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Business News:


DTI warns retailers on price caps on products for Holy Week break
By Louella D. Desiderio (The Philippine Star)
Updated March 29, 2015 - 12:00am

MANILA, Philippines - As many Filipinos are expected to go on trips during the Holy Week break, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) intends to monitor products used by travelers to ensure such are sold within their price caps.

“We will ensure that the prices of canned goods and candles in public places of assemblies for trips such as bus stations are sold within their suggested retail prices (SRPs),” Trade undersecretary Victorio Mario Dimagiba said.

While the DTI is aware that retailers in bus stations have to earn from selling bottled water at higher prices, he said it is important for prices to still be reasonable.

“Moreover, although packs and cans of biscuits and cup noodles are not in the basic and prime goods’ list, we will also check on the affordability and reasonableness of their prices,” he said.

Apart from bus stations, the DTI would also monitor grocery stores and supermarkets to check on prices of basic necessities and prime commodities.

The DTI urges owners and operators of said establishments to consistently comply with the specified SRPs for basic and prime goods and assist the consumers in their purchases.

The January list of SRPs (for) these products still stands and, as of the moment, there are no requests for price adjustments from the industries, to which the retailers are expected to observe these prices,” Dimagiba said.

The DTI, through its Fair Trade and Enforcement Bureau, regularly monitors the price and supply of basic necessities and prime commodities under its jurisdiction.

These products include canned fish and other marine products, processed milk, coffee, laundry soap, detergent, candles, bread, salt, processed and canned pork, processed and canned beef and poultry meat, vinegar, patis, soy sauce, toilet soap, paper, school supplies, cement, clinker, galvanized iron (GI) sheets, hollow blocks, construction supplies, batteries, electrical supplies, light bulbs, and steel wires.

A retailer in violation of Republic Act 7581 or the Price Act through illegal acts of price manipulation such as profiteering, faces an administrative fine of up to P1 million subject to the circumstances provided after due notice and hearing.

The retailer also faces imprisonment of up to 15 years and a maximum fine of P2 million.

To ensure fair competition, SRPs which take into account costs of production, distribution and profit margins of retailers and distributors are issued by manufacturers.

For a list of SRPs for basic necessities and prime commodities, consumers could visit the DTI website at www.dti.gov.ph.

To report complaints on prices, consumers may call the DTI at 751-3330 or 0917-8343330.

DTI warns retailers on price caps on products for Holy Week break | Business, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com


DOE forms committee to settle disputes in contract issuances
By Iris C. Gonzales (The Philippine Star)
Updated March 29, 2015 - 12:00am

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Energy (DOE) has created an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Committee to mediate, settle and resolve in an amicable, conciliatory and expeditious manner disputes and conflicts among parties over the issues of contracts by the department for various projects.

In Department Order 2015-03-0002 signed by Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla, the DOE mandated the creation of the committee which would develop and recommend measures aimed at settling disputes among parties that may arise over DOE-approved contracts.

The primary responsibility of the committee is to: “Mediate, settle, and resolve in an amicable, conciliatory and expeditious manner disputes and conflicts between or among the parties or applicants over the issuance by DOE of contracts, permits or any other licenses and approvals.”

Furthermore, the order tasked the committee to review periodically the ADR processes in their respective area of jurisdiction and develop specific procedures to reduce delay in the resolution and settlement of disputes, conflicts or cases arising from the implementation of the DOE’s functions and mandate.

The committee will also prepare their respective reports and data for consolidation by the Legal Services and submission to Office for Alternative Dispute Resolution of the Department of Justice.

In the order, Petilla said the committee shall be chaired by an Assistant Secretary with jurisdiction over the nature of the matter in dispute, and would have three members. These are the assistant director of the concerned bureau, the director of legal services and one technical expert to be nominated by the director of the concerned bureau or services.

“The committee shall have the right to request directly the assistance of other offices, bureaus and units of the DOE whenever it is necessary in the expeditious and effective performance of its duties and responsibilities,” the order also said.

Furthermore, the proceedings of the committee and all the information and communication arising from the proceeds shall be considered confidential and privileged and shall not be disclose do third parties without prior written consent of the parties to the dispute.

DOE forms committee to settle disputes in contract issuances | Business, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com


Politics and National Security News:


House leaders agree: P-Noy won’t be invited
By Jess Diaz (The Philippine Star)
Updated March 29, 2015 - 12:00am

MANILA, Philippines - It’s final: the House of Representatives will not invite President Aquino to its hearings on the Mamasapano incident on April 7 and 8.

And if anyone would present a motion during the inquiry to invite the President, members from the majority will vote it down.

Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. has informed Minority Leader Ronaldo Zamora that the House majority coalition will not allow an invitation to be issued for Aquino, Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II said yesterday.

“We met last Tuesday and we made it clear that the President will not be invited, that he has already made a sufficient explanation of his role in Mamasapano. The minority did not insist on having an invitation extended to the President,” he said.

Aside from Belmonte, Gonzales and Zamora, others who attended the meeting were Carol Jane Lopez of party-list group You Against Corruption and Poverty, Celso Lobregat of Zamboanga City, Rodolfo Biazon of Muntinlupa, Jeffrey Ferrer of Negros Occidental and Jim Hataman-Salliman of Basilan.

Ferrer and Salliman, as chairmen of the committees on public order and on peace and reconciliation, respectively, will jointly preside over the April hearings.

Headlines ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1
Gonzales said he expects that some militant party-list representatives would still insist on having the two committees invite Aquino.

“But any motion to that effect would be voted down,” he said.

Last weekend, Belmonte sent a text message to reporters: “Remember, we have had two exhaustive inquiries already. This is just to wrap up. Certainly, we have no intention of inviting him (Aquino) to the inquiry, but would welcome any information he would give.”

The Speaker was reacting to the proposal of Lopez, who belongs to Zamora’s minority group, for the hearing committees to invite Aquino.

Gonzales said it was also agreed during last Tuesday’s meeting that the April hearings would not touch on what the Senate and the PNP Board of Inquiry (BOI) have already investigated.

“It was the consensus that we should not waste time on things that the Senate and the BOI have tackled. The committees should take off from the Senate and BOI reports,” he said.

He said Ferrer and Salliman had promised that they would conduct orderly proceedings.

Rep. Elpidio Barzaga Jr. of Dasmariñas City in Cavite said he supports the decision of House leaders to block any invitation for Aquino to appear in the Mamasapano inquiry.

“We should respect the President’s wish. He declared in his Philippine National Police Academy speech on Thursday that that would be the last time he would speak on the issue. We should respect that,” he said.

