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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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True face of animals. These Talibans have finally shown to the world that are nothing but natural born Animals. And where is Hamid Gull asshole and Jaamati Munawar Hasan. Time to hang both of them.
funny times ahh....superstition has replaced the Prayers and God's Words for Hope.

Not sure what a few people have to gain by launching a crusade against simple "candle-litting" in remembrance of those killed today, that too in these times, is this the same as the one against birthdays or saying "ladies" first in "ladies and gentleman" or clapping? Trivial things, dont you think?

P.S Its not superstition, just symbolism. And I am quite certain that the people doing this, would have prayed too.
I accepted your apology, now I'd request you to accept mine.
The little intolerance part was intentional, I even underlined it to demonstrate what I believe to be a big issue within our community. That is why I refuse to identify myself with any sect, but not having a sect automatically makes me a Salafi so that's kind of a slippery slope.

Anyways, I'll end this with a verse from the Quran:
''And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.'' [Ale'Imran 3:103]

We have differences, but we are one that's the beauty :)
Do you know Indian Military intelligence and Afghan intelligence works together and former funds the later. There are cultural centers of India near Pak Afghan border and indian MI has already admitted they ran operations in Pakistan

It sounds idiotic to you because you lack knowledge of entire conflict and haven't search deep enough about the covert warfare that's been going b/w Pak and Afg+India

Almost every intelligence agency works with other intelligence agencies. That's the nature of the business. Just because there is some relationship doesn't mean that it's something out of the norm or for nefarious reasons.

These sentiments are only propagated in Pakistan. Pakistan once used Afghanistan to destabilize the region, I doubt the Indians would follow that course. It is in the best interests of the Afghan government to keep foreign influence such as this invisible yet somehow large and omnipresent Indian presence, out. That is why ISAF and the US in particular are strengthening Afghan institutions.
Some people here have a very FOOLISH argument.

Brain - Either you can come up with a nuke idea.
Brain - Or you can come up with a cancer medicine.

If brain can think of Nukes...Lets kill all the brains!

Education lessens the probability of someone acting retard.


But the Maulvis condemning "MIGHT" help terror boys to understand. Effectively decreasing the probability of the next gen. terror guy.

Education lessens the probability too.

The real solution is not condemnation.

The real solution is as follows (I have been saying this past 5 years):

Education + health + JUSTICE + employment + exterior factors being controlled + religious figures standing up = solution.

Nothing can eliminate anything. But this solution will decrease the rampant events!
if the maulvis acted the same way to blasphemy as they do to loss of innocence massive things would happen, since a large section of society is unread they basically turn to maulvis for council when the religious establishment is forthright about ending genocide the illetrate people who seek there advice and knowledge will follow in there path.
You honestly think the maulvis want those kids to go to schools and recieve a proper education which involves reading haraam things like science(evolution etc), Those maulvis would rather have all the children of pakistan be under lock and key of the madrassah. They don't give a shit about a proper education, they are part of the problem.The Polio outbreak thats killing thousands of children is basically there responsibility.
having an education doesn't stop you from doing genocidal acts, like i said, the ministry of justice in pakistan basically allowed mumtaq qadri to get away with cold blooded murder, he was supported by the educated establishment.
Ok, as the Quran says, "To You Your Religion and To Me Mine". I know my religion well, and I practice it. But, I also know that it can, and has, caused problems. Muslims and Islam are not two distinct entities. Muslims are followers of Islam. So if they do something wrong the name of Islam, then Islam is the underlying issue.

This is incorrect reasoning. If someone kills themselves by swallowing lots of prescribed pills, it would be ridiculous to say "If they kill themselves with pills, then pills were the underlying issue." Yet your own argument here is no more sensible.

The underlying issue is not Islam. The underlying issue is an anarchic, egotistical mentality which Islam condemns, and which nevertheless dresses itself in an Islamic garb, thereby confusing people.

Have you ever wondered why terrorist groups put so much more emphasis on external appearance than other sectors in the community? Their religion is all on the surface, and they confuse people with their religious look and conduct.
bangladesh and india have a massive muslim populous yet it is unheard of to hear about the same crimes and brutalities, The problem is the madrassah system, these places are basically breeding grounds, when literally you spend you're entire life in a religious seminary you're told that the outside world is full of evils and you're not given the opportunity to explore the world due to poverty or narrow mindedness you can produce indoctrinated individuals who are basically passive to anything, that is why they can go into schools and shoot up little kids. The madrassah education is part of the problem. Its almost like a factory of death.

This is a little simplistic from you. India and Bangladesh don't have to deal with Afghanistan or the triban areas where the whole populations are living in the 12th century and completely uneducated.
Rest in peace to the ones who lost their lives.

By pulling out ultra ridiculous conspiracy like accusing india for these, you are only insulting the victims. It looks like a giant joke when anyone here blames the outside world when we all know where is the fault.
The next attack from these sub-human creatures will be the army hospitals and army masjids.

I'm perplexed that army was so laxed that they didn't put a detail of just 4-8 soldiers in front of army schools such as this one. Knowing fully that these savage creatures have made it their mission to target anything remotely army.

Just a detail of four soldiers at this school would have a drastically reduced this calamity. Now remember this for the army hospitals and mosques. Members here who are in the military or have military background please pass this info to your superiors and put a security detail at army schools, hospitals and mosques.
Not sure what a few people have to gain by launching a crusade against simple "candle-litting" in remembrance of those killed today, that too in these times, is this the same as the one against birthdays or saying "ladies" first in "ladies and gentleman" or clapping? Trivial things, dont you think?

P.S Its not superstition, just symbolism. And I am quite certain that the people doing this, would have prayed too.

These are not trivial things, because they indicate just how insidious the process of radicalization is and how subtly it begins. Those who are indulging in such discussions right here on PDF are the lead brigade for the Taliban to follow. They must be stopped just as surely as the Taliban themselves, make no mistake about it, Sir.

Truly a sad day when a father has to bury his son
The next attack from these sub-human creatures will be the army hospitals and army masjids.

I'm perplexed that army was so laxed that they didn't put a detail of just 4-8 soldiers in front of army schools such as this one. Knowing fully that these savage creatures have made it their mission to target anything remotely army.

Just a detail of four soldiers at this school would have a drastically reduced this calamity. Now remember this for the army hospitals and mosques. Members here who are in the military or have military background please pass this info to your superiors and put a security detail at army schools, hospitals and mosques.

It's difficult to think of obscene possibilities like this one. Nobody sane or rational could have anticipated this.
It's difficult to think of obscene possibilities like this one. Nobody sane or rational could have anticipated this.

Sir, the Taliban as an enemy are neither sane nor rational. Nothing is beyond these animals and one has to think of all possibilities, no matter how insane or irrational, to stop them.
Not sure what a few people have to gain by launching a crusade against simple "candle-litting" in remembrance of those killed today, that too in these times, is this the same as the one against birthdays or saying "ladies" first in "ladies and gentleman" or clapping? Trivial things, dont you think?

P.S Its not superstition, just symbolism. And I am quite certain that the people doing this, would have prayed too.
speak for yourself buddy if u see it in this way then i cant do anything for u. Yr not the only one fighting for pakistan here i have lost a very close friend too and my father was also an army officer.

If u wish to use this high emotional time to practice yr own western infested believes yr welcome but not everyone looses their minds in an emotional saga.
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