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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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My remarks were more directed to saad445566 than you.

Judges are quite scared to convict because of threats to their lives from terrorist groups. I'm not sure what the solution to that problem is.


Then we need to give the same threats to the judges----. Maybe we should hang the judges---confiscate their properties as well.
Like I said before, Pakis will blame it on the Martians to Israelis but WILL NEVER look inside their own country.

No insurgency like the TTP can survive and be effective unless supported by an external state.
As for looking within our own country, nobody denies the TTP are Pakistanis. Every country has traitors.

Also, it is hard to take you seriously when you use racist terminology to refer to Pakistanis.
Please listen to what ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov says, rather than the unthinking title the video uploader gave it!

You're right though; I should find a better-titled version of that video next time!

Regardless of this conspiracy. Didn't west Pakistani's commit crimes against Bangladeshi's?

Their were real grievances that were exploited so lets look at our own wrongdoings first.
No insurgency like the TTP can survive and be effective unless supported by an external state.
As for looking within our own country, nobody denies the TTP are Pakistanis. Every country has traitors.

Also, it is hard to take you seriously when you use racist terminology to refer to your neighbours.

And supported by some in the govt--supported by the judges and also by the Pakistani public as well.
the pak army can launch 10 zarb-e-azbs yet when the religious leaders choose to sit quietly and say nothing. They'll likely be more massacres as bad as this maybe worse.
India has very little influence in Afghanistan. NATO and ISAF would NEVER allow the Indians to erect bases to send terrorists into Pakistan. That is the most far fetched idiotic thing I have heard this year.

Do you know Indian Military intelligence and Afghan intelligence works together and former funds the later. There are cultural centers of India near Pak Afghan border and indian MI has already admitted they ran operations in Pakistan

It sounds idiotic to you because you lack knowledge of entire conflict and haven't search deep enough about the covert warfare that's been going b/w Pak and Afg+India
Like I said before, Pakis will blame it on the Martians to Israelis but WILL NEVER look inside their own country.
And yet the operation is happening within Pakistani territories and not on Mars or in Israel.
Ok, as the Quran says, "To You Your Religion and To Me Mine". I know my religion well, and I practice it. But, I also know that it can, and has, caused problems. Muslims and Islam are not two distinct entities. Muslims are followers of Islam. So if they do something wrong the name of Islam, then Islam is the underlying issue.

I know a lot of about Islamic history from its inception to its golden age. Islam is what its adherents made it to be. Like the much reviled Al-Ghazali said, 'its not your belief, but your actions which will decide your fate in the here-after'. The actions of Muslims are what is defining what Islam is too.
They don't do it in 'the name of Islam'. They do it for their own benefit, using Islam as a means. It doesn't cause problems - it simply facilitates them, when twisted enough.

First you say that Islam is a problem because it is defined by scriptures and now that I've given you evidence from the scriptures you say it's the actions of the Muslims, and not the scripture. Care to clarify?

Muslims do a lot of stuff that is not Islam. For example, a good portion of Muslims like to eat Biryani. Does Biryani suddenly define Islam? No, it doesn't, because it's not part of the scripture or religion, its just something people do when they're not doing religious stuff. Same thing with terrorism.

Do you seriously buy the idea that murdering children can be part of a religion? That it is done in 'God's name'? It isn't. It is condemned. It is explicitly and directly forbidden, doesn't matter how you interpret it.

Anyways, like you said, 'To you your religion and to me mine'. But I believe I reserve the right to defend my religion in such cases, which Is why I don't mind a little debate.
How can CIA be behind the fall of Dhaka when President Nixon sent a war ship to assist Pakistan?
How can ISI be behind Terrorists, while they are being at war with them?
I wish you could ask this question to Kerry Lugar :(
Apology accepted.

You see, I just mentioned politely the flaws in your ideology and you got alpha at me :) Tolerance needed hazrat, tolerance! Learn what you are preaching others here. I won't go over, you won :)
Regardless of this conspiracy. Didn't west Pakistani's commit crimes against Bangladeshi's?

Their were real grievances that were exploited so lets look at our own wrongdoings first.

They may well have committed wrongdoings, though we have to cut through a thick fog of propaganda to find out what those wrongs actually were. See Sarmila Bose's Dead Reckoning for a debunking of some of the more common claims against Pakistanis, which turn out to have been myths.
Its a sign of hope. For as long as the candle burns, it keeps hope alive. Nothing religious, nothing more, nothing less.
funny times ahh....superstition has replaced the Prayers and God's Words for Hope.
You see, I just mentioned politely the flaws in your ideology and you got alpha at me :) Tolerance needed hazrat, tolerance! Learn what you are preaching others here. I won't go over, you won :)
I accepted your apology, now I'd request you to accept mine.
The little intolerance part was intentional, I even underlined it to demonstrate what I believe to be a big issue within our community. That is why I refuse to identify myself with any sect, but not having a sect automatically makes me a Salafi so that's kind of a slippery slope.

Anyways, I'll end this with a verse from the Quran:
''And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.'' [Ale'Imran 3:103]
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