He said he also supports the agreement for the hearing committees to focus on what the Senate and BOI inquiries have not covered.

Since the Senate and the BOI have tackled most issues, committee members should zero in on gaps in their reports, he added.

Ulterior motive

Barzaga also accused those asking President Aquino to apologize for the Mamasapano incident of having ulterior motives.

“Clearly, there’s malice behind his call. Their ulterior motive is to destroy the administration using the death of 44 policemen in Mamasapano, Maguindanao on Jan. 25,” he said.

“Their call for an apology is not only malicious but misplaced, because the issue being raised against the President is not even graft-related,” he said.

He said some of those suggesting that Aquino say sorry “have been affected by the administration’s campaign against corruption.”

“They have been exposed as having stolen money from public coffers, as having pocketed public funds,” he added without naming names.

Aquino’s critics renewed their call for an apology after the President’s Thursday speech at the Philippine National Police Academy in Cavite.

In his speech, the President reiterated that he was taking responsibility for the Mamasapano incident but stopped short of saying sorry.

Barzaga said Aquino was “very sincere and direct to the point” in his speech

“Once more, the President took responsibility. He declared he would bring this tragedy with him until his final day. He spoke the truth – the sadness brought about by the deaths of 44 Special Action Force (SAF) troopers could never be remedied by any speech or report,” he said.

The speech also showed Aquino’s human side when he asked for the public’s understanding for what happened in Mamasapano, he said.

He pointed out that the President’s acceptance of responsibility did not mean that he was admitting liability.

“The President is responsible, as Chief Executive, for the workings of government but he cannot be held liable for every error committed in the bureaucracy – from a simple typo error in a memo to the mistakes of those directly serving under him,” he stressed.

He added that the SAF mission to carry out a presidential directive for the capture of three suspected terrorists “was a success in the sense that the police killed their principal target.”

SAF commandos killed suspected Malaysian terrorist-bomb maker Zulkifli bir Hir, alias Marwan, but lost 44 men in ensuing firefights with guerillas belonging to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and its breakaway faction, the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters.

Barzaga joined fellow administration allies in calling for a closure to the Mamasapano incident.

He said Aquino’s critics would be beating a dead horse if they continue to harp on the issue.

Earlier, Eastern Samar Rep. Ben Evardone said he could not understand why some people still want the President to say sorry despite his taking responsibility for what happened in Mamasapano.

“He reiterated on Thursday that as the nation’s leader, he was the one ultimately responsible for the SAF mission and its results. He asked for understanding for whatever lapses he made, as he is only human like the rest of us. He also reiterated that the incident would forever be on his conscience,” he said.

“What more do we want from him? Do we want him to say sorry and beg for forgiveness? I think his critics just want to humiliate him,” he said.

House leaders agree: P-Noy won’t be invited | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com
Politics and National Security News:

KL girds for war in Mindanao

By Sandy Araneta, Francisco Tuyay
Mar. 30, 2015 at 12:01am

MALAYSIA warned Saturday that war could erupt in Mindanao if the peace deal between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) fails to push through by June, and has begun preparing offshore military bases in the Sulu Sea to handle an influx of refugees if the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) fails to pass.

“If the peace process can’t go through in June then it means war. Twelve years of talks and because of one incident, they will have war,” Malaysia’s Defense Mininster Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein told the Star Online, referring to the Mamasapano incident in which 44 police commandos were killed on Jan. 25.

Hussein said the offshore bases are expected to be fully operational in Sabah waters fronting Sulu province by April, and would be ready to handle hundreds of thousands of refugees trying to escape war.

“If we have a wall of offshore bases, we may have a chance to stop the exodus of people, a major concern for the ministry, Hussein said.

Malaysia had previously set up offshore bases near Sabah to repel fighters loyal to the Sultanate of Sulu, which sought to reassert its claim over Sabah in 2013.

A ranking Army officer in Mindanao said the government is facing several security challenges if the peace talks fail.

For one, he said, the MILF Central Committee only has loose control over its subordinate units.

“There is no contingency plan if peace talks fail and there is a pullout of troops in Central Mindanao, which may cause a security vacuum in some areas,” said Col. Dickson Hermoso, spokesman for the Army’s 6th Infantry Division.

The military recently launched an all-out offensive against the Bangsamoro Islamic Liberation Front (BIFF), a splinter group of the MILF, driving some 120,000 people to flee their homes.

In remarks over state-run radio, presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said the government is still pushing for peace, despite Malaysia’s preparations for war.

“Well, we cannot speak for Malaysia. What we are earnestly pursuing right now is what the President announced very recently on the National Peace Summit, that we can discuss in a non-impassioned manner the peace process and, specifically, the BBL,” Lacierda said.

“We are confident that as more stakeholders are involved, and as more people are informed about the peace process in general and the Bangsamoro Basic Law specifically, we will be able to continue to muster the general sentiment. And we believe that the sentiment of the people is towards peace. It’s just that we need to look at the peace process from the prism of all the stakeholders involved, not necessarily in just one incident, the Mamasapano,” Lacierda said.

Lacierda admitted that the Mamasapano incident has hurt peace negotiations with the MILF.

“But we need to look at the peace process in and of itself. What is at stake? Who are the stakeholders? What do we look forward to? And all these things have been enunciated by the President. So we continue to believe that... the general population believes in the peace process,” he said.

KL girds for war in Mindanao - Manila Standard Today
Military and Defense News:


AFP chief: Defense spending should be 1% of Phl budget
By Alexis Romero (philstar.com)
Updated March 30, 2015 - 6:30pm

MANILA, Philippines - Armed Forces chief Gen. Gregorio Catapang Jr. is pushing for greater military spending, saying this would enable the country to defend its territory.

Catapang said military expenditures should be increased to 1 percent of the national budget to enable the government to buy more equipment for territorial defense.

“What is important now is for our country to become prosperous because our argument is maybe at least we increase our expenditure for our defense and military,” Catapang said in a press briefing on Monday.

“What I’m proposing is that at least 1 percent of the approved national budget will go to the improvement of the capabilities of our defense and military units, to include the Office of Civil Defense,” he added.

Catapang made the statement when asked what Filipinos can do to counter China’s aggressive expansion in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea).

The Asian superpower has been occupying disputed areas to assert its expansive territorial claim, including some areas that are well within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.

The 2015 national budget stands at P2.6 trillion. In 2012, President Aquino signed a law that allotted P75 billion for the military’s modernization program from 2013 to 2017.

The modernization program will be given P15-billion each year from the national budget. The annual outlay of P15 billion is equivalent only to about 0.57 percent of the 2015 budget.

