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Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

Anyone realized what actually has happened?

Philippines were trying to flex muscles sending their largest military vessel their flagship against 10 merely civilian Chinese fishing vessels in Chinese waters. Their mission was to harass the Chinese fishermen. Clearly an attempt to "show China the way" and act strong.

They failed! But why?

2! Two civilian surveillance ships brave enough to protect the fishing vessels against the harassment. They had no fear for a stand off with possibly the strongest weaponry in the Philippine navy.

Thats it! All the Philippines could hope for was to bully some untrained scared civilian fishermen. But they didn't dare to lay a finger even just trained but still unarmed personnel.

This was a greatly embarrassing event. They acted inappropriate. They where the aggressors. They intended to bully civilians with great military force. They intended to show off. But they failed already against Chinese civilian order. Not even a display of Chinese military force was necessary.

The military of those banana republics is just a big joke.
china is such a bully. If phillipines sent more navy forces or used power to arrest them then China would say its war and send its navy to intervene and bully phillipines. That is why they could not arrest those chinese fisherman. Clearly CHina is the biggest bully.

Try to do this simple civilian act with Japan and Korea. then u will know what it means to first enter someone's else water and then also not allowing them to perform their right of arresting the culprits. Japan and Korea will arrest chinese fisherman everytime they enter their water. No chinese surveillance ship can do antics like these in that case. Such bullying works only against phillipines.

what has happened is that China has confirmed two things:

1) it can bully only small countries.
2) it has no peaceful intentions but intends to use force to enforce its claims on ASEAN countries.

We did against both Korea and Japan. We will do it to whoever violates the rights of our fishing vessels and we will uphold freedom of navigation regardless the cost.

Freedom isn't free.
Timetravel, there are more than 3 threads on the World Forum on this subject. why don't you go there?


Hasn't the Philippines sent a coast guard boat and withdraw the naval ship to tone down the incident? China should never back down on this, otherwise these little midgets will laugh at us as paper tiger.

Nope. It seems the Philippine Warship is still there. The Filipino troops returned to their ship and didn't take any chinese fishermen with them.

Philippines will stand down.

Consider how open, sensational and emotional this is to both Chinese and Filipinos, it will be very hard for any one of those two countries to back down publicly.
So the standoff is still going on while the diplomats between the two countries are probably working behind in the background.
We did against both Korea and Japan. We will do it to whoever violates the rights of our fishing vessels and we will uphold freedom of navigation regardless the cost.

Freedom isn't free.

freedom of NAVIGATION.. let US warships have freedom of navigation near chinese borders :lol:

what u did against Japan and Korea?Nothing. Dare to stop them from arresting ur fishermen in their water by sending surveillance ship.? when u did that? :lol:

man ur rights r in ur area.. not in the seas of other countries. this is plain ridiculous claim that ur seas extend upto 1000s of kms and others not even upto 200 kms. !! :lol:
Philipines should not back down. Just arrest those. If not now china will make it a daily affair to violate philippines sovereignty...
man china bullying small country so badly.. I will say china has any guts only if it dares to do this with Japan or Korea. China can do that with only Phillipines. pathetic.

North Korea took care of the South just a few months ago ... By shelling their positions on the island ... and you want China to fight with Korea ? :azn: ... Japan ? We all saw what they did when confronted with Chinese in island stand off and being constantly bugged by PLAAF ...
North Korea took care of the South just a few months ago ... By shelling their positions on the island ... and you want China to fight with Korea ? :azn: ... Japan ? We all saw what they did when confronted with Chinese in island stand off and being constantly bugged by PLAAF ...

specifically there is still no precedence of China sending its ships inside Japanese/Korean territories to save its fisherman... they will always arrest them.

I would like to see china do this to Japan or Korea n not small phillipines. Phillipines really is not the right match for China to bully and then roam around with thumping its chest.

if China can violate Japanese territory and send ships to protect its fisherman from Japanese Navy then I would say its an act. otherwise its lame of chinese.
This is kept a secret to Chinese population, that China was the first to declare that they would never use nuclear weapons against anyone(even against nuclear powers) first. President Obama was the second to declare a similar thing(not as strong as the Chinese pledge), that US would not use or threatened to use nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear power first even if gas/bio attacked.
LMAO at korean inferiority. This is how you delude yourself into believing China will not wipe clean south korea when the time comes for korean war 2.

Peaceful rise and no first use are funny jokes. Its so funny to see inferior koreans and indians take those jokes seriously.
china helping american arms sale!! china paying back for selling cheap stuff in walmart..
china is such a bully. If phillipines sent more navy forces or used power to arrest them then China would say its war and send its navy to intervene and bully phillipines. That is why they could not arrest those chinese fisherman. Clearly CHina is the biggest bully.

Try to do this simple civilian act with Japan and Korea. then u will know what it means to first enter someone's else water and then also not allowing them to perform their right of arresting the culprits. Japan and Korea will arrest chinese fisherman everytime they enter their water. No chinese surveillance ship can do antics like these in that case. Such bullying works only against phillipines.

what has happened is that China has confirmed two things:

1) it can bully only small countries.
2) it has no peaceful intentions but intends to use force to enforce its claims on ASEAN countries.

Russia routinely arrest or chase away chinese fishermen who fish in their river.

Chinese poachers hurt fish stocks - YouTube
China has the largest fishing fleet in the world, operating not only in China's waters, but across the globe.

China is frequently in the news in relation to illegal fishing activities. In the last year alone, Chinese fishers and fishing boats have been apprehended or monitored engaging in illegal activities in the waters of many countries, including Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and South Africa. In the Philippines alone, the authorities say they have arrested almost 600 Chinese nationals for poaching in the last nine years. Greenpeace and EJF have tracked illegally operating Chinese flagged trawlers from the waters around Guinea to landing their catches in the Canary Islands, the Philippine authorities have arrested Chinese fishers for fishing in the prohibited waters of the Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park, and Chinese companies have been implicated in organised crime rings involving illegal fishing.

In addition, efforts to crack down on the shark fin trade have focused very much on China, the main market for the highly prized fins which are used in shark fin soup.

China consumes 30% of the catch from the world's commercial fisheries, and 10% of that is turned into feed for China's vast aquaculture industry, which raises 70% of the world's total production of farmed fish.
Any possibility of a mastermind behind those so called banana republics?

Because of USA they believe that China will do nothing, then they are deadly wrong, this misjudgement will make them pay dearly. :coffee:
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