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Pervez Musharraf - A true Pakistani ?

and maybe that was the plan in the first place i wont be surprised if Mushee gets a heros welcome in land of the Pure now and becomes a second quadri maybe another round of dharnas there looks like there is a plan i guess a big one now before elections there but im not able to get the reason behind it first quadri jumping owt of nowhere then becoming a hero and now same guys(Pakistanies) making him a western stooge and now mushee ....somthing is going on :coffee:

I don't think Arnab was in league with Musharraf.

Musharraf won't come back till March 16th, so there's no grand plan here, just luck.
Here's Musharraf taking on and rebutting the blatant lies and false propaganda of of an Indian media:

Musharraf absolutely owning the anchor.

"You remember when your jets came into Pakistan and bombed us and then got shot down!" (anchor speechless)

"Don't interrupt me when I am talking"!!!

"This interview isn't about Kargil, if you want to talk about Kargil I will talk about East Pakistan, cut it now"!!!

Musharraf taking the fight to the opponent!!

The anchor saying that you don't have the complete facts as you admitted, as if the anchor was sitting at the LoC at that time!!!
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sorry second post got linked up with first so ap apna thanks wapis lay saktay hain yeh na ho koi rondu ap ko bura bhala kehna shoro kar day :P

I am no fan of Arnab, i just watched the complete interview & believe me any unbiased person would say that Arnab got an upper hand to Mr. Musharraf. Mr. Musharraf hesitated/fumbled in many questions asked by Arnab - He did not answered the Ilyas Kashmiri issue, He straight away rejected answering on Kargil issue, He did not gave a date if he wants to return to Pakistan, He fumbled on the LeT issue which is a banned organisation & started comparing it to SS which is completely legal organisation,etc.

Seriously don't know why people are claiming that Musharraf got better of Arnab in this interview, some parts, i will agree but not complete interview.
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I don't think Arnab was in league with Musharraf.

Musharraf won't come back till March 16th, so there's no grand plan here, just luck.

No sir its not just luck working here , as for indian media one things for sure when they make a hype theres always a reason behind it wait for some time i guess one interview of mushee is just a begging i guess indians along with western media are trying to boost mushees chances and in coming months it will onli get lauder

maybe your right but just maybe theres a plan
No sir its not just luck working here , as for indian media one things for sure when they make a hype theres always a reason behind it wait for some time i guess one interview of mushee is just a begging i guess indians along with western media are trying to boost mushees chances and in coming months it will onli get lauder

maybe your right but just maybe theres a plan

Musharraf coming back would not help Indians at all, nor westerners. Not like he will win much. Hes a good Foreign Minister at best for Pakistan or a Defence Minister for obvious reasons.

This is all he himself. What he did in that interview alone is responsible for all the hype that is being generated.

I am no fan of Arnab, i just watched the complete interview & believe me any unbiased person would say that Arnab got an upper hand to Mr. Musharraf. Mr. Musharraf hesitated/fumbled in many questions asked by Arnab - He did not answered the Ilyas Kashmiri issue, He straight away rejected answering on Kargil issue, He did not gave a date if he wants to return to Pakistan, He fumbled on the LeT issue which is a banned organisation & started comparing it to SS which is completely legal organisation,etc.

Seriously don't know why people are claiming that Musharraf got better of Arnab in this interview, some parts, i will agree but not complete interview.

Interviews are not Anchors vs Guest. Anchors present a point of view and guests a counter point of view.

Musharraf's point of view had an upper hand over the Indian point of view. Anchor went offtopic on his own show, which I think was dishonest of him.
There is a difference between beheading to kill in battle and beheading an already dead soldier to take his head as trophy.

and he behead a dead taliban.....which indian celeberate and were calling gurka best bad *** in the world.
Interviews are not Anchors vs Guest. Anchors present a point of view and guests a counter point of view.

Musharraf's point of view had an upper hand over the Indian point of view. Anchor went offtopic on his own show, which I think was dishonest of him.

Offtopic??? Don't get that?? he had to take a 30 min interview of a man who was a former PA Gen + had been President of Pak for 8 years, he was asking every question which were relevant to Indo-Pak issue.

He asked about Ilyas Kashmiri issue, which he said that Pakistani media itself claimed got praise & reward from higher Pakistani authorities for his act (I can't confirmed that though). But Mr. Musharraf had no answer for that & he started getting angered.

