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Peshawar | 2 FC Soldiers Martyred as terrorists attack the Iranian consulate.

RIP , now tell me about the peace deal .......
Jews made one bombing at night to minimize the casualties and never used the suicide bombers.

Suicide terrorism with max casualties thats Iranian invention. Now they began to taste own medicine. And its inly the beginning.

A bomb is a bomb and you seem to try to justify bombing an embassy, which is honestly fine with me. If you believe Jews needed to launch some terrorist attacks to achieve their goals then okay. Just don't give me a double standard at try to portray others as monster because they do whatever is necessary to defend their land and gain independence from occupation.
A bomb is a bomb and you seem to try to justify bombing an embassy, which is honestly fine with me. If you believe Jews needed to launch some terrorist attacks to achieve their goals then okay. Just don't give me a double standard at try to portray others as monster because they do whatever is necessary to defend their land and gain independence from occupation.
Suicide bomb is a guided bomb which is intended to cause as much murder as possible. Iranian embassy bombings killed 40-60 people and more. Bombing made by Jews was on contrary made at night to reduce casualties (1 unlucky guy was killed). And even this bombing was made by little extreme group.
Suicide bomb is a guided bomb which is intended to cause as much murder as possible. Iranian embassy bombings killed 40-60 people and more. Bombing made by Jews was on contrary made at night to reduce casualties (1 unlucky guy was killed). And even this bombing was made by little extreme group.

What are you referring to? Something which has never been proved to this day?

So when Irgun blew up the SS Patria did they intended mass casualties to blame the British and ended up killing 267 Jewish illegal immigrants but of course they later stated it wasn't their intention because the false flag attack failed.

Israelis also shot down a civilian airliner which was turning back to Cairo with an intention to kill everyone and they killed a 107 passengers initially they stayed quiet until people suspected them of being behind it and the Israelismilitary admitted up to it.

Same with USS Liberty, Israel wanted to take the Golan heights and didn't want a ceasefire which Syria was ready for on the second day, and the US captured IDF commands to keep attacking Syria and occupy Golan and Israel attacked the ship intending to destroy all evidence and killed over 37 American sailors.

I don't get what your point is here, you can't have it both ways. And bombing foreign military troops is legitimate targets which is no different then air assaults but in different form.
I am talking about plain and simple facts. You as usual with ur conspiracy crap.

Like what 'facts'? As for my post, we'll let people search the Libyan flight, or the USS Liberty attack, or the SS Patria attack...people can judge on their own whether it's conspiracy or not. But, the survivors of the USS Liberty attack tell us it was deliberate, so let people decide what they want to make out of it.

As for you, I told you it's fine for me if you justify acts of violence committed by Israel/Jews pre 1948 period when they didn't have an army or when they had army post 1948 period....just put aside your double standard. It seems you don't express any outrage about Jewish terrorist attacks that were verified and don't find a need to condemn them. So all I'm asking is to spare us the fake outrage about Iran, the Palestinians, etc....it's getting old.
If you check the timeline of Afghan invasion, Ahmad Shah Massod was killed days before its invasion.
His successors (all drug lords) partnered US in killing spree of Pashtoons and later given the rule.
Taliban were not made by any one, they were children of Afghan war, it was a revolution against the attrocities of very same characterless warlords, who were armed by US.
After 10 years of US occupation, today Afghan demography has been changed from majority Pashtoons to Tajik Hazara Uzbek.
This world has witnessed a quite genocide of Pashtoon race in Afghanistan, carried out by the ruling Iran loyalist, aka drug lords.
it seems you are not aware of the history of Taliban in Afghanistan they date well before the USA invasion of Afghanistan , in fact they were the one USA supported and only in time of Afghanistan Civil war for 3 time USA tried to made Ahmad Shah Masood to surrender to Taliban .and every one knews who made and supported Taliban then why you try tohide their origin behind the rosy words like "Taliban were not made by any one, they were children of Afghan war, it was a revolution against the attrocities of very same characterless warlords, who were armed by US."
In 1997, U.S. State Department's Robin Raphel suggested to Massoud he should surrender to the Taliban. He soundly rejected the proposal.

At one point in the war, in 1997, two top foreign policy officials in the Clinton administration flew to northern Afghanistan in an attempt to convince Massoud not to take advantage of a strategic opportunity to make crucial gains against the Taliban.[89]

In 1998, a U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency analyst, Julie Sirrs, visited Massoud's territories privately, having previously been denied official permission to do so by her agency. She reported that Massoud had conveyed warnings about strengthened ties between the Taliban and foreign Islamist terrorists. Returning home, she was sacked from her agency for insubordination, because at that time the U.S. administration had no trust in Massoud.[89]

and atrocities against pashtoon ? are you kidding me look at this and get your answers
The Taliban started shelling Kabul in early 1995 but were defeated by forces of the Islamic State government under Ahmad Shah Massoud.[55] (see video) Amnesty International, referring to the Taliban offensive, wrote in a 1995 report:
"This is the first time in several months that Kabul civilians have become the targets of rocket attacks and shelling aimed at residential areas in the city."[55]

Amnesty International, 1995

and it's the best one you surely will like it
Massacre of Hazaras in Mazar-e Sharif, 1998
it was the time we massed 200000 troop in border of Afghanistan and wanted to finish Taliban for Good and some people come to us and asked us not to finish these guys .
it seems you are not aware of the history of Taliban in Afghanistan they date well before the USA invasion of Afghanistan , in fact they were the one USA supported and only in time of Afghanistan Civil war for 3 time USA tried to made Ahmad Shah Masood to surrender to Taliban .and every one knews who made and supported Taliban then why you try tohide their origin behind the rosy words like "Taliban were not made by any one, they were children of Afghan war, it was a revolution against the attrocities of very same characterless warlords, who were armed by US."

and atrocities against pashtoon ? are you kidding me look at this and get your answers

and it's the best one you surely will like it
Massacre of Hazaras in Mazar-e Sharif, 1998
it was the time we massed 200000 troop in border of Afghanistan and wanted to finish Taliban for Good and some people come to us and asked us not to finish these guys .
It's no use talking sense into Saudi agents.
Innaililahey wainnailehey rajeeon... May Allah bless you brothers.. and may He give strength and patience to your family and loved ones......

Onces the Operation starts.. tali..ches will be cursing their mothers for bringin them to life... May these swines die a horrible slow and painful death.. Ameen..
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