Because of its poorly equipped military, the Philippines cannot stop China’s construction activities in its West Philippine Sea territories namely Mabini (Johnson South) Reef, Calderon (Cuarteron) Reef, Burgos (Gaven) Reef, Kagitingan (Fiery Cross) Reef, Kennan (Hughes) Reef, Zamora (Subi) Reef and Panganiban (Mischief) Reef.

When reminded that China would have been finished with its construction projects by the time the Philippines becomes a prosperous country, Catapang merely stressed the need to boost territorial defense capabilities.

“Reclaiming the areas is one side of the story but putting up a strong credible deterrence for our country, ensuring that our territory will be defended from any foreign country that intends to harm us, will be a very big boost to our territorial defense,” the military chief said.

“I don’t know the intention of China for doing this, but what is important is we are prepared to defend the country,” he added.

AFP chief: Defense spending should be 1% of Phl budget | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com
Politics and National Security News:


Noy agreed to amend Constitution for MILF
POSTSCRIPT By Federico D. Pascual Jr. (The Philippine Star)
Updated April 2, 2015

AMEND IF NEEDED: On record, President Noynoy Aquino knows that the federal-type Bangsamoro that he had promised the Moro Islamic Liberation Front to supplant the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao is, or could be, unconstitutional.

When Mr. Aquino authorized his varsity team to sign the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro (FAB) on Oct. 7, 2012, he – through them, his agents – committed in writing to amend the Constitution when it gets in the way.

In Article VII of that FAB, the parties agreed to form a Transition Commission one of whose functions is “To work on proposals to AMEND THE PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION for the purpose of accommodating and entrenching in the Constitution the agreements of the Parties whenever necessary without derogating from any prior peace agreements.”

* * *

MILF MAJORITY: On his inauguration on June 30, 2010, President Aquino took a solemn oath to “preserve and defend the Constitution.”

Turning his back on that vow two years later, he committed under the FAB to amend the Constitution when it conflicts with the framework for establishing the Bangsamoro.

Opinion ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1
Instead of tailoring his contract with the MILF to the provisions of the Constitution, the President agreed to tweak, to amend, the Charter to suit the wishes of the secessionist MILF!

Per agreement, btw, the Transition Commission shall be composed of 15 members all of whom must be Bangsamoro. Seven of them shall be selected by Malacañang, but the majority of eight members, including the Chairman, shall be picked by the MILF.

* * *

UPGRADE ARMM INSTEAD: It has become a source of wonder why Mr. Aquino has gone to great lengths trying to appease the MILF when that rebel band by itself does not hold the key to the peace in Mindanao.

The 7,000-strong MILF, a break-away faction of the older Moro National Liberation Front, has never proved itself to be the sole and legitimate voice of the Muslim population of some 8 million.

If there is any set of leaders democratically selected by the people of Muslim Mindanao, it is the duly elected officials of the ARMM, the area eyed as the demographic core of the projected Bangsamoro.

Why is Mr. Aquino pushing the country to the brink of war by forcing the carving out of a constitutionally challenged Bangsamoro – instead of working within the parameters of the ARMM and nursing it to acceptable levels of economic health?

* * *

WHIM vs LAW: How can presidential whim be superior to a constitutional mandate?

Mr. Aquino has conveniently and arbitrarily pronounced the ARMM as a “failed experiment.” But , Sir, the ARMM was not an experiment. It was a regular creation by the joint act of the Congress and the Executive in obedience to the Constitution.

At the very least, Mr. Aquino should have told the nation the parameters of that “experiment” and presented the data showing how that experiment failed.

The gun freak in the Palace, meanwhile, has reduced the Bangsamoro debate into a simplistic proposition of War vs Peace, deviously implying that those who oppose the BBL want war. Give Muslims self-rule or count body bags, he warns.

The same dire warnings have been aired by his Best Friends Forever in Malaysia. Coincidence?

* * *

ELEMENTS OF STATE: If scare tactics and warmongering are the order of the day, let us add fuel to the fire by warning that the creation of an Islamic state using the breakaway disposition of the MILF could produce a separatist state leaning toward the Malaysian federation.

Under the blueprint made in Kuala Lumpur with the connivance of the Malacañang panel (not the Philippine government) the upcoming Bangsamoro will be given all the essential elements of a state to enable it to break away from the Philippine Republic.

Through the BBL, Mr. Aquino would make good his promise to give the MILF a defined TERRITORY, a functioning GOVERNMENT and a resident POPULATION, plus other value-added features.

These basic elements, plus RECOGNITION by the community of nations could launch eventually the Bangsamoro as an independent state.

* * *

FOREIGN MEDDLING: Recognition is a cinch, because a long line of administrations, by design or out of ignorance, has internationalized what is actually a domestic conflict.

We have allowed, even invited, foreign governments and leverage institutions to meddle and tell us what to do. Now, with a weak presidency, it seems we can no longer move freely.

The notion of self-determination of peoples is alluring. It is popular in the United Nations swarming with newly emerged states.

An independent Bangsamoro is made more saleable amid claims that Muslims in this dominantly Christian country have been victims of decades-long neglect and discrimination.

What is not being said is that the billions poured by the government to Muslim areas have mostly been pocketed by corrupt leaders to the neglect of their followers.

* * *

TELL THE PEOPLE: As a result of propaganda and power politics, even before they could examine more closely the Bangsamoro framework and its implications, many countries have already fallen for the notion of a peaceful and progressive Moro nation that is self-governing.

Some well-intentioned partners for progress even assisted as midwives in the birth of the Bangsamoro, stood as padrinos at its baptism and are waiting to assist and nurture it to full development.

Among these countries are the United States, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, Australia, Japan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Libya, Norway, Indonesia, and some members of the European Union. That number is enough for recognition and eventual statehood.

Also helping along are international non-government organizations such as Conciliation Resources, the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue, the Asia Foundation, Muhamadiyah, the World Bank and other entities in the US sphere of influence.

Under this formidable foreign pressure, what can Malacañang’s student council and varsity team do?

If only Mr. Aquino had the humility and honesty to admit his limitations to the Filipino people and seek their counsel....

