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Philippines leader says he’s open to territorial access for Japanese troops

I am a pro china person but china is being greedy. China and Pakistan settled border because Pakistan gave up more land to china. Small Pakistan with all its help n alliance with china had to give up more land and even give access to K2 to settle border. As a large friend, china should have given more land to Pakistan and shown the world that being friends with china is beneficial.

To state Pakistan loss out in SinoPak land demarcation is totally without basis.

Why not Pakistan forgo Siachen or Kashmir if your logic holds.
To state Pakistan loss out in SinoPak land demarcation is totally without basis.

Why not Pakistan forgo Siachen or Kashmir if your logic holds.

Depends on ur definition of "loss". Initially china had portrayed its border way inside Pakistan, so technically u can say its not loss for Pakistan. But practically, Pakistan gave more land to china than china gave to Pakistan. You can read up on it. Kashmir and siachen are very different issues.
I still think its worth it because having good relations and stable border is way more important and advantageous.
Depends on ur definition of "loss". Initially china had portrayed its border way inside Pakistan, so technically u can say its not loss for Pakistan. But practically, Pakistan gave more land to china than china gave to Pakistan. You can read up on it. Kashmir and siachen are very different issues.
I still think its worth it because having good relations and stable border is way more important and advantageous.

That is your own opinion.

China ceded over hundreds of miles territory to Pakistan and on the return; Pakistan recognized the Chinese sovereignty over hundreds of square kilometers of land in Northern
Kashmir and Ladakh. The agreement was a win-win situation for both countries. Pakistan got a large area and China too consolidated her position in Ladakh, an area to which President Ayub had referred before the agreement that Pakistan would not recognize any arrangement between China and India, as the area was a disputed territory between India and
Pakistan (Bhutto, 1976). By giving the Ladakh area under the Chinese authority, Pakistan withdrew from its previous claim and gave an upper hand to China over India.

Upon the conclusion of agreement, Pakistan‟s leaders were happy to say that “we were the gainers by entering into negotiations to delimit our boundary with China. We saw no reason to delay the conclusion of an agreement about it, for we ourselves had initiated the negotiations. We came to a speedy and satisfactory settlement of the boundary. Under this settlement, Pakistan gained about 750 square miles of territory, some of it rich in natural resources, particularly the salt mines of Oprang, which the people of Hunza and surrounding territory consider necessary for their needs and for their economic well being. It is a matter of the greatest importance that through this agreement we have removed any possibility of friction on our only common border with the People‟s Republic of China. We have eliminated what might well have become a source of misunderstanding and of future troubles” (Bhutto, 1964). The boundary agreement eliminated the myth of Chinese threat which the US-led Western countries had projected for a long time. It proved that
China was a peaceful neighbor with no intention to climb on Pakistan.

The same leader who do this also.
I think he is Aquino second, as him and Aquino both raised in spoiled political king families in Philipines, Ameican puppets. China should forget about any investments and development projects for Philipines.
That is your own opinion.

China ceded over hundreds of miles territory to Pakistan and on the return; Pakistan recognized the Chinese sovereignty over hundreds of square kilometers of land in Northern
Kashmir and Ladakh. The agreement was a win-win situation for both countries. Pakistan got a large area and China too consolidated her position in Ladakh, an area to which President Ayub had referred before the agreement that Pakistan would not recognize any arrangement between China and India, as the area was a disputed territory between India and
Pakistan (Bhutto, 1976). By giving the Ladakh area under the Chinese authority, Pakistan withdrew from its previous claim and gave an upper hand to China over India.

Upon the conclusion of agreement, Pakistan‟s leaders were happy to say that “we were the gainers by entering into negotiations to delimit our boundary with China. We saw no reason to delay the conclusion of an agreement about it, for we ourselves had initiated the negotiations. We came to a speedy and satisfactory settlement of the boundary. Under this settlement, Pakistan gained about 750 square miles of territory, some of it rich in natural resources, particularly the salt mines of Oprang, which the people of Hunza and surrounding territory consider necessary for their needs and for their economic well being. It is a matter of the greatest importance that through this agreement we have removed any possibility of friction on our only common border with the People‟s Republic of China. We have eliminated what might well have become a source of misunderstanding and of future troubles” (Bhutto, 1964). The boundary agreement eliminated the myth of Chinese threat which the US-led Western countries had projected for a long time. It proved that
China was a peaceful neighbor with no intention to climb on Pakistan.

I never doubted chinese intentions. As i said, it depends on ur definition. China gave 750 sq miles n Pakistan gave abt 2000 sq miles. Shaksgam valley was considered part of hunza.
China at the time was much more accommodating than today. As i said it benefit Pakistan alot.

MANILA – Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr triumphantly returned from his five-day trip to Japan with major economic and defense deals in his pocket.

It was the leader’s ninth foreign visit in just over eight months, with previous trips to the US and China, and proved to be his most fruitful yet.

In Tokyo, the Filipino president secured US$13 billion in investment pledges and another $3 billion in loans, which according to the official readout could create as many as 24,000 jobs in the Philippines.

The two sides discussed the status of a whole range of big-ticket Japanese infrastructure projects, including the North-South Commuter Railway for Malolos-Tutuban, and the North South-Commuter Railway Project Extension.

