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Petition seeks removal of ISI chief: Dawn


Jun 5, 2009
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ISLAMABAD: Another petition was filed in the Supreme Court on Monday over the memo case —this time against ISI Director General Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha. The petitioner sought immediate removal of the spymaster.

Jameel Ahmed, chairman of the Communist Party of Pakistan, contended that Gen Pasha was not eligible to hold the high post of ISI.

He based his petition on articles appeared in the foreign media according to which the ISI chief allegedly got approval from the Arab world to sack President Asif Ali Zardari. “Till date these allegations have not been denied by both the ISI DG and the ISPR,” he added.

Mr Ahmed requested the apex court to declare that Lt-Gen Pasha`s continuance (in office) was in direct contravention of Article 244 of the Constitution —a provision that deals with oath of the armed forces.

As an interim relief, the petitioner said, the court should direct the federal government to suspend the ISI chief till the disposal of his petition.

“If whatever stated by Mansoor Ijaz about the `memogate` is correct, then what about his opinion concerning the ISI (DG) that he got approval from the Arab world for the removal of the president,” Mr Ahmed asked.

“This is alarming and shows involvement of the ISI DG,” the petitioner said, adding that his alleged meetings with the Arab leaders certainly came under the purview of politics.

Petition seeks removal of ISI chief - Dawn

Another source:


ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court was requested on Monday to direct the government to immediately remove ISI Director General Lt Gen Ahmad Shuja Pasha in response to the ongoing memogate controversy. The petition was filed by Communist Party of Pakistan Chairman Engineer Jameel Ahmad Malik under Article 184 (3) of the constitution, making the federation through defence secretary, ISI chief Lt Gen Ahmad Shuja Pasha, Omar Warraich, a correspondent of The Independent and Times, Islamabad Press Club and private channel anchor Hamid Mir as respondents. The petitioner requested the court to order the federation, which appointed Ahmad Shuja Pasha as the ISI chief, to immediately suspend him (Pasha) until disposal of this petition. Citing various judgements of the apex court, the petitioner pleaded that the continuance of Lt Gen Pasha as the ISI director general be declared to be in direct contravention of Article 244 of the constitution and the Pakistan Army Act, 1952 and he be removed from the post. He stated that it was widely reported in the print as well as the electronic media in the country and abroad that Pakistan’s powerful spy agency chief Lt Gen Pasha had sought and got permission from senior Arab leaders to oust President Asif Ali Zardari, who was the supreme commander of the armed forces. He said neither this allegation had been denied by Pasha nor by the ISPR until today. He said that the news about Gen Pasha’s alleged steps for ousting Zardari was alarming and it showed involvement of Gen Pasha and the army in politics, which was contrary to their oath taken under Article 244 of the constitution. He said that the secret meeting of Gen Pasha with the Arab leaders for taking them into confidence about the removal of President Zardari clearly came under the purview of politics and in this way the ISI chief had hatched a conspiracy against an elected government and the president, thus he deserved a court martial under the Pakistan Army Act, 1952 on this count.

SC moved for removal of ISI chief - Daily Times


Seems as though the ISI DG or ISPR for that matter, would now have to resort to refuting a gazillion claims that are regularly being leveled against them
Shuja Pasha HAS to resign. He should try to understand that he is not a sacred cow in God's eye. He is equal to Zardari and Bush! Anyways, Kiyani and Pasha can loose this case since they said that memogate is real! Considering that, this aspect of the memo is also real.

People, please try to understand that the ONLY way for Pakistani to sustain herself is to have accountability across the board.

If ISI, Kiyani, Zardari, Chief Justice etc do not obey the law, it means that they do not obey the people which in turn questions the role of such people.
Shuja Pasha HAS to resign. He should try to understand that he is not a sacred cow in God's eye. He is equal to Zardari and Bush!


Moving on.

Anyways, Kiyani and Pasha can loose this case since they said that memogate is real! Considering that, this aspect of the memo is also real.

This was never part of the memo. It's an allegation that started circulating after the memo. So legally, there is no connection of this allegation with the memo. It is completely separate.

Also, unlike the memo which was confirmed by Adm. Mike Mullen, a notebale confirmation, no one of an equal notablity has commented on the veracity of this allegation, so far.

People, please try to understand that the ONLY way for Pakistani to sustain herself is to have accountability across the board.

If ISI, Kiyani, Zardari, Chief Justice etc do not obey the law, it means that they do not obey the people which in turn questions the role of such people.

Hmm... agreed. Though accountability across the board is one of the many ways for sustaining Pakistan, not the only way.

Another way of sustaining Pakistan is demanding an end to the agnosingly corrupt ruling elite regimes.
He offered his resignation to PM in OBL's incident but that poor Gilani did not have the balls to accept his resignation. Now since the memo gate scandal has been unveiled and since the Pres. is in shambles, he himself is using that string of power attached to these communist cronies aka ANP in KPK, to pursue their efforts in making ISI chief resign.