* * *

Noy agreed to amend Constitution for MILF | Opinion, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com

So Aquino III is willing to amend the Constitution for the MILF just to make the Bangsamoro sub-state legal yet when it comes in relaxing the 60/40 Economic Restriction, he is vehemently against it ? What kind of a president is he?
MILF "Burit" home made .50 BMG anti materiel sniper rifles




^One reason why the military is having a hard time defeating them, they have their own arms factory. Makes me wonder where they get the other half of funds to make and maintain such factories.
Nobody will ever convince me that the MILF will disarm. No way will this ever happen. It successfully tricks the government into believing that it is serious to peacefully end the conflict while on the other hand rebuilds and strengthens its forces to pursue a separate Islamic Government. If they really want peace, they should start with their own tribe first.
Politics and International Security News:


US ready to respond to threats in Asia-Pacific region
By Jose Katigbak, STAR Washington bureau
(The Philippine Star)
Updated April 5, 2015 - 12:00am

WASHINGTON – The US Pacific Fleet is prepared to respond to threats against the security and stability of the Asia-Pacific region in the face of China’s undisputed land reclamation in the West Philippine Sea and South China Sea, its commander said.

“My intent is not to plan for war against any particular nation, but rather to lessen the chances of conflict by increasing security and stability more broadly throughout the region. But the Pacific Fleet is prepared, unequivocally, to respond to threats to our nation, our interests and our allies from a position of strength,” Admiral Harry Harris told a security conference in Canberra on Tuesday.

China claims most of the sea and its coral reefs, rocks and sandbars but competing claims by the Philippines, Vietnam and other countries stoke tensions and increase the potential for miscalculations, he said.

But what’s really drawing a lot of concern is the unprecedented land reclamation currently being conducted by China, he said.

“China is building artificial land by pumping sand on to live coral reefs – some of them submerged – and paving over them with concrete. China has now created over four square kilometers of artificial landmass,” he said.

Submerged reefs in the Spratlys have been turned into artificial islands with buildings, wharves and runways.

“When one looks at China’s pattern of provocative actions towards smaller claimant states – the lack of clarity on its sweeping nine-dash line claim that is inconsistent with international law and the deep asymmetry between China’s capabilities and those of its smaller neighbors – well, it’s no surprise that the scope and pace of building man-made islands raise serious questions about Chinese intentions,” he said.

The US has urged all claimants to conform to the 2002 China-ASEAN Declaration of Conduct in which all parties have committed to “exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities that would complicate or escalate disputes and affect peace and stability.”

“How China proceeds will be a key indicator of whether the region is heading towards confrontation or cooperation,” he added.

China insists its territorial claims have a historical basis and the US should not meddle in these disputes.

Harris said the US was on pace to have 60 percent of its Navy based in the Pacific Fleet by 2020.

“By maintaining a capable and credible forward presence in the region, we’re able to improve our ability to maintain stability and security. And if any crisis does break out, we’re better positioned to quickly respond,” he said.

The rebalance initiatives by the US Navy and Marine Corps team include the ongoing first deployment of the new Littoral Combat Ship to Southeast Asia, the deployment of Marines to Australia, the arrival of Virginia-class submarines and San Antonio-class amphibious landing dock ships and the future deployment of the P-8 Poseidon, the MV-22 Osprey and the Joint Strike Fighter aircraft.

A bipartisan group of US senators recently described the Chinese sea reclamations as a direct challenge not only to the interests of the US and the region but to the international community because it gave China the potential to expand its military reach.

“While other states have built on existing land masses, China is changing the size, structure and physical attributes of land features themselves,” they said in a letter.

“This is a qualitative change that appears designed to alter the status quo in the South China Sea.” – With Janvic Mateo

US ready to respond to threats in Asia-Pacific region | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com


Business News:


P-Noy signs Sugarcane Industry Development Act
By Czeriza Valencia
(The Philippine Star)
Updated April 5, 2015 - 12:00am

MANILA, Philippines - President Aquino has signed the Sugarcane Industry Development Act of 2015, a law that lays down the conditions for the maximization of the country’s sugarcane resources.

The certified copy of the signed law was transmitted to the Sugar Regulatory Administration on March 30 and was received the following day.

Rosemarie Gumera, manager of the policy and planning department of SRA, said the SRA would form a technical working group to refine the prepared draft for the Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) that would be submitted to consultations to be held nationwide.

The law is expected to take effect April 15.

The Sugarcane Industry Development Act also provides for increasing the competitiveness of the sugarcane industry, improving the incomes of farmers and farm workers through improved productivity; product diversification; job generation and increased efficiency of sugar mills.

Among its provisions on increasing productivity, is the institutionalization of the block farming program initiated by the SRA. As such, small farm lots, including farm lots held by agrarian reform beneficiaries would be consolidated into large production sites not smaller than 30 hectares. The ownership of the lands, however, would remain with the landowners.

This is intended to achieve economies of scale in the production of sugarcane and attain greater efficiency in production through the effective use of farm machineries and equipment as well as farmhands.

The SRA, the Department of Agriculture (DA) and the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) would provide common service facilities, as well as start up funding and technical assistance for production.

The SRA would develop the guidelines for sugarcane block farms participating in the program.

The SRA would also recommend, after six years, the dismantling of sugarcane block farms that have failed to improve productivity and raise efficiency.

The sugarcane block farms would be certified by the SRA. The certifications would be used as the basis for the provision of grants, access to low interest financing and support from Official Development Assistance (ODA).

As such, sugar mills, bioethanol distilleries and other markets for sugarcane are enjoined to provide market access priority to SRA-certified block farms.

Sugarcane production areas that do not qualify for the block farming program would be entitled to a support program that includes socialized credit through the Land Bank of the Philippines, as well as technical assistance subject to various lending conditions.

Under the research and development component of the law, the SRA would intensify research and development activities on high-yielding sugarcane and flood-resistant varieties.

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) would also conduct research on advanced sugar production, power generation technologies using biomass, and pest control.

To strengthen the extension services provided by the DA and the SRA to sugarcane farms, the law authorizes the Mill District Development Councils (MDCCs) to develop linkages with non-government organizations and local government organizations for the purpose of securing funding and aid in providing technical assistance.

The law provides for sustaining the availability of capable workers in the sugar industry by developing a Human Resources Development Master Plan for the industry with TESDA and related educational and labor agencies in the country.

Capacity building activities provided for by the law include the conduct of trainings and provision of scholarships among others.

The law, likewise, provides for infrastructure support such as farm-to-mill roads and irrigation infrastructure.

The domestic sugar industry is already one of the most organized agriculture subsectors in the country.

The industry, however, believes measures toward further development of the industry is needed to enable players to compete in the integrated Southeast Asian economy when the import duty on sugar is lowered to five percent this year.

P-Noy signs Sugarcane Industry Development Act | Business, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com

DBP backs transfer of Al Amanah Bank to Bangsamoro
By Ted P. Torres
(The Philippine Star)
Updated April 5, 2015 - 12:00am

MANILA, Philippines - The Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) is in favor of transferring management of the Al Amanah Bank (Islamic bank) to the proposed Bangsamoro government as provided in the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) which is pending in Congress.

