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peter schiff : Last Warning To America - Dollar Will Collapse 100% on 27 September 2016

CNN NEWS : Why The Dollar & Euro Will Collapse Certainly On 27 September 2016 ?

Economic Collapse and Death Of Money US Issues Major Travel Alert Until

This is not CNN news, rather youtube whackjob videos for gullible simpletons from Thailand and world over
Dear Mercians
please send me your dollar bills since there worthless. dont worry send as much as you can i wont complain (trust me on that).
your dearly
the englisher
Dear Mercians
please send me your dollar bills since there worthless. dont worry send as much as you can i wont complain (trust me on that).
your dearly
the englisher

Send us your crashed pounds and we will send you our crashed dollars!
Well, it's 27th September and so far the dollar seems to be floating as usual! So, what's going to be the next date for its imminent collapse? I don't understand why people are so eager to throw away their credibility!
The only way the dollar will collapse is if there's a huge war ww3 scenario that will collapse the entire US economy. That's the only way I see it. Other than that the dollar will stay.
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