Looks like the Mr. Pres. has sleepless nights these days.
I don't think that he should resign or forced to resign (nobody can force him except COAS OR JCOSC), agree that RD case, OBL issue memo scandal and now Pakistan-US relations in context of NATO bombing on Pakistani border post are important in their job time but why we shouldn't understand that they are not alone here, gradually their strict stance against US spy agency and removal of many spy setups from Pakistan and now hard position in front of NATO and more over successful operations against terrorists in SWAT & S.Waziristan give a different look with that above mentioned issues.

Interesting that all these demands came from those whose own national character under question mark. People are concerned over his abilities but why people forgot that now security situation of country is far better than 2008 and 2009, interesting why nobody submit petition to remove Rehman Malik? The traitor who allowed hundreds of US officials to work in Pakistan under orders of his master ZARDARI and with help of Hussain Haqqani.

Now time has come when people should demand removal of ZARDARI & his puppet Rehman Malik.

This is army still fighting for sovereignty of Pakistan but not these politicians who are criticizing ISI for the will of their foreign masters.

Moving on.

This was never part of the memo. It's an allegation that started circulating after the memo. So legally, there is no connection of this allegation with the memo. It is completely separate.

Also, unlike the memo which was confirmed by Adm. Mike Mullen, a notebale confirmation, no one of an equal notablity has commented on the veracity of this allegation, so far.

Hmm... agreed. Though accountability across the board is one of the many ways for sustaining Pakistan, not the only way.

Another way of sustaining Pakistan is demanding an end to the agnosingly corrupt ruling elite regimes.

"KARACHI: Mansoor Ijaz the US businessman at the centre of the memogate scandal has backtracked on his text message regarding DG ISI General Shuja Pasha.

A blog published in The Independent gave reference to a text message in which Ijaz said that a senior US official had informed him that DG ISI Shuja Pasha had approached senior Arab leaders about removing President Zardari and that permission had been granted.

The message published on the blog states: I was just informed by senior US intel that GD-SII Mr P asked for, and received permission from senior Arab leaders a few days ago to sack Z. For what its worth.

It is clearly written in the message that permission was asked for and given.

However Ijaz speaking on Geo News program Lekin said the following: “no one ever said to me (Ijaz) that General Pasha received permission from somebody to conduct a coup, that’s not what they said.”

Ijaz goes on to say “what they said was that he had toured Arab countries right after the bin Laden raid taken place and that he had in fact made clear to those Arab leaders that he met with that there were a significant degree of stress if you will between the civilian sector and the establishment about laying blame on what….again these are intelligence sources which are talking to me, I don’t have a transcript that says that, I don’t have the notes of a meeting in which any of those things were said.” "
People, try to understand that ARMY has RULED Pakistan as well. They did not do wonders rather they also supported corrupt politicians and were involved in corruption. It is HARD to prove their corruption since they have an intelligence agency at their back which is also involved in moral corruption, playing with the PEOPLE of Pakistani by creating political parties like IJI.

This is the right time for Pakistan Army to be accountable in front of the law and the people.

---------- Post added at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------

"r0ck "

"Shuja Pasha HAS to resign. He should try to understand that he is not a sacred cow in God's eye. He is equal to Zardari and Bush!
Original Post By saad445566

Moving on."

You want to see what mother nature can do? Okay, I will show you now!

Wait for few days.
Well Saad, being what others call me an 'insider' I can assure you that General Pasha is not what you are accusing him of. Neither is Kiyani. Yes Kiyani how has a negative publicity but we must understand and look at the scenario from their point of view.

They both tried to over throw the government in 2007 and failed due to pressure from UK. The recent drama we saw, where chances of a coup were on extreme is all the same story. Over throwing the government to bring forth a better future for the Nation. They cannot act on their own accord. The aren't brave enough to do it, it might result in much worse for Pakistan than today.

General Kiyani and Pasha have done a lot of good for Pakistan from international resistance as well as enemies within the ranks.
They have been sweeping and cleaning Pakistan in a silent war. Did you ever take a guess how many personnel were court martialed?
Look at Egypt. Look at Libya. If the ISI and Army is badly messed with, we will be in a position much worse.

I suppose I have said thing more than required. Pardon me now.
the petitioner is being selective, why not seek the impeachment of the president based on memogate who is seeking a foreign power to put a leash on state institution and conspiring against it with a help of a US national Ambassador of Pakistan? What a joke that is hehe.

The best time for ISI chief was to resign on OBL/ RD incident. I don’t understand why the memo gate issue is only targeting him. I didn’t know if Arabs had the say in the appointment of Pakistani leadership I thought it was Washington that appointed the present lot after the deal that its forces will be given a free hand to do what they please in the name of WoT.