The Al Amanah Bank is the only Islamic bank in the Philippines,

DBP Institute head and DBP senior vice president Isidro Roy Sobrecarey made this statement during a forum on gender and peace last March 25 at the DBP headquarters in Makati.

Sobrecarey said the transfer is in line with the bank’s declaration of full support for the government’s peace initiative, particularly the passage of the BBL into law.

Sobrecaray said this was contained in a DBP position paper that was sent to Cagayan de Oro Rep. Rufus Rodriguez, chairman of the House Ad Hoc Committee on the BBL.

“DBP agrees with the financial proposals in the BBL, especially the transfer of management of the Al Amanah Bank to the Bangsamoro government,” he said.

DBP owns and operates the country’s only Islamic bank. In 1990, Republic Act (RA) 6848 formed the country’s first and only Shariah-oriented bank.

The DBP acquired the then Al Amanah Islamic Investment Bank in 2008, when it was deep in debt. Since then, it has been on the auction block.

Sobrecaray noted that DBP plays a big role in the government’s peace and development efforts in Mindanao since it is mandated to provide funding and loans for development projects throughout the country.

One such project is a financial capacity building seminar between the DBP and Bangsamoro youth co-organized with the Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy (PCID).

Sobrecarey said “peace is not true and whole if development is not achieved, and so DBP remains committed to forging projects and partnerships that can benefit and help the region catch up in Mindanao.”

Peace panel member Senen Bacani said the BBL strives to translate to development for the Bangsamoro region.

“Unfortunately, the public is affected by misinformation spread by opponents of the proposed Bangsamoro,” Bacani noted.

He emphasized that the BBL is ultimately for achieving peace and development in the Bansgamoro region through genuine political autonomy, and not as a separate state having its own military and police force.

DBP backs transfer of Al Amanah Bank to Bangsamoro | Business, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com

PPP center sets pre-bid conference for P158 B projects
By Lawrence Agcaoili
(The Philippine Star)
Updated April 5, 2015 - 12:00am

MANILA, Philippines - The Aquino administration has scheduled pre-bid conferences this week to drum up investor interest in major Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects worth P158 billion.

The PPP Center is set to hold the pre-bid conference for the five regional airport projects worth P108.2 billion of the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) on April 7, and the P50.2 billion Regional Prisons facilities project of the Department of Justice (DOJ) on April 8.

The DOTC has divided the five regional airports into two bundles to attract more investors in the dual-stage bidding process.

The first bundle consists of the P20.26 billion Bacolod – Silay airport and the P14.62 billion Laguindingan airport, while the second bundle cover the P40.57 billion Davao airport, the P30.4 billion Iloilo airport, and the P2.34 billion New Bohol (Panglao) airport.

The DOTC is giving interested companies until May 19 to submit their qualification documents for the PPP airport projects.

On the other hand, the Justice department is pursuing the construction of a state-of-the-art regional prison facility worth P50.2 billion in Fort Magsaysay in Nueva Ecija.

The DOJ is inviting interested parties to submit applications to pre-qualify and bid for the design, financing, construction, and maintenance of a modern prison facility.

The agency has set the deadline for submission of qualification documents for the PPP project on May 6.

Both projects are part of the 12 PPP projects worth P383.8 billion so far rolled out by the Aquino administration.

Other projects include the P123 billion Laguna Lakeshore expressway dike project, the rebidding of the P55.51 billion Cavite – Laguna expressway, the P24.4 billion Bulacan Bulk Water Supply project, the P18.72 billion New Centennial Water Source – Kaliwa dam project, and the P4 billion integrated transport system – South Terminal.

The Aquino administration has already awarded nine PPP projects since 2010 with a total indicative cost of P136.37 billion.

These include the government has awarded the Daang Hari – South Luzon expressway link road (P2 billion), PPP for School Infrastructure Project phase 1 (P8.86 billion), the PSIP-2 (P16.28 billion), the modernization project for the Philippine Orthopedic Center (P5.98 billion), the Ninoy Aquino International Airport expressway (P15.52 billion), the automated fare collection system project (P1.72 billion), the Mactan – Cebu international airport expansion project (P17.5 billion), the Light Rail Transit line 1 Cavite extension project (P65 billion), and the Integrated Transport System ITS – Southwest Terminal (P3.15 billion).

PPP center sets pre-bid conference for P158 B projects | Business, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com


Miscellaneous News:


Will these 10 traditional Holy Week practices survive?
By Alixandra Caole Vila
Updated April 3, 2015 - 2:22pm

MANILA, Philippines - During Holy Week, many Catholic households follow several traditions to honor Jesus Christ's sacrifice.

It has become a tradition that during these times, Filipino Catholics should remember Christ's passion, suffering and death by staying at home to pray and reflect on Christ's death. At present, however, some people opt to use the Holy Week to go to the beaches rather than sticking with the traditions.

Catholics have their own ways of observing the Holy Week. With a growing number of people choosing relaxation over reflection, will these Filipino traditions survive?

1. Fasting
Fasting is a simple reminder of what it means to suffer and to understand the sacrifice Jesus did for humanity. As a form of penitence, many people fast or voluntarily give up certain types of luxuries during the Lent season. The most common form of fasting during Lent is fasting from food.

2. Participating in Pabasa
For those who grew up in provinces, Pabasa might be familiar. This is a ritual where your lolos and lolas chant the texts in the book of the passion of Christ in many different ways. For the young ones who have participated in the pabasa this year, and have endured the whole session, you should give credit to yourself.

3. Visita Iglesia
One of the most important traditions during Holy Week is the Visita Iglesia, a practice in which the faithful visit seven churches on Maundy Thursday leading to the Good Friday to commemorate Christ's passion and to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

4. Procession
Processions are usually held on Good Friday, including The Way of the Cross. People led by the priest walk from station to station contemplating the Passion of Christ. There are a total of 14 stations.

5. Senakulo
"Senakulo" is some sort of a play about the last days of Christ. They are often organized by and participated in by locals.

6. Moriones Festival
Moriones refers to the masked and costumed penitents who march around the towns in Marinduque for seven days searching for Longinus. They roam around the streets from Holy Monday to Easter Sunday as a tradition.

7. Cutud Crucifixions
Yearly activities in San Pedro, Pampanga during Holy Week include crucifixions. Participants in the local crucifixions usually play Biblical characters in full costume. They would reenact events during the Siete Palabras. This is done during Good Friday.

