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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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This is what happens when the Government and the Military are not on the same page. Army was/is doing her job but where is the support from the Government? No concerted effort was made to make the case in the public, buying high-tech equipment for the military, and silencing the TTP (alias JI/JUI) supporters/sympathizers both in Pakistan and in Afghanistan. All that needed was/is to destroy these bastard's sanctuaries in Afghanistan, thrown out as many Afghans as possible, and closed down the Pak-Afghan border for good. Just last week I was in Islamabad and those who are talking about how the bastards made into the cantonment area or School need a reality check. When a majority of the the sentries at the check posts is willing to sell itself off for as little as Rs500, don't even think about security checks.

Our blood is boiling but is this going to make any difference? Is this inapt and coward government going to change its ways? would she back our military forces? Sadly, the answer is no.

A three day mourning is not what is needed, instead, the GoP has to send a clear message to Ghani, inquiring if he is with us or against us. ANA has to wipe out terrorist's sanctuaries and if she is not willing to, we should order our Air Force to do the job, plain and simple.
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LIVE! Taliban: We target children like the army targets ours; feel our pain - Rediff.com India News

108 killed of which 104 are children, one terrorist may have escaped : Security sources say that some of the terrorists have managed to escape from the site after cutting barbed wires around the school premises. Four gunmen are dead, one escaped, one is believed to be still holed up in the school.

So far, 108 people have died in the massacre, of whom 104 are children.

Intelligence reports had warned of a terror attack on December 16. 10 years since Beslan... : While on school sieges, September marked 10 years since the tragedy of Beslan, North Ossetia -- one of the cruelest hostage crises in history. Read
Taliban: We target children like the army targets ours; feel our pain: One rescued student told media that the attackers had long beards and they were wearing shalwar kamiz. He said they were speaking Arabic and looked foreigners.

The Taliban said they targetted children like the army targets theirs, they want the people to feel their pain. Militants entered through a graveyard next to school : Mushtaq Ghani, provincial information minister, said the militants entered through a graveyard which is adjacent to the school, called Army Public School. The school is close to Saint Mary High School located at the start of Warsak Road which was also under threat for last couple of days. A heavy contingent of police and security forces have blocked the roads leading to the school, taking control of the entire area.
female teacher burnt alive ????

what the hell !
This is what happens when the Government and the Military are not on the same page. Army was/is doing her job but where is the support from the Government? No concerted effort was made to make the case in the public, buying high-tech equipment for the military, and silencing the TTP (alias JI/JUI) supporters/sympathizers both in Pakistan and in Afghanistan. All that needed was/is to destroy these bastard's sanctuaries in Afghanistan, thrown out as many Afghans as possible, and closed down the Pak-Afghan border for good. Just last week I was in Islamabad and those who are talking about how the bastards made into the cantonment area or School need a reality check. When a majority of the the sentries at the check posts is willing to sell itself off for as little as Rs500, don't even think about security checks.

Our blood is boiling but is this going to make any difference? Is this inapt and coward government going to change its ways? would she back our military forces? Sadly, the answer is no.

I fully concur. Time has come to destroy their sanctuaries whether in Pakistan or Afghanistan. Enough is enough. The slaughter of these children should be accounted for. No matter what it takes. Pakistan also needs to really start thinking about the Afghan problem here. Pakistan has paid in blood for Afghanistan. Pakistan needs to grow a pair now and really hunt the evildoers inside and outside its borders with absolute and full force. Pakistan is bleeding. We need vengeance. Enough is enough! Without naming anyone, I'm so sickened by the inaction of the political elite in Pakistan.

If the political parties don't counter this threat I hold them directly accountable. These people have failed this country in almost every regard.
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I am in a state right now where if I have the power, and I find out who did this, I might lose my humanity and become and act something that can not be regarded as "human"....

MY BLOOD IS BOILING RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pakistan Army must not let this go. Find out who is behind it. And then burn down entire existence around them.

If Afghans are behind this by any chance-----may lord have mercy on them now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know the feeling bro, i know..... Kill em all.....
No wonder we need death penalty so bad. Unfortunately, our leaders and politicians are buzdil to the core.

with thousands of missing person including baluch and sindhi nationalist .. tortured bodies are dunmped all across pakistan by our law enforcement .. they dont need a permit or have to take out these scum bags
May be but as the ministry of defence stated, SSG company had to be called in from tarbela.
there should be a stand-by unit in every city atleast
According to my information Zakaria company of 3 commando Batallion is Located at peshawar. May be they are not specialized in COunter terrorist operations.
May be but as the ministry of defence stated, SSG company had to be called in from tarbela.
there should be a stand-by unit in every city atleast

There is an SSG detachment available.

Especially in a city like Peshawar, I do expect one to be present.

I'll take the SSG called in from Tarbela story with a pinch of salt.

Maybe additional reinforcements were called in at a later time.
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