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Philippines To Spend $1.8B on Defense To Resist 'Bullies'


I just like mangoes, especially the Philippnies ones.

Their bananas are ok. I prefer the Thais
Götterdämmerung;4337522 said:
I think the Philippnies exports more than mangoes. They also have bananas and coconuts as well. Heck, I always buy my pepper from the Philippines that comes from a fair trade project to help the farmers to earn more than seeling their produce to large corporates.

leave them alone sir they are ignorant morons they also forgot we also export semi conductors and computer chips and other products this moron's still little of the Philippines they still think we are 3rd world county while everybody else known the Philippines is now a newly industrialize country heck this morons don't even know were those terms come from let alone know the meaning this idiots are just making fools of themselves chinese typical
Götterdämmerung;4337522 said:
I think the Philippnies exports more than mangoes. They also have bananas and coconuts as well. Heck, I always buy my pepper from the Philippines that comes from a fair trade project to help the farmers to earn more than seeling their produce to large corporates.

My maid always buy us dried mango when she comes back from the Phil.
I love dried mango.
Ahem...aren´t you in Germany? You have your maid on your vacation?

:offpost: for the non imperials here lets get back on topic man this people have no real sold arguments just stereotyping and racist insult what bunch of @holes
:offpost: for the non imperials here lets get back on topic man this people have no real sold arguments just stereotyping and racist insult what bunch of @holes

Do you like Chinese Bananas? :yay:
Do you like Chinese Bananas? :yay:

Noted racist F@ck tell me how's the karma doing more dead from the virus hahahaha banana at less we have healthy stuff than your stupid country trouble for all nothing but a bunch of trouble making yahoos! That's good make more enemies its not like history never teaches us aggressive empire building always works oh wait hahahahaha :rofl:

Do you like Chinese Bananas? :yay:

What your even faking banana's now first it was common consumer goods now its fruits probably poison not good for once's health.
Noted racist F@ck tell me how's the karma doing more dead from the virus hahahaha banana at less we have healthy stuff than your stupid country trouble for all nothing but a bunch of trouble making yahoos! That's good make more enemies its not like history never teaches us aggressive empire building always works oh wait hahahahaha :rofl:

What your even faking banana's now first it was common consumer goods now its fruits probably poison not good for once's health.

I have a feeling you're obsessed with Chinese Bananas, that's the reason you keep replying back to me, don't you?
If you like, we have pvt messaging. What do you say, hun?
I have a feeling you're obsessed with Chinese Bananas, that's the reason you keep replying back to me, don't you?
If you like, we have pvt messaging. What do you say, hun?

Never mind i mean we are not friends keep your fake products
I am JETZT in Germany doesn't mean that I don't have a home in Macau, mein Freund.
I just wonder why Chinese always associate the Philippines with maids or bananas? Pinoy´s country has more to offer.
By the way you mein Freund haven´t told me why you are in Germany?
I just wonder why Chinese always associate the Philippines with maids or bananas? Pinoy´s country has more to offer.
By the way you mein Freund haven´t told me why you are in Germany?

Because people are bored, just like some people like to make fun of China's products, amount of fatties in the US, French's white flag and Japan's ****.
I told you, I am a Spion.
I just wonder why Chinese always associate the Philippines with maids or bananas? Pinoy´s country has more to offer.

Why do you think they love bananas? Hmmm


Hope that answer your question :dance3:
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