8. Flagellants
Flagellants in Pampanga during Holy Week are called "Magdarame." These practitioners do an extreme form of mortification of their own flesh by whipping it with various instruments. Flagellants roam the streets on Good Friday while either carrying wooden crosses or whipping their backs with bamboo lashes called “burilyos."

9. Night Vigil

Black Saturday is when Christ is entombed. Filipinos spend the day preparing for the night vigil leading up to Easter Sunday.

10. Salubong
Easter Sunday is the celebration of the resurrection of Christ. At four o'clock in the morning, Filipinos do a salubong ceremony commemorating how the Virgin Mary met her risen son Jesus.

Will these 10 traditional Holy Week practices survive? | News Feature, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com
The proposed $10B Sangley International Airport by San Miguel Corporation.


Philippines has most resilient economy – study
April 6, 2015

(File photo) The Philippine economy's resiliency has been attributed to improved debt and inflation management.

(CNN Philippines) — Should an economic crisis akin to last decade's Great Recession happen again, Philippines would be the most "resilient" country and be able withstand it, despite the country's status as an emerging-market economy.

That's the assessment of Center for Global Development (CGD), a think tank based in Washington, D.C.

It's not that hard to imagine another financial crisis happening: Growth in China — the world's second largest economy — has slowed, the United States' bull market hasn't had a correction since 2011, and in the Eurozone, debt-ridden Greece has yet to strike a deal with its creditors.

Economist Liliana Rojas-Suarez of the CGD recently created a "resilience indicator" that measures the vulnerability of an economy to future financial shocks.

Her metric looks into several economic indicators that fall under two categories:

a country's ability to withstand external shocks
government's ability to "rapidly" implement policies that counteract the effects of such shocks
"I compare the values of the identified variables in 2007 (the preglobal financial crisis year) with the respective values at the end of 2014," she said.

Rojas-Suarez explained: "A country is said to be highly resilient to adverse external shocks if the event does not result in a sharp contractions of economic growth, a severe decline in the rate of growth of real credit and/or the emergence of deep instabilities in the financial sector."

Related: Income increases but so does poverty

Of the 21 countries she studied, Rojas-Suarez ranked the Philippines as the most resilient economy, ahead of South Korea and China, which fall at second and third, respectively.

Rojas-Suarez found that the Philippines posted a strong improvement in its indebtedness. The debt indicators had substantial influence over the country's ranking.

For example, she points out that the country cut in half its external debt to GDP ratio "from around 40 percent in 2007 to around 20 percent in 2014." This figure stands in stark contrast with most whose ratios are "without significant changes" within that same time period.

She also cites the country's lower government debt to GDP ratio which stood above 40% in 2007, and subsequently shrank to below that figure in 2014.

Likewise, the country also stood out because of its improved inflation performance in 2014 relative to 2007. Rojas-Suarez pointed out that inflation rates have been within the government's targets.

Latin American countries did not do well in the study: "Four of the six Latin American countries in the sample have deteriorated their positions in the ranking. This includes Argentina, which now holds the last position. "

Apart from "bad luck in terms of unfavorable trade," Rojas-Suarez explained that such countries ranked lower because of "the squandering of opportunity to implement needed reforms in the good post-crisis years."

Her study ultimately affirms a long-running cliché: An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

"Policy decisions taken in the precrisis period played a major role in explaining a country's macroeconomic performance during the global economic crisis (of last decade)," explained Rojas-Suarez.

"Initial conditions at the onset of a severe adverse external shock matter a lot. The good news is that, besides the commodity price shock, the most feared external shock: a sudden rise in interest rates in the US has not (yet) materialized. Time is still on the side of emerging markets’ authorities."

The Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) closed above the 8,000 mark for the first time.
Manila Bullettin

April 6, 2015


In a statement, PSE said it ended Monday’s session at 8,053.74, up by 60.65 points or 0.8 percent.

The previous record close was 7,993.09 on April 1, 2015.

“Closing above the 8,000 level is significant as it reinforces the favorable view that investors have on our market. We are optimistic that the positive local developments and upbeat outlook on listed firms will provide more upside potential for the index,” said PSE President and CEO Hans B. Sicat.

The PSEi also reached a new all-time intraday high of 8,062.79, from the previous intraday high of 8,007.98 registered on March 30, 2015.

Year-to-date, the PSEi has established 25 record finishes and has posted a gain of 11.4 percent.

9 EU nations borrow $439.5M from PH’s IMF fund
April 6,2015
Yahoo News Philippines

The central bank reported that nine countries in Europe had withdrawn $439.50 million from its credit facilities with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

As a creditor-member nation of the IMF, these drawdowns are part of the Philippines’ assistance to establish global financial stability, said the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP).

“The strong external and reserve position of the BSP enabled the institution to increase its contributions in various fund pooling arrangements to support the stability of the international and regional financial systems,” the BSP said in a March, 2014 report.

One of these global arrangements is the IMF’s Financial Transaction Plan (FTP) of which the BSP has a floor participation amount of $462 million.

As of end-December, 2014, the BSP noted nine countries had drawn from funds exchanged by the BSP through the IMF’s FTP amounting to $355.60 million. Portugal, Ireland, and Greece were the biggest recipients. The BSP said this was to “address the financial crisis impacting the European economic zone.”

The IMF also accessed $83.91 million from the BSP’s credit line under the New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB) to finance the IMF requirements for Greece, Portugal, Tunisia, Cyprus, and Ukraine.

The Philippines’ NAB has slightly higher deposit reserves of $521 million compared to FTP.

The two IMF participation is separate from the country’s $1 billion other commitment to the multilateral group.

“With regard to the BSP’s loan commitment of $1 billion to the IMF in support of efforts to strengthen its capability to secure global economic and financial stability, no drawdown has been made since the agreement on 13 September 2013,” the BSP reported.

BSP Deputy Governor Diwa C. Guinigundo said the country’s IMF commitments are part of the BSP’s investments since they earn interests from these credit lines.

Guinigundo said in a previous interview that despite incurring a balance of payments (BOP) deficit in 2014, the BSP is keeping its IMF commitments both in the FTP and the NAB.

Last year for the first time in eight straight years, the BSP reported a BOP deficit of $2.87 billion due to a weakened external sector. The foreign exchange and foreign assets’ reserves also fell to $79.54 billion from $83.18 billion in 2013.

Cost-wise both the FTP and NAB are not considered government expenses because the commitment is to release reserves only when a credit arrangement is required.
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The Philippine economy is currently at $330 Billion.

