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Peshawar Airport under attack...

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Peshawar airport in such an fcked up place.i mean anyone with RPG can hit the plane easily

Adjacent to it is the flying club which is fairly secure. But from the parking lot area to the left of the airport they should make high walls.

I know that airport like the back of my hand. It's only the surrounding areas that will need greater attention. Especially after Kamra incident. There are 3 check posts on the road leading to the airport so that is probably why they didn't employ a suicide bomb van - which is what these whack jobs usually do.

Could have been worse. But these scums as usual murder civilians and have no regard for civilian life but long ago we figured that out. haramzaday log
You do not understand the process here buddy.
A) All decision was taken by civilian government. In Pakistan army is free to take any decision.
B) NSG comes from IA.

The NSG comes under true MHA and not the MoD like the IA/PA it doesn't matter if SAG are recruited from the IA for all intensive purposes they are a separate from the military- they are headed by police officers and are only deployed on the authority of the Home Minister.
Given the low price tag, JF 17 does not seem to be an attractive target imo..

So typical of your likes to hide the sting in the tail.
Let me ask you in the similar context, what was the benefit for Mumbai attackers to kill a few dozen Indians when there is billion of you are still left. ??
Peshawar Aviation base in Peshawar Airport is under attack by CIA-backed TTP terrorists. Please note that there is no truth in rumors being spread that there are F-16 and JF-17 jets present in Peshawar Airport because it does not have the capacity to accommodate these two jets due to shorter runway than needed. Its a part of future plans that airport will be expanded but currently there are no F-16 and JF-17 jets present over there.

Pakistan Cyber Force (PCF) [Official]


You and PCF are totally wrong. JF 17 first ever squardron no 26 inducted at Peshawar Airbase.


Peshawar Air Base to station first-ever indigenously built JF-17 aircraft squadron - April 17, 2009:


Jf17 airshow practice in Peshawar:

further evidence:


excellent work by Police, Civilian authorities, Airport Security Force & PAK ARMY
and it appears my earlier post is incorrect....they did have suicide bomber in a car but the only damage it caused was to civilian homes. The blast from the car killed some of the suicide bombers on foot -- and also killed women and children nearby in the area

and when Ehsanullah Ehsan calls in to dawn and express news to proudly claim responsibility, he will think he has done God's work.

sick people.

bullets await all these bitches
TTP exists because a section of the society still calls them angry and disgruntled "brothers"
the loss of innocent lives of the civilians is a great tragedy.

some of my family members live in Peshawar. I pray for all people of Peshawar peace and security. a focused and capable political leadership is desperately needed because religious leadership has failed in its duty and military leadership lacks the mandate and authority.

trust me, if we have a leader we really trust and follow then people will expose these rats hiding among themselves.
TTP exists because a section of the society still calls them angry and disgruntled "brothers"
the loss of innocent lives of the civilians is a great tragedy.

some of my family members live in Peshawar. I pray for all people of Peshawar peace and security. a focused and capable political leadership is desperately needed because religious leadership has failed in its duty and military leadership lacks the mandate and authority.

trust me, if we have a leader we really trust and follow then people will expose these rats hiding among themselves.

TTP exist because Pakistan Army has failed to eliminate them in the earlier stages of the WoT and has failed to secure the Pakistan-Afghanistan border (which admittedly is a difficult border to defend). As for TTP recruitment clearly there are some volunteers particularly in the Pathan community which is a source of headache for the nation. Government needs to do a public service effort in that area to halt TTP recruitment.
I don't understand what is these people's aim ? What do they fuckin want ?

What do they seek to gain by bombing and killing innocent people ?

If dying is their ultimate aim , why not just slit your own throat and go to paradise. Why kill others who don't wish to die ?

They just attack attack attack without any aim or goal in sight ... non stop i have been hearing this since i have been growing up from the 90s onwards, from a child i have turned into an adult ow , but these people just don't stop.

Marna hi tha to paida kyun hue dharti pe bojh sale

What is their aim/maksad in life man ?
So typical of your likes to hide the sting in the tail.
Let me ask you in the similar context, what was the benefit for Mumbai attackers to kill a few dozen Indians when there is billion of you are still left. ??

your an idiot for justifing the killing of innocent people be it pakistani or indian, stupid stupid person. second of all this is a result of your own creation pay for it.
Glad they never managed to enter the compound, i know it is no consolation but luckily the VBIED they planned on using against the outer perimeter wall detonated prematurely killing the three terrorists inside, furthermore 4 suicide vests belonging to terrorists on foot failed to detonate and were recovered & rendered safe by BDS.
Peshawar Aviation base in Peshawar Airport is under attack by CIA-backed TTP terrorists. Please note that there is no truth in rumors being spread that there are F-16 and JF-17 jets present in Peshawar Airport because it does not have the capacity to accommodate these two jets due to shorter runway than needed. Its a part of future plans that airport will be expanded but currently there are no F-16 and JF-17 jets present over there.

Pakistan Cyber Force (PCF) [Official]

Yeeeah...the CIA supports Islamic nut-cases...because we're an Islamic republic...and not at all fighting them.
And "threats" are received everyday. You can't keep security forces on 24/7 alert for 365 days.

You can...but it loses impact and the soldiers don't take it as seriously.

PAF operates the JF-17s out of this airbase, right? So it might have been an attempt to destroy JF-17s?

Why would terrorists want to attack the hitech assets all of a sudden?

Seems like foreign sponsored attackers.
Because it gives the impression that the government has no control....The cost of the assets and possible use of these assets against them is secondary. If you go into the center of town and blow up a statue, it doesn't hurt the government's ability to fight...but makes the citizens feel less secure....and makes the government look unable to protect them.
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