But for the heck of it. Lets say both Kyani and Pasha resign but then what?
What if Zardari does another memo and this time instead of some Arab, president Karzai sends a letter to new ISI chief giving him the permission to steal the wig of Chaudry Nisar? Would the petitioner once again file another petition to get the new ISI chief sacked for receiving Karzai’s letter? (pun intended).
Jameel Ahmed, chairman of the Communist Party of Pakistan, contended that Gen Pasha was not eligible to hold the high post of ISI.

Honestly I don't even see Jameel Ahmed's claim to hold weight, nor do I think his complaint will be taken serious. ISI has never been held accountable before, so I don't see the importance of the article.
Well Saad, being what others call me an 'insider' I can assure you that General Pasha is not what you are accusing him of. Neither is Kiyani. Yes Kiyani how has a negative publicity but we must understand and look at the scenario from their point of view.

They both tried to over throw the government in 2007 and failed due to pressure from UK. The recent drama we saw, where chances of a coup were on extreme is all the same story. Over throwing the government to bring forth a better future for the Nation. They cannot act on their own accord. The aren't brave enough to do it, it might result in much worse for Pakistan than today.

General Kiyani and Pasha have done a lot of good for Pakistan from international resistance as well as enemies within the ranks.
They have been sweeping and cleaning Pakistan in a silent war. Did you ever take a guess how many personnel were court martialed?
Look at Egypt. Look at Libya. If the ISI and Army is badly messed with, we will be in a position much worse.

I suppose I have said thing more than required. Pardon me now.

Do you want ME to post the PICTURES of LAVISH GOLF courses where Kiyani and their buddies play?
Do you want me to POST the PICTURES of Air Marshal's house?

Do you want me to compare it with the MAJORITY of PAkistanis?

I will see in the coming months..I will see how army presents her self to the LAW and the PEOPLE!

If you are an insider, I do not know who I am!

---------- Post added at 10:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 PM ----------

"But for the heck of it. Lets say both Kyani and Pasha resign but then what?
What if Zardari does another memo and this time instead of some Arab, president Karzai sends a letter to new ISI chief giving him the permission to steal the wig of Chaudry Nisar? Would the petitioner one again file another petition to get the new ISI chief sacked for receiving Karzai’s letter? (pun intended)."

People resign because they are INCOMPETENT.

Kiyani should have RESIGNED after the OBL raid. He did not present him to the law and the people!

---------- Post added at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 PM ----------

And I am not an active member so I will leave this over here.

Again, I will see how Pasha presents him in the court of law and people. Kiyani did not resign after the OBL raid so why the HECK should Zardari resign after memo 'gate' ?

Anyways, I will watch and see..Mother nature will take appropriate steps because she wants PAKISTAN to thrive!
Do you want ME to post the PICTURES of LAVISH GOLF courses where Kiyani and their buddies play?
Do you want me to POST the PICTURES of Air Marshal's house?

Do you want me to compare it with the MAJORITY of PAkistanis?

I will see in the coming months..I will see how army presents her self to the LAW and the PEOPLE!

If you are an insider, I do not know who I am!

Sure. Go fourth.
He can be tried, he does not need to be removed.

HH resigned - he was not fired. Yes he probably resigned under pressure, but no court made him resign or removed him from his position.

He resigned to avoid court proceedings, i.e., he said look I quit let their be yet another parliamentary committee and no need to go after poor ol me.

Take Pasha to court and see if you can prove what Mansoor Ijaz has alleged...
Do you want ME to post the PICTURES of LAVISH GOLF courses where Kiyani and their buddies play?
Do you want me to POST the PICTURES of Air Marshal's house?

Do you want me to compare it with the MAJORITY of PAkistanis?

I will see in the coming months..I will see how army presents her self to the LAW and the PEOPLE!

If you are an insider, I do not know who I am!

---------- Post added at 10:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 PM ----------

"But for the heck of it. Lets say both Kyani and Pasha resign but then what?
What if Zardari does another memo and this time instead of some Arab, president Karzai sends a letter to new ISI chief giving him the permission to steal the wig of Chaudry Nisar? Would the petitioner one again file another petition to get the new ISI chief sacked for receiving Karzai’s letter? (pun intended)."

People resign because they are INCOMPETENT.

Kiyani should have RESIGNED after the OBL raid. He did not present him to the law and the people!

---------- Post added at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 PM ----------

And I am not an active member so I will leave this over here.

Again, I will see how Pasha presents him in the court of law and people. Kiyani did not resign after the OBL raid so why the HECK should Zardari resign after memo 'gate' ?

Anyways, I will watch and see..Mother nature will take appropriate steps because she wants PAKISTAN to thrive!

What do you mean how he presents himself to the Law? They already gave their replies to the court, I hope they were dressed presentable, and were wearing their patloon.
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