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US, Philippines double troops for annual war games
Press TV
Mon Apr 6, 2015


The United States military is doubling the number of troops it is sending to the Philippines to participate in the annual war games this month.

The US and the Philippines will deploy 6,656 and 5,023 soldiers respectively to take part in the 10-day war games to be held April 20 to 30.

This is more than twice the size of force, 2,500 Americans and 3,000 Filipinos, that participated in last year’s Balikatan (shoulder-to-shoulder) exercises.

The exercises, organized by the chief of the military command in charge of the West Philippine Sea, will be held as the Philippines is increasingly worried that China is seeking to take control of the strategically vital South China Sea.

Some military exercises will be staged close to a South China Sea flashpoint, the Filipino military said Monday.

Filipino military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Harold Cabunoc said the war games will be staged at several locations in the Philippines, including a naval station directly facing the disputed waters.

He said the decision to expand the scope of the exercises this year was not directed at China, which claims nearly all of the South China Sea.

"The higher strength of Balikatan 2015 for this year only reflects the Philippines and the United States' growing commitment to enhance our capability to conduct joint military and non-military activities," Cabunoc told AFP.

The Balikatan exercises also come as the new military agreement between the two allies, the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), is pending with the Philippine Supreme Court over constitutionality issues.

EDCA allows the US to increase the so-called rotational presence of its troops and build military bases in areas of the Philippine armed forces.

In 2013, the Pentagon asked the Philippines for more access to the country’s military bases for another twenty years as the two sides discussed a wider American military footprint in Asia.
Aussies to join PH-US ‘war games’
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Tuesday, April 7th, 2015

Shoulder to shoulder, Filipino and American troops will come together this month for their regular Balikatan joint military training exercises. And they will be joined by a few Australians.

This year’s Balikatan (BK15) will be held on April 20-30 and is the 31st in the series of bilateral exercises provided for by the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty between the Philippines and the United States.

The exercise aims to enhance the capabilities of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the United States Armed Forces. Aside from traditional military training, the exercise promotes civil military projects in local Filipino communities.

The AFP will deploy 5,023 personnel and the US 6,656. The Australian Defense Forces (ADF) will take part in some exercises and send 61 personnel.

The AFP will deploy 15 aircraft, the US 76 and the ADF one. The AFP will sail one of its ships while the US will send three.


“Our and the US’s armed forces are coming together for this mutual defense and disaster response exercise toward a more responsive partnership focusing on development and community service,” AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr. said.

BK15 will be three-pronged.

The Humanitarian Civic Assistance exercise will focus on joint civil-military operations by the AFP, USAF and ADF in the Western Command (Wescom) area of responsibility in Puerto Princesa City and the Central Command (Centcom) area in Panay.

The Command Post Exercise will focus on marine security with live arms fire to demonstrate the capabilities of the AFP National Maneuver Force. US and ADF personnel will form a joint liaison group in support of capability development.

The Field Training Exercises involving units of both the Philippine and US Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Special Operations Force will be held at the Crow Valley Gunnery Range in Tarlac; Basa Air Base in Floridablanca and Clark Air Base in Angeles City, Pampanga; Fort Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija; Gregorio Lim Marine Base, Ternate, Cavite; Heracleo Alano Naval Base, Sangley Point, Cavite, and Leovigildo Gantiouqui Naval Station, San Antonio, Zambales.

The training will enhance capabilities and tactics, techniques and procedures, reinforce relations and improve the interoperability of the AFP, USAF and ADF.

The Balikatan (which means shoulder) opening ceremony on April 20 will be held at Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City. The closing ceremony will be at Clark on April 30.

Philippine Navy Vice Adm. Alexander Lopez is Balikatan exercise director this year, while Brig. Gen. Rodolfo Santiago, AFP Command and General Staff College commandant, is vice director.

Aquino to Fil-Chinese bizmen: Pay right taxes, share blessings
President Benigno Aquino III urges Filipino-Chinese businessmen to make an effort to give their employees 'a little more'


MANILA, Philippines – President Benigno S. Aquino III urged the Filipino-Chinese business community to paying the correct taxes and to share their blessings with their employees to enhance their productivity.

Aquino made the call at the opening ceremony of the 30th Biennial Convention of the Federation of the Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry Incorporated (FFCCCII) , while discussing how his administration has been investing in programs and projects to promote inclusive growth.

"Might I note that we did this without raising taxes, apart from the sin tax," he said, referring to the administration programs. He added, "But of course, the appeal continues: Please pay the correct taxes."

Aquino underscored the role of the private sector in improving national productivity.

He said that in the past, maximizing profits was all about cutting down costs, which eventually meant keeping wages as low as possible – but since workers are consumers, their low wages weakened their purchasing power and did not help grow the economy.

"The true path to sustained profit and growth lies in empowering our workers. Increasing their disposable income increases demand, and therefore increases competition....This is the approach that allows for a situation where, truly, everybody wins," Aquino said, adding that his ultimately leads to economic growth.

As such, Aquino called on the Filipino-Chinese business community – the “captains and lieutenants” of their respective industries to empower Filipino workers.

‘Give a little more’

Aquino again went on to discuss the accomplishments of his administration, particularly those primarily aimed at providing opportunities for Filipinos to improve their lot in life.

Aquino said his administration nearly doubled the budget of the Department of Education, increased the budget of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) by 84%, significantly increased the budget of the Department of Social Welfare and Development, and tripled the infrastructure budget.

"But there is an added bonus: an increase in empowered consumers, which bodes well for businesses like yours and the economy at large," the President said.

Aquino also acknowledged the FFCCCII’s efforts to help their communities, whether through scholarship funds or medical missions.

"Today, however, I am inviting you to do even more to help us empower the Filipino people," Aquino stressed.

The President also recalled that when he was a lawmaker, he proposed a measure that called for businesses to share part of their net new profits with their employees.

"My intent was to make the antagonistic 'you' versus 'I' into a 'we,' and the methodology was a system that rewards productivity, that allows all stakeholders to benefit from increased profits,” Aquino said.

He added that he does not expect such a bill to be passed anytime soon, but called the Filipino-Chinese businessmen to perhaps take the initiative – for their companies to make an effort to give their employees a little more.

“It will serve to drive them to be even more productive, while at the same time spurring a virtuous cycle of trust, confidence, and sustained growth in terms of our economy," Aquino said.

Since he assumed office in 2010, Aquino said the federation had helped transform the Philippine economic landscape, and urged the group to step up its participation in nation-building.

