a team of drone specialist to help gather Intel and direct fire for Philippine army against ISIS. Used drone to strike out high value target and restrict their movement.
China needs to help the Philippines, but watch out that this won't become China's Philippines such as America's Vietnam or the Soviet's Afghanistan. The US deep state might set this as a trap for the Chinese to fall into.
China needs to help the Philippines, but watch out that this won't become China's Philippines such as America's Vietnam or the Soviet's Afghanistan. The US deep state might set this as a trap for the Chinese to fall into.

This is a trap Chinese know it they should call proxy forces or some kinda tehreek taliban china...
80% of Marawi evacuated, gov't vows 'maximum power'
Published 2:02 PM, May 27, 2017
Updated 5:23 PM, May 27, 2017

(UPDATED) Almost all of the city's 200,000 population have evacuated to nearby Iligan City, says Lanao del Sur Vice Governor Mamintal Adiong Jr


EVACUATE. Resident fleeing Marawi City cramped on a truck as they traverse a traffic gridlock near a police checkpoint at the entrance of Iligan City on May 24, 2017. File photo by Ted Aljibe/AFP

MARAWI CITY, Philippines (UPDATED) – On the 5th day of the crisis, an estimated 80% of Marawi City residents have evacuated as the military vows to use its "maximum power" to flush out local terrorist groups.

Lanao del Sur Vice Governor Mamintal "Bombit" Adiong Jr said almost all of the city's 200,000 population have evacuated to nearby Iligan City.

"Our estimate is about 80% have evacuated. The others are still inside..," Marawi City Mayor Majul Usman Gandamra said on Saturday, May 27.

"Lahat gustong umalis (Everyone wants to leave)," the mayor said.

Gandamra said most of the residents of Marawi City either own houses in Iligan City or have relatives who live there and can accommodate them.

This means only the poorest among the city residents are forced to go to evacuation centers.

Contained conflict area

In an interview with dzRB, Adiong said the fighting is confined to Marawi City. "Sa mga kalapit munisipyo...wala namang nangyayari kasi ang mga kababayan natin na naninirahan dito sa Marawi City, nag-evacuate na sa mga iba’t ibang munisipyo dito sa Lanao del Sur. At ang karamihan ay bumaba na ng Iligan," he said.

(There is nothing happening in nearby municipalities. Residents of Marawi City have evacuated to different municipalities in Lanao del Sur. The majority have gone down to Iligan.)

He also said gunshots remain confined to the city and numerous bombs are being dropped within the city proper.

Lieutenant General Carlito Galvez said the military now has enough troops to use "maximum power" against the Maute Group that has supported the presence of Abu Sayyaf senior leader Isnilon Hapilon in the city.

Hapilon was the target of the military raid on Tuesday, May 23. He was believed to have combined forces with the Maute Group based here to seek to establish a caliphate in Central Mindanao.

Relief goods

Adiong told dzRB that relief from the national government has been brought to Iligan and should be brought to Lanao del Sur. They will be repacked and distributed to evacuees from the capitol in Marawi City.

What they lack are medical teams since almost all doctors fled the Amai Pakpak Memorial Medical Hospital in Marawi.

"Yung mga nurses natin, nagsialisan na. Kokonti na lang ngayon ang mga doktor na nandito ngayon sa Marawi City." (Our nurses have left. There are very few doctors now in Marawi City.)

The exodus of people from Marawi has resulted in gnarled traffic. It takes from anywhere between 3 to 10 hours, Adiong said, to get from Marawi to Iligan, which is just 40 kilometers away.

Meanwhile, Presidential Spokesperson Ernesto Abella also on Saturday said the government, through its Inter-Agency Task Force on Securing Energy Facilities, has "secured the Lanao del Sur Electric Cooperative compound," while the National Electrification Administration and LASURECO have reported that "95% of electricity service has been restored in Marawi."

He added, "This development should allay fears stirred by alarmist and untrue reports of LASURECO coming under attack. Given the gravity of the situation in Marawi City, we urge the public to remain calm and not to spread unverified or incomplete news items, even as we urge media practitioners not to report such items that can easily be misinterpreted or sensationalized." – Rappler.com

Philippines government deploys battle-tested Marines to Marawi war zone
May 27, 2017 14:10 SGT By Noel Tarrazona


Philippine troops Reuters

A truckload of battle-tested members of the Philippines Marines (PM) have arrived in Marawi City's battle zone today to help Filipino troop finish off the almost week-long fierce battle with the Maute militant group.

