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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Possibly the time is ending for a civilian govt in Pakistan----. Nawaz needs to be expelled---could the military do something----it maybe very close.
bhai what nawaz could do ... this bloody militant was once fighting Jehad in Kashmir, now he has joined anti Pak forces. Nawaz kya karega... ISI should be aware!
Breaking : Iranian FM Mohammad javad Zarif has Strongly condemned the recent Terrorist attack on Pakistani school .

Our thoughts with U .

This was no ordinary school... It was army school and have produced many officers of Pak army, many of them are posted on hot borders of Pakistan.
This is barbaric and inhuman act. Sunni, or shia, For Jihad, people are endingup with terror acts and they all testifies it with the Name of Islam. I wish our government invest in modern education and give it priority. Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam, and everybody owns it that they are right, others wrong, This, that interpretation is kufar etc and here bigotry starts, then sectarian violence and finally bloodshed.
Sad day. RIP... It was bound to happen :(
Do whatever you like .. hold a ijtimai namaz e janaza for the victims the whole world in praying or mourning the deaths in their own way
I get what you mean but my question was like what are we doing? Why are we holding a candle and watching?

How about uniting for a cause or I dont know tear down anyone who doesnt allow our soldiers to fight this battle (eg. Jamaat idiots or anyone preaching shit)
May Allah bless the lost children in our esteemed Peshawar city of Pakistan....barbaric and sick**ing attack by Indian dogs.....backed TTP terrorists,.

The Democray and Democaratic system of Pakistan has completed failed, it is a failed despotic system, it has given nothing to Pakistanis for 65 years--- look at Chinese system, Russians Communists much better, look at Iranian Islamic Democratic system, Saudia, UAE, Bahrain Monarachy system much better for Muslims, democractic system has been worst ever. Pakistan needs to rethink it western alliance, its not working.

Pakistan needs an Islamic system, aligned to Pakistani local needs...a Islamic Democracy system involving Pakistani traditions and lifestyle...the rest have all failed.
Sometimes you need to know the logic behind what you are doing otherwise you are just a zombie....

Why light a candle when you should be raising questions and forcing the govt (democratic or whatever it wants to call itself) to hear our voice yelling ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
This is barbaric and inhuman act. Sunni, or shia, For Jihad, people are endingup with terror acts and they all testifies it with the Name of Islam. I wish our government invest in modern education and give it priority. Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam, and everybody owns it that they are right, others wrong, This, that interpretation is kufar etc and here bigotry starts, then sectarian violence and finally bloodshed.
Sad day. RIP... It was bound to happen :(
Pakistani nation is in urgent need of proper Islamic education and cultural grooming. Modern secular education won't be enough.

Prevalence of Islamic illiteracy is a major problem that should be addressed.
A quick question as I never understood the logic behind such doings.....why light a candle?
our need to copying others is also extended to mourning it seems. I guess what is needed is therapy for those involved and thanks to the uncensored coverage of the media everyone is emotionally involved.
A quick question as I never understood the logic behind such doings.....why light a candle?

This is one the "bad habits" we (Pakistanis) have adopted from other cultures due to our inferiority complex. We have seen others (in Europe and USA etc.) doing this and think that this is the right thing t do !!!!......but never given it a single thought......and did not try to understand our traditions, teachings and culture in times like these.

Pure nonsense....simply.

Possibly the time is ending for a civilian govt in Pakistan----. Nawaz needs to be expelled---could the military do something----it maybe very close.

do u think that martial is a solution to this problem, i mean how will it minimize the danger of these attacks....army is already doing whatever it can....
yaar.. socho ugarwadi ka hai ..

He is right. The same militants which were once a part of Pakistan's covert capability are killed by Pak army now. The fault is whose? Obviously army, But not because they started eliminating them.. But because of under pressure from US unwillingly with a wrong method.

Ignorant comment.

CIA funded group, trained by ISI was Afghan Taliban, former Afghan Mujahideen. They are in Afghanistan fighting against USA.

The one that is attacking Pakistan is TTP, Tehreek Taliban Pakistan, newly created group, sprung out of nowhere. Although, some reports alledges that financial funding behind TTP is foreign elements. Afghan Taliban has no association with TTP given its earlier confession about wanting to eliminate TTP entirely. That suggests the creation of TTP doesn't go back to 80's.

The moment we find out the funding source behind TTP should clear confusion. Until then, eliminating the source is essential to end terrorism.
Pakistani nation is in urgent need of proper Islamic education and cultural grooming. Modern secular education won't be enough.

We are facing the consequences of strategic blunders and Islamic illiteracy. The entire world is.

There are more mosques and madersah on every nuke and corner of this country , pakistan have enough religion the country has become a modern times worst example of mixing religion with state affairs
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