Japan is also currently building the Southeast Asian country’s first-ever underground metro system, which promises to revolutionize Manila’s decrepit and clogged public transportation system.

Japan also agreed to provide the Philippines comprehensive assistance in the areas of agriculture, digital economy, the peace process in Mindanao and training of Filipino civil servants.

Historically a top source of development aid and infrastructure investments, Japan hopes to take its bilateral relations with the Philippines to a new level. Accordingly, Tokyo is finalizing an unprecedented defense aid package as well as a Reciprocal Access Agreement with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).

The two sides also signaled their intent to expand joint military exercises, with an eye on a more robust US-Japan-Philippine triangular alliance amid rising geopolitical tensions with China in the region.

MANILA – Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr triumphantly returned from his five-day trip to Japan with major economic and defense deals in his pocket.

It was the leader’s ninth foreign visit in just over eight months, with previous trips to the US and China, and proved to be his most fruitful yet.

In Tokyo, the Filipino president secured US$13 billion in investment pledges and another $3 billion in loans, which according to the official readout could create as many as 24,000 jobs in the Philippines.

The two sides discussed the status of a whole range of big-ticket Japanese infrastructure projects, including the North-South Commuter Railway for Malolos-Tutuban, and the North South-Commuter Railway Project Extension.

Japan is also currently building the Southeast Asian country’s first-ever underground metro system, which promises to revolutionize Manila’s decrepit and clogged public transportation system.

Japan also agreed to provide the Philippines comprehensive assistance in the areas of agriculture, digital economy, the peace process in Mindanao and training of Filipino civil servants.

Historically a top source of development aid and infrastructure investments, Japan hopes to take its bilateral relations with the Philippines to a new level. Accordingly, Tokyo is finalizing an unprecedented defense aid package as well as a Reciprocal Access Agreement with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).

The two sides also signaled their intent to expand joint military exercises, with an eye on a more robust US-Japan-Philippine triangular alliance amid rising geopolitical tensions with China in the region.
The China deals will be back out by China
I am a pro china person but china is being greedy. China and Pakistan settled border because Pakistan gave up more land to china. Small Pakistan with all its help n alliance with china had to give up more land and even give access to K2 to settle border. As a large friend, china should have given more land to Pakistan and shown the world that being friends with china is beneficial.
Yeah, China should give a province like Xinjiang to you instead becos China has more land area, LOL. By your same logic, China should give up Tibet, South Tibet and Askin Chin to India becos India wishes so and China has much larger land area than India, LOL . Otherwise, China is greedy in your eyes. China claims territories that are rightfully Chinese as most other reasonable countries would do, no reason for China to be different. China had already lost millions of square KM of lands to neighbouring countries in the past two centuries, if China is anyway greedy, China maybe should get those stolen lands back now.

I hear some Filipino netizens saying the same thing, that is since China is a such large country, it can afford and should give Chinese islands in SCS to Philipine, such greedy people that already stole some Chinese islands in SCS want more islands that are not theirs but from China simply becos it is a big country are laughable.
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That's an interesting post. So China, a country that has the experience of "100 years humiliation" can't find any empathy for other countries subjected to the whims of greater powers.

If China really wanted to be not just a, but, the, leading power of asia, they need to make bridges built on empathy. Surely China is big enough to afford the Filipino fishermen to have free reign in the Philippines EEZ. But instead keep pushing to have Philippines confined by same colonial era boundaries.

China already built a massive airbase on an artificial island on Mischief Reef inside the Philippines EEZ off from the south island of Palawan. And China can't even leave the fishermen alone.

Too much stick, not enough carrot.
China claims what are rightfully Chinese as all other countries would do, no different.

The same leader who do this also.
Well, if the filipino pro Chinese leader Duerte who was quite anti West couldnt solve this maritime dispute with China despite all his efforts, then I think it will be almost impossible to resolve this issue amicably anytime this coming decades.

The same leader who do this also.

..and this a few days ago

I am a pro china person but china is being greedy. China and Pakistan settled border because Pakistan gave up more land to china. Small Pakistan with all its help n alliance with china had to give up more land and even give access to K2 to settle border. As a large friend, china should have given more land to Pakistan and shown the world that being friends with china is beneficial.

LOL! Why would you think they'd give a sh*t about how Pakistan feels? To them saving face is everything...and conversely taking as much face from others is right after it...to give them that sly proud we-got-the-better-land-deal grin.
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..and this a few days ago

LOL! Why would you think they'd give a sh*t about how Pakistan feels? To them saving face is everything...and conversely taking as much face from others is right after it...to give them that sly proud we-got-the-better-land-deal grin.
And Americans are so greedy that they want both face saving and total stuff grabbing from the other party, Americans want to grab everything and dont give a shit how the other feels and dont give a shit in return to other in any deal. When did Ameicans care about others in negotiations ? When did America care about Pakistan, how many times have you people stabbed Pakistan in the back in the last decades ?
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And Americans are so greedy that they want both face saving and total stuff grabbing from the other party, Americans want to grab everything and dont give a shit how the other feels and dont give a shit in return to other in any deal. When did Ameicans care about others in negotiations ? When did America care about Pakistan, how many times have you people stabbed Pakistan in the back in the last decades ?

I don't recall us permanently taking their land and brushing them away if they complained.
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