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Philippines seeks ASEAN help to blunt China

First you change your flag, You are a false flagger. Change to Pakistan flag. Never seen you talking about Bangladesh.

What's the matter? It seems you don't appreciate my compliment. You suffer from inferiority complex, see a shrink. BTW, many on this forum say that you're an israeli but I'm not going to call you a false flagger just because some people say that you're a false flagger.;)
What's the matter? It seems you don't appreciate my compliment. You suffer from inferiority complex, see a shrink. BTW, many on this forum say that you're an israeli but I'm not going to call you a false flagger just because some people say that you're a false flagger.;)

What's wrong in what he said? I too have seen you with a Pakistani and a British flag earlier. Listen mate, even if you change your flag to Chinese, there are certain points about you lot that give you in easily. Accusing the guy with inferiority complex is simply playing kid. By keeping Bangladeshi flag, you're giving your Bangla guests a wrong name.

Most of the older members know you quite well and there's no point of changing flags. Let's discuss and be who we are like mature adults yeah?

---------- Post added at 05:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 PM ----------

Can Phil buy SU-30MKMs like Malaysia if they have money , bro ??any way, they'd better ask for VN protection against CHina, as they can see, we protect Laos-Camb very well now.:D

Malaysia Receives its SU-30MKMs

It is certainly a welcome if Philippines government wants to play a part in solving this problem. But without a firm commitment, I don't think it is possible on their behalf. Your country is much stronger ideologically to fight against aggressors than many of your neighbors including Philippines. They will need more convincing to let them come out and face the challenges head-on together.
All neighbours of China ==> India, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines are getting close to face aggression of China.

I will not consider 3 M's -Mongolia, Malaysia and Myanmar as they will be neutral most likely. Also, Australia is far and Russia will be neutral. But Russia selling many Missiles/Aircraft to China neighbours which will be used against China. ;).

US is already there indirectly with many bases and 2 permanent CBG.

The day, China will start any war, That will be the day to watch. :tup:
Despite losing the war, we still hold on to Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh (which China still claims) and Sikkim. :wave:

Maybe Ladakh since it's sparsely populated but Sikkim and AP? Bro there should be no discussion about no matter what some day-dreaming Bangladeshi says. :D
Maybe Ladakh since it's sparsely populated but Sikkim and AP? Bro there should be no discussion about no matter what some day-dreaming Bangladeshi says. :D

Aakash, he's not what you said. Come on bhai, you know better than that after staying this long here. ;)

Despite losing the war, we still hold on to Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh (which China still claims) and Sikkim.

There is nothing to "hold on". They are our territories and rightfully being administered by us no matter what an expansionist, greedy and immoral tyranny talks about it.
I've never read anything about Malaysia joining an anti-China coalition yet :rolleyes:

In fact the part of South China Sea that we're having dispute is with the Philippines.

They like to believe and claim so. Heck they even think Taiwan would attack China! :lol:
The thing is, most are fairly neutral to China and depends heavily on China as a business partner. War is probably the last thing in their minds.
They like to believe and claim so. Heck they even think Taiwan would attack China! :lol:
The thing is, most are fairly neutral to China and depends heavily on China as a business partner. War is probably the last thing in their minds.

Yes, on this issue, I can speak on behalf of my country. Malaysia has no intention of any conflict to China, in fact we're striving for a good business partnership with China which will bring us both a lot of good :tup:
What's wrong in what he said? I too have seen you with a Pakistani and a British flag earlier. Listen mate, even if you change your flag to Chinese, there are certain points about you lot that give you in easily. Accusing the guy with inferiority complex is simply playing kid. By keeping Bangladeshi flag, you're giving your Bangla guests a wrong name.

Must you resort to lies to make a point? All my posts can be easily compiled from my profile, please do that and show when I have used Pakistani or British flag; I know you're not going to do that. I wanted to say more but what's the point when somebody lies like bush and blair.
All neighbours of China ==> India, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines are getting close to face aggression of China.

All talk, no substance. India and america are trying their best to incite them against China but in the end most probably they will simply back down and whine about it for they know well what the consequence will be if they challenge China's sovereignty.
Looks like the meeting ended in failure.
Wrong, we willing to help Phil if she give up oil drilling project with CHina inside our sea territory.

Phil should know who is her truly friend. USA can withdraw from Phil again and she will be very lonely.
I do not think ASEAN are really interested in risking a fight with China. It is not in their practical interests. Too much is at stake for them to tolerate a big devastation on their land and their economy. Sorry to disappoint you India and Vietnam. ^^
Excellent, the same goes for Singapore, and I believe Indonesia as well.

Indonesia, I'm not sure. They tend to be anti-anything Malaysia :P

Singapore, yes definately, majority is Chinese, they have good relationship with the Chinese government, I'm sure they'll be on the Chinese side. Just curious, are you Singaporean Chinese?

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