The Philippines Marines along with the Armed Forces of the Philippines Officers arrived in the region after listening to President Rodrigo Duterte's message in Iligan City who challenged them "to fight for our country."

The arrival of fresh troops came after gun battles erupted again in Marawi City as Philippines foot soldiers identified the rebels' position and cornered them.

Earlier, Duterte motivated the soldiers while speaking to local and international media. "This is a time for victory. We will not lose it. How can we lose it? We have everything. I will take care of you," he said as reported.

Thousands of civilians were seen on Saturday moving out of Marawi as sounds of gunfire and bombs began filling the air. Close to 2,000 civilians were also noted moving out in the last three days. While the Philippines repeatedly claims the situation is more stable now, many residents who evacuated to nearby city and municipality are still hesitant to return back to Marawi.

Khye Amerol, who left Marawi and evacuated to Malabang told International Business Times that he and his family feel safer in Malabang, which is one of the nearby municipalities where hundreds of Marawi locals settled temporarily.

However, the busted transformers, which plunged the city into darkness, were fixed and 95% of Marawi's power has been restored. Presidential Spokesman Ernest Abella said they have secured LASURECO, the local electric company to restore power in the beleaguered city.

The unrest is going on as the entire Muslim community in the Philippines is all set to start their month-long Ramadhan on Saturday (May 27). Several people are expected to fast in this period to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad. The office of the president also released a press statement today urging to end the violence in Mindanao.

"In this spirit of Muslim peace, the President has offered the hand of peaceful dialogue to terrorist groups, to avoid bloodshed in this time of prayer, fasting and mercy. With all faiths, we pray that God restores and preserve peace in Mindanao," the Presidential Palace's press statement said.

All the best to my Philippine brothers. Wipe these savages out. I feel sorry for the innocent population caught up in the middle, although the military has a done a great job of evacuate thousands out of the war zone.
Lol Dude go and read about Philippines Muslim insurrection/rebellion . It has been raging on for decades. Long before there was any ISIS/Alqaeda or even soviet Afghan war etc. They just recently adopted ISIS emblem, but they are a homegrown group that emerged decades ago(even though I agree that some of their grievances are legitimate, but that doesn't mean they should use terrorism to achieve their goals). So it's better to read before spewing the usual: "Western powers/CIA, MI6,Missad is behind every issue out there". It's becoming boring to be honest.
Dude,, do I need to start posting up how &why & who created DAM ISIS?
& when?
As you stay very far away from phillphines,, I'm having a decade old bussiness there as you can see I'm too close to them?
Biggest & most notorious ABU SAYAF goup is most strongest of all the Muslim groups fighting for their rights in Philippines. I think you don't have any idea what Muslims of philliphines done to that country in its history & why they been denied their basic rights?
It looks so wired also when president of Philliphiens himself stating that USA is bullying him to fight china?
& suddenly there comes ISIS?
A VICIOUS TRADE MARK ATTACT ON A CITY OF Philippines looks to funny?

Moro liberation army & abu sayaf group are still there & struggling agianst govt but they never accepted any dam invitation of U =ISIS?
FUNNY THING IS PHILLIPHINO PRESIDENT HIMSELF EYEING CIA & USA & you are just trying your best to put all the Muslims under your biased tag of IS IS?
by Pepe Escobar

Let’s focus on Ramadan, father of the Manchester “martyr” Salman Obeidi; now that’s a nasty piece of work.

He hails from the al-Obeidi tribe, from al Gubbah in eastern Libya. Under Gaddafi he was a Sgt. Major, very pious and Islamist-connected. He left Libya in 1991 and settled down in the Saudi Wahhabi paradise where – crucially – he trained mujahideen fighting in Afghanistan against the Najibullah government, after the Soviet retreat.

In 1992 the mujahideen enter Kabul, as in bomb it to death, including the recently “normalized” Hekmatyar. Ramadan goes to London and then Manchester, joining the Libyan Islamist diaspora that coalesces around the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).
Ramadan connects with none other that Abu Anas Al-Libbi – who also lives in Manchester – and will become the brains behind the al-Qaeda attacks on Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.

Ramadan also connects with the infamous Abdelhakim Belhaj – former mujahid in Afghanistan and VERY close to… Osama Bin Laden. Belhaj convinces Ramadan to go back to Libya.

After the Cameron/Sarkozy/NATO “liberation” of Libya, Ramadan joins the Al Umma party, whose leader is Sami al Saadi, one of the LIFG’s top commanders, and gets very close to the Grand Mufti Sadeq al-Ghariani, the spiritual guide of hardcore Islamist militias linked to Belhaj.