"The question I wish to leave with you today is this: When the time comes for us to leave this earth, will the succeeding generations look to us and say, 'Thank you for bequeathing to us a better world?' Or will they ask why we left them exactly the same set of problems if not more? I am certain that, like me, you want to be remembered as part of the solution and not the problem," Aquino said.

Electronics industry sees $6-B to $7-B export revenue in Q1
Philippines News Agency
April 4, 2015

THE country’s electronics industry projects exports revenue for the first quarter of 2015 at $6 billion to $7 billion, Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines Inc. (Seipi) President Dan Lachica said.

This, after electronics exports in January 2015 increased by 15 percent to $2.0 billion from January 2014’s figure of $1.78 billion.

The projected figure for first quarter 2015 is also in line with the industry’s target growth of 5.0 percent to 7.0 percent for the full-year 2015 or reaching some $27.61 billion in export revenues from last year’s receipt of $25.8 billion, according to Lachica.

The Seipi president said the industry will stick to its conservative 5.0- percent to 7.0-percent growth target even if the sector surpassed the growth projection last year.

“We want to be realistic with our projections,” he said.

He added that the falling oil prices also benefits the industry as it should translate to lower logistics cost, power and raw materials.

Moreover, the country’s electronics exports revenue target for this year has yet to match the revenue level during its pre-slowdown performance, a World Bank study released in January said.

“Prior to the slowdown, electronics exports reached a peak of $32 billion…. However, five years after the slowdown, electronics exports have yet to match its pre-slowdown performance. In 2008 and 2009, electronics exports fell by 7.0 percent and 21 percent, respectively. Nascent recovery of the global economy led to a jump in electronics exports by 38 percent in 2010. However, this rate of growth was not sustained in succeeding years as exports contracted yet again by 23 percent and 0.3 percent in 2011 and 2012, respectively,” the World Bank stated.

It added that compared to the electronics exports of neighboring countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam which already surpassed the pre-slowdown export performance, and Malaysia which is close to recovering its losses, the Philippines electronics exports have not fully recovered since the 2009 global slowdown which led to a decline in electronics export.

Lachica, on the other hand, noted that the aforementioned Asian neighbors had aggressive public and private investments compared to the country, thus recovering from the decline.

He added that although the global demand has recovered, there are factors locally that temper the growth of the industry.

“Investments develop revenue,” said Lachica citing public investments, particularly in infrastructure, are needed by the industry aside from firms’ investments.
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Aquino to Fil-Chinese bizmen: Pay right taxes, share blessings
President Benigno Aquino III urges Filipino-Chinese businessmen to make an effort to give their employees 'a little more'

View attachment 212585

MANILA, Philippines – President Benigno S. Aquino III urged the Filipino-Chinese business community to paying the correct taxes and to share their blessings with their employees to enhance their productivity.

Aquino made the call at the opening ceremony of the 30th Biennial Convention of the Federation of the Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry Incorporated (FFCCCII) , while discussing how his administration has been investing in programs and projects to promote inclusive growth.

"Might I note that we did this without raising taxes, apart from the sin tax," he said, referring to the administration programs. He added, "But of course, the appeal continues: Please pay the correct taxes."

Aquino underscored the role of the private sector in improving national productivity.

He said that in the past, maximizing profits was all about cutting down costs, which eventually meant keeping wages as low as possible – but since workers are consumers, their low wages weakened their purchasing power and did not help grow the economy.

"The true path to sustained profit and growth lies in empowering our workers. Increasing their disposable income increases demand, and therefore increases competition....This is the approach that allows for a situation where, truly, everybody wins," Aquino said, adding that his ultimately leads to economic growth.

As such, Aquino called on the Filipino-Chinese business community – the “captains and lieutenants” of their respective industries to empower Filipino workers.

‘Give a little more’

Aquino again went on to discuss the accomplishments of his administration, particularly those primarily aimed at providing opportunities for Filipinos to improve their lot in life.

Aquino said his administration nearly doubled the budget of the Department of Education, increased the budget of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) by 84%, significantly increased the budget of the Department of Social Welfare and Development, and tripled the infrastructure budget.

"But there is an added bonus: an increase in empowered consumers, which bodes well for businesses like yours and the economy at large," the President said.

Aquino also acknowledged the FFCCCII’s efforts to help their communities, whether through scholarship funds or medical missions.

"Today, however, I am inviting you to do even more to help us empower the Filipino people," Aquino stressed.

The President also recalled that when he was a lawmaker, he proposed a measure that called for businesses to share part of their net new profits with their employees.

"My intent was to make the antagonistic 'you' versus 'I' into a 'we,' and the methodology was a system that rewards productivity, that allows all stakeholders to benefit from increased profits,” Aquino said.

He added that he does not expect such a bill to be passed anytime soon, but called the Filipino-Chinese businessmen to perhaps take the initiative – for their companies to make an effort to give their employees a little more.

“It will serve to drive them to be even more productive, while at the same time spurring a virtuous cycle of trust, confidence, and sustained growth in terms of our economy," Aquino said.

Since he assumed office in 2010, Aquino said the federation had helped transform the Philippine economic landscape, and urged the group to step up its participation in nation-building.

"The question I wish to leave with you today is this: When the time comes for us to leave this earth, will the succeeding generations look to us and say, 'Thank you for bequeathing to us a better world?' Or will they ask why we left them exactly the same set of problems if not more? I am certain that, like me, you want to be remembered as part of the solution and not the problem," Aquino said.

I rather put trust in the idea of axing the 60/40 Economic Restrictions which the Fil-Chinese community supports as they don't like foreign company competition.
I rather put trust in the idea of axing the 60/40 Economic Restrictions which the Fil-Chinese community supports as they don't like foreign company competition.
True! our politicans should really have their head examined. The 60/40 ratio of ownership was made to order for these same oligarchs and weathy influential Filipino-Chinese businessmen. They are actually the ones that have interests in our country that they want to protect.

PSEi breaks 8,100 intraday
Manila Bulletin
April 7, 2015 (updated)


The Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) broke past the 8,100 level and registered a new all-time high on Tuesday as inflation eased to 2.4 percent in March.

“Interest rates are expected to remain low with the benign inflation data released today which augurs well for the equities market. We hope to more see favorable developments in the coming months to help sustain the gains and attract more participation from investors,” PSE President and CEO Hans B. Sicat noted.

The PSEi climbed to an all-time intraday high of 8,136.97 before ending the session at 8,098.68, up by 44.94 points or 0.6 percent.

Both levels surpassed the previous intraday high and record close posted yesterday at 8,062.79 and 8,053.74 respectively.

The PSEi has now had 26 record finishes since the start of the year. Year-to-date, the index has gained 12.0 percent.



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