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Petition in Indian Supreme Court to remove 26 verses of Quran

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Dec 29, 2019
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This guy said if Modi doesn't win the election in 2019, he will commit suicide in front of "Ram Temple" in Ayodhya. lol


Former Shia Waqf Board chairman Wasim Rizvi petitioned Supreme Court to remove 26 verses of Quran Has filed. He says that some of these 26 verses are going to promote terrorism, which will later be got involved.

He is of the opinion that after Mohammad Sahab, the first Khalifa Hazrat Abu Bakr, the second Khalifa Hazrat Umar and the third Khalifa Hazrat Usman collected and released the Quran in book form. There are many good things in it which are for humanity but it also promotes some terrorism.
Rizvi says that the message of Allah cannot be of two types. Accusing the three caliphs, he says that he used power. From this, such verses were translated into the Quran and released to the world. Its 26 verses negate the basic principles of humanity and spread hatred, hatred, murder, bloodshed in the name of religion.

He says that when Allahtala has spoken of brotherhood, love, openness, justice, equality, forgiveness, tolerance throughout the Quran Pak, then how can we say things that increase slaughter and guilt, hatred and bigotry in these 26 verses.
By citing these verses, Muslim youth are being brainwashed. They are being instigated, seduced and instigated in the name of Jihad. Due to these, the unity, integrity of the country is threatened.

Please tell that after the filing of this petition, there is anger about Wasim Rizvi in particular community. Slogans were also raised against him in this regard on Friday. Rizvi’s posters were lit. A protester Sayyid Salman said that not a single word of Quran Sharif will change, because Allah himself protects the Quran Sharif. One cannot even distinguish a verse from the Quran like Wasim Rizvi.

ghalib you should commit suicide if congress comes back into power.:lol:
Please don't indulge BJP or Modi in internal matter of your community.
Non-Musmils are ok with Quran verses unless untill some muslims bomb them chatting "Allah hu Akbar" or kill them with gun and knife on the name of religion.
Isn't happening already?
Mr. Rizvi has a point.
Every religion should be discussed openly.
This guy said if Modi doesn't win the election in 2019, he will commit suicide in front of "Ram Temple" in Ayodhya. lol


Former Shia Waqf Board chairman Wasim Rizvi petitioned Supreme Court to remove 26 verses of Quran Has filed. He says that some of these 26 verses are going to promote terrorism, which will later be got involved.

He is of the opinion that after Mohammad Sahab, the first Khalifa Hazrat Abu Bakr, the second Khalifa Hazrat Umar and the third Khalifa Hazrat Usman collected and released the Quran in book form. There are many good things in it which are for humanity but it also promotes some terrorism.

Rizvi says that the message of Allah cannot be of two types. Accusing the three caliphs, he says that he used power. From this, such verses were translated into the Quran and released to the world. Its 26 verses negate the basic principles of humanity and spread hatred, hatred, murder, bloodshed in the name of religion.

He says that when Allahtala has spoken of brotherhood, love, openness, justice, equality, forgiveness, tolerance throughout the Quran Pak, then how can we say things that increase slaughter and guilt, hatred and bigotry in these 26 verses.
By citing these verses, Muslim youth are being brainwashed. They are being instigated, seduced and instigated in the name of Jihad. Due to these, the unity, integrity of the country is threatened.

Please tell that after the filing of this petition, there is anger about Wasim Rizvi in particular community. Slogans were also raised against him in this regard on Friday. Rizvi’s posters were lit. A protester Sayyid Salman said that not a single word of Quran Sharif will change, because Allah himself protects the Quran Sharif. One cannot even distinguish a verse from the Quran like Wasim Rizvi.


The Day of Judgement, he will be one little terrified soul for what awaits him, is a punishment from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah that is unimaginable. A country with 170 million Muslims, and this guy is all they could come up with? It's not like Muslims of hindustan have a choice in the matter.
The Day of Judgement, he will be one little terrified soul for what awaits him, is a punishment from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah that is unimaginable. A country with 170 million Muslims, and this guy is all they could come up with? It's not like Muslims of hindustan have a choice in the matter.

Let us leave the day of judgment for when it comes,
right now we should be concerned with the here and now.

There are plenty of Muslims in India who are nothing better than sell-outs, Hitler's little Jews, they existed too, so do these guys.

People should be aware of them.
But, the Muslims of India do have a choice, they can choose a path of self-respect or servitude. The extremist Hindus, even some normal ones, would prefer servitude from Indian Muslims, it's a choice they have to make,
> servitude or slavery.

Spartacus anyone?
Former Shia Waqf Board chairman Wasim Rizvi petitioned Supreme Court to remove 26 verses of Quran Has filed.
No need to read any further. Shiites definitely need to get their act together, they have the same attitude in the West unfortunately. Unfortunately you cannot speak up about Shiites because they are sensitive princesses when it comes to their issues but see Wahabis everywhere when it comes to standing up for Islamic values. @Malik Alpha

In order to calm down the mods: this guy is not a Muslim maybe never was and if a Sunni-munni would say something similar he wouldn’t be Muslim as well.

There are plenty of Muslims in India who are nothing better then sell-outs, Hitler's little Jews, they existed too, so do these guys.

People should be aware of them.
We should discuss this openly and without sugarcoating. Shiites need to get their act together. They are known for their submissive behavior in the West as well.
The Day of Judgement, he will be one little terrified soul for what awaits him, is a punishment from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah that is unimaginable. A country with 170 million Muslims, and this guy is all they could come up with? It's not like Muslims of hindustan have a choice in the matter.