Three years ago Ramadan was part of the Islamist militia raid that re-conquered Tripoli’s airport; son Salman flew from Manchester for this one, was shot, and treated in Turkey.

Ramadan was also part of the Benghazi Defense Brigades; a mish mash of Islamists from Katiba 17 (financed by Qatar and instrumental in the Benghazi revolt against Gaddafi) and Ansar al Sharia. You all remember what happened on 9/11, 2012; it was Ansar al Sharia operatives who attacked the US consulate in Benghazi.

Arguably the key point in all this mess is that Ramadan profited from the MI5 rat line transporting Libyans back to the home country to fight Gaddafi. The minister in charge of authorizing this “policy”? Theresa May.

MI5 and the British government always knew, all along, what Ramadan was all about. He was certainly an asset; the Brits were heavily involved in eastern Libya from the start. He has not been arrested; he’s now under protection, Mafia-style. His “arrest” took place – how lovely! - just as a shadow flight carrying US Special Forces landed in Misrata.

The only missing link is why son Salman “betrayed” his al-Qaeda Dad by converting to Daesh.

This is just an ultra-concise summary of the whole stinking-to-high-heavens scam. But you get the drift.
After all these religious fight ,I think Chinese system of atheism is good for humanity to survive.Addiction of religion is more than drugs..huh
I'm a little surprised seeing this reply from an Indian. I thought all Indians are religion oriented. I was wrong obviously.

Back to the topic. China needs to wait and watch closely how the situation goes. If PH army could handle these bastards by itself, it'll be best solution. If not, China definitely has to interfere.
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by Pepe Escobar

Let’s focus on Ramadan, father of the Manchester “martyr” Salman Obeidi; now that’s a nasty piece of work.

He hails from the al-Obeidi tribe, from al Gubbah in eastern Libya. Under Gaddafi he was a Sgt. Major, very pious and Islamist-connected. He left Libya in 1991 and settled down in the Saudi Wahhabi paradise where – crucially – he trained mujahideen fighting in Afghanistan against the Najibullah government, after the Soviet retreat.

In 1992 the mujahideen enter Kabul, as in bomb it to death, including the recently “normalized” Hekmatyar. Ramadan goes to London and then Manchester, joining the Libyan Islamist diaspora that coalesces around the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).
Ramadan connects with none other that Abu Anas Al-Libbi – who also lives in Manchester – and will become the brains behind the al-Qaeda attacks on Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.

Ramadan also connects with the infamous Abdelhakim Belhaj – former mujahid in Afghanistan and VERY close to… Osama Bin Laden. Belhaj convinces Ramadan to go back to Libya.

After the Cameron/Sarkozy/NATO “liberation” of Libya, Ramadan joins the Al Umma party, whose leader is Sami al Saadi, one of the LIFG’s top commanders, and gets very close to the Grand Mufti Sadeq al-Ghariani, the spiritual guide of hardcore Islamist militias linked to Belhaj.

Three years ago Ramadan was part of the Islamist militia raid that re-conquered Tripoli’s airport; son Salman flew from Manchester for this one, was shot, and treated in Turkey.

Ramadan was also part of the Benghazi Defense Brigades; a mish mash of Islamists from Katiba 17 (financed by Qatar and instrumental in the Benghazi revolt against Gaddafi) and Ansar al Sharia. You all remember what happened on 9/11, 2012; it was Ansar al Sharia operatives who attacked the US consulate in Benghazi.

Arguably the key point in all this mess is that Ramadan profited from the MI5 rat line transporting Libyans back to the home country to fight Gaddafi. The minister in charge of authorizing this “policy”? Theresa May.

MI5 and the British government always knew, all along, what Ramadan was all about. He was certainly an asset; the Brits were heavily involved in eastern Libya from the start. He has not been arrested; he’s now under protection, Mafia-style. His “arrest” took place – how lovely! - just as a shadow flight carrying US Special Forces landed in Misrata.

The only missing link is why son Salman “betrayed” his al-Qaeda Dad by converting to Daesh.

This is just an ultra-concise summary of the whole stinking-to-high-heavens scam. But you get the drift.
British government is just a puppet of CIA. People suffer for those scums.
Wow, so 80 government troops have been killed already last Tuesday. China needs to help them out by sending drones and their airforce to conduct air strikes on ISIS positions. I'm amazed that the US hasn't sent military aid as they are bounded by treaty to protect the Philippines.
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