Second He asked about Kargil issue which was totally relevant considering Mr. Musharraf was THE mastermind of the Operation (any other anchor would had asked about Kargil), again Mr. Musharraf shied away from answering that.

Third, He asked the action on LeT by Pakistani Govt., since Musharraf din't had any answer to it, he started comparing it to SS, Sir, now you do know that LeT is a UN banned organisation while SS is not, so there is no comparison.

Fourth, Again Musharraf fumbled when he asked about him returning to Pakistan, & i had also heard in one of his interviews where Mr. Musharraf claimed that he will be in Pakistan many months before elections, so he has now gone back on his own words.

Fifth, Musharraf was trying to justify no actions on LeT by saying irrelevant things, but he himself had signed an agreement in 2004 with Mr. Vajpayee, which said that Pakistani territory would not be used by anti-India terrorist organisations.

These are 100% relevant questions, how are they Off-Topic??
Offtopic??? Don't get that?? he had to take a 30 min interview of a man who was a former PA Gen + had been President of Pak for 8 years, he was asking every question which were relevant to Indo-Pak issue.

He asked about Ilyas Kashmiri issue, which he said that Pakistani media itself claimed got praise & reward from higher Pakistani authorities for his act (I can't confirmed that though). But Mr. Musharraf had no answer for that & he started getting angered.

Second He asked about Kargil issue which was totally relevant considering Mr. Musharraf was THE mastermind of the Operation (any other anchor would had asked about Kargil), again Mr. Musharraf shied away from answering that.

Third, He asked the action on LeT by Pakistani Govt., since Musharraf din't had any answer to it, he started comparing it to SS, Sir, now you do know that LeT is a UN banned organisation while SS is not, so there is no comparison.

Fourth, Again Musharraf fumbled when he asked about him returning to Pakistan, & i had also heard in one of his interviews where Mr. Musharraf claimed that he will be in Pakistan many months before elections, so he has now gone back on his own words.

Fifth, Musharraf was trying to justify no actions on LeT by saying irrelevant things, but he himself had signed an agreement in 2004 with Mr. Vajpayee, which said that Pakistani territory would not be used by anti-India terrorist organisations.

These are 100% relevant questions, how are they Off-Topic??

than why he bailed on 71 issue .....
Musharraf coming back would not help Indians at all, nor westerners. Not like he will win much. Hes a good Foreign Minister at best for Pakistan or a Defence Minister for obvious reasons.

This is all he himself. What he did in that interview alone is responsible for all the hype that is being generated.

Interviews are not Anchors vs Guest. Anchors present a point of view and guests a counter point of view.

Musharraf's point of view had an upper hand over the Indian point of view. Anchor went offtopic on his own show, which I think was dishonest of him.

well sir you are much more able than i could ever be but the point is its in the biggest interests of US and NATO that Mushee comes to Power or at least in power corridoars maybe im wrong but i guess thats the whole plan and its not a big news whos line do these english media follows here :cheers:
than why he bailed on 71 issue .....

You have to understand that it was Arnab as a news anchor interviewing a former Pakistani leader, it was not the other way round, if some reporter ask you questions than one don't answer a reporter by counter-questioning, this can only mean that the person who is being interviewed had no answer for the asked questions. Besides even if Musharraf wanted to ask something on 71 issue than i am sure u'll agree that a news anchor is not a right person to be asked as he hold no authority. If Pakistan wants to ask something on 71 war than they should simply ask it to a current or former leader of India on it's own news channels, it's as simple as that, what would Arnab had to say on 71 issue on the first place??
Why do all true pakistanis live in London?
True Pakistanis lives in Pakistan who are angry at their corrupt govt. True Pakistanis are in Armed forces, not the generals who topple the govt. but the ones who lives in icy cold to jungles defending their country against TTP, BLA and other terrorist organizations.

Musharraf like people are not true Pakistani, they are opportunists and corrupt just like the political leaders. Leaders with dual nationalities and leading a party and creating mess in Karachi while sitting in UK are not true Pakistanis.

Unfortunately, because of few idiots, corrupts and extremists, entire general population of Pakistan gets bad name.

I don't have inherent love for Pakistanis but I see them suffering from same problems we Indians suffer.

Don't take it otherwise. Its just the sorry condition of both the nations.

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