Brother, if he had fears of Allah SWT and "Hereafter" do you think he would have done what he has done!!
there are above 6k verses in Quran and this bozo thinks 26 verses changes the whole idea-
No need to read any further. Shiites definitely need to get their act together, they have the same attitude in the West unfortunately. Unfortunately you cannot speak up about Shiites because they are sensitive princesses when it comes to their issues but see Wahabis everywhere when it comes to standing up for Islamic values. @Malik Alpha

In order to calm down the mods: this guy is not a Muslim maybe never was and if a Sunni-munni would say something similar he wouldn’t be Muslim as well.

We should discuss this openly and without sugarcoating. Shiites need to get their act together. They are known for their submissive behavior in the West as well.

If you had not said Shia's, I would have agreed with you.
If there is division among Muslims, do you not think it is a lot easier for others to exploit the Muslims? You create divisions by using strong language, then cry about being exploited, perhaps it's time to learn by not putting people down and blaming them so openly.

Even if people agree with your views, there are better ways to express them. don't you think?
This guy said if Modi doesn't win the election in 2019, he will commit suicide in front of "Ram Temple" in Ayodhya. lol


Former Shia Waqf Board chairman Wasim Rizvi petitioned Supreme Court to remove 26 verses of Quran Has filed. He says that some of these 26 verses are going to promote terrorism, which will later be got involved.

He is of the opinion that after Mohammad Sahab, the first Khalifa Hazrat Abu Bakr, the second Khalifa Hazrat Umar and the third Khalifa Hazrat Usman collected and released the Quran in book form. There are many good things in it which are for humanity but it also promotes some terrorism.

Rizvi says that the message of Allah cannot be of two types. Accusing the three caliphs, he says that he used power. From this, such verses were translated into the Quran and released to the world. Its 26 verses negate the basic principles of humanity and spread hatred, hatred, murder, bloodshed in the name of religion.

He says that when Allahtala has spoken of brotherhood, love, openness, justice, equality, forgiveness, tolerance throughout the Quran Pak, then how can we say things that increase slaughter and guilt, hatred and bigotry in these 26 verses.
By citing these verses, Muslim youth are being brainwashed. They are being instigated, seduced and instigated in the name of Jihad. Due to these, the unity, integrity of the country is threatened.

Please tell that after the filing of this petition, there is anger about Wasim Rizvi in particular community. Slogans were also raised against him in this regard on Friday. Rizvi’s posters were lit. A protester Sayyid Salman said that not a single word of Quran Sharif will change, because Allah himself protects the Quran Sharif. One cannot even distinguish a verse from the Quran like Wasim Rizvi.

what a degenerate, I hope he is taken up by VHP and RSS and "cleansed" by them in their holy water. then he can have their entire book to his liking.
Brother, if he had fears of Allah SWT and "Hereafter" do you think he would have done what he has done!!
if this report has any credibility then I think he is beyond the belief let alone fear of Allah. from simple Islamic point of view he is not a Muslim.
Typical political stunt, Supreme court don't entertain such petitions.

Unless you indulge in violence or any crime or incite hatred, it won't matter what written in it.

But it will certainly help in discussing Quran and such verses.
How many evidences should be enough to conclude that Hindustan has imposed war on Islam?
  • Islamic principles are being decided in a Hindu Supreme Court (Matter of Talaq)
  • Muslims being barred to practise their religious obligations (cannot cut cows)
  • Muslims will prove that they belong to India, be registered or sent to detention camps
  • Masjids being demolished to build Hindu temples without legal or evidence of historic ownership
  • Courts judging verdicts on the verses of the Quran
  • Force teaching of Hindu scriptures in Muslim Schools, but not vice versa.
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Isn't that an attack on Islam in Hindustan?
  • Islamic principles are already being decided in a Hindu Supreme Court (Matter of Talaq)
  • Muslims cannot cut cows because it hurts non-Muslims
  • If you are Muslim in India, you have to prove your origin, or join "ghar wapsi" and embrace Hinduism
  • Your places of worships will be snatched without Hindus proving that Babri Masjid had been a temple
  • Quranic verses be "edited" in Supreme Court of Hindustan
  • Teaching Hindu Scriptures is compulsory in Muslim Schools.
Looks like iron is hot and is requesting for a strike.
It's okay to shit on Muslims in India, but when 2 Hindus in Islamabad don't get a Taj-Mahal-like place for a temple, it's Hinduphobia and terrorism and nazism and and and. But Hindus will never break Muslims. The divide between the two is too high and no Muslim will accept the distortion of the Quran by Hindu pagans.
How many evidences should be enough to conclude that Hindustan has imposed war on Islam?
  • Islamic principles are being decided in a Hindu Supreme Court (Matter of Talaq)
  • Muslims being barred to practise their religious obligations (cannot cut cows)
  • Muslims will prove that they belong to India, be registered or sent to detention camps
  • Masjids being demolished to build Hindu temples without legal or evidence of historic ownership
  • Courts judging verdicts on the verses of the Quran
  • Force teaching of Hindu scriptures in Muslim Schools, but not vice versa.

Do you say the same for China when it does the same against Islam,Tibetan Buddhism and Catholicism?
Do you say the same for China when it does the same against Islam,Tibetan Buddhism and Catholicism?

With a Muslim population of 220 million, no other country comes close to what India is doing. When you compare what India is doing to Muslims, you find India standing so high on the chart of abuse that other countries diminish in distance.
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