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Personality: The fire-breathing tiger of Mysore:A day in the life of a lion is better than 100 years

You hate him because he is a Muslim. Simple. If he would be a Hindu then dozens of exaggerated stories would have been created to glorify him. After all what else can we expect from you bigots.

Many Indians treat Tipu and his father like heroes.

I for one respect this great South Indian Muslim for his stand against the Brits.
Most of our missiles are named after elements like earth, fire, sky. Only exception is K series based on Kalam's name, thats because he was involved in missile systems for long.
Thank God we have kept the naming simple. Hope it remains that way.

We can hate anyone or love anyone. Many Indians also hate Gandhi and Nehru and Modi, Shahjahan and Ashoka. Does it have to do anything with Pakistani's?

They were Indian, either born here, or ruled from here.

As I said, lack of any great history and empire by a ruler born in Pakistan and who ruled from Pakistan leads Pakistani's to try and attach themselves to everyone from Iranians, Afghans to Indians. Thats the only way they attach themselves to any greatness.

Quite pitiable.
Please don't do this. Some folks have nothing but the false glory of the past. Take that and what is left is a shell. Such moribund is existence is worse than life.

Tipu was a great warrior. But his war skills were greatly overshadowed by his bigotry and hatred. End of the story. :)
It does or does it not?
Else there is little reason to be going around burning Christian colonies.

I dont hate or like Tipu. Im not a resident of South India. But certainly Pakistan has nothing to do with Tipu...or any of the other Kings that Pakistan tries to get itself associated with.

You just have issues with Pakistan associating with Muslim rulers. Again your bigotry for Muslims is apparent.

About chrisitians. I don't think this is the right moment for you to talk abut minorities after what happened in Assam just 48 hour ago.

Many Indians treat Tipu and his father like heroes.

I for one respect this great South Indian Muslim for his stand against the Brits.

I know that many Indians consider him hero. Those who don't are religious bigots.
now its time for u to leave the madarassa and read some real books

What?? It is you who needs to get his head out of his *** or where ever it is.

India that exists today came into existence on 15 Aug 1947. Before that there was British India and before that there were Mughals.
You just have issues with Pakistan associating with Muslim rulers. Again your bigotry for Muslims is apparent.
And I dont think that Pakistanis can talk about bigotry to anyone having killed christians and ahmadis - when the Punjab police is involved in desecrating the graves of dead ahmadis instead of doing actual policing like preventing more fake blasphemy cases.
And I dont think that Pakistanis can talk about bigotry to anyone having killed christians and ahmadis - when the Punjab police is involved in desecrating the graves of dead ahmadis instead of doing actual policing like preventing more fake blasphemy cases.

Still they are not killing someone because of their religion and then labeling them as illegal immigrants.
You just have issues with Pakistan associating with Muslim rulers. Again your bigotry for Muslims is apparent.

About chrisitians. I don't think this is the right moment for you to talk abut minorities after what happened in Assam just 48 hour ago.

I know that many Indians consider him hero. Those who don't are religious bigots.
Yes, we hate him because we are bigots. That is the only reason.
And I dont think that Pakistanis can talk about bigotry to anyone having killed christians and ahmadis - when the Punjab police is involved in desecrating the graves of dead ahmadis instead of doing actual policing like preventing more fake blasphemy cases.
I had to Unignore to see who you were quoting.

Do you really think this particular discussion can be settled by logic and reason? :azn:
Many Indians treat Tipu and his father like heroes.

I for one respect this great South Indian Muslim for his stand against the Brits.

I once had a respect for Tipu Sultan until I found that he was involved in mass killing and persecution of Hindus and Christians in Kerala and South Canara. He destroyed numerous temples in North Kerala.
What?? It is you who needs to get his head out of his *** or where ever it is.

India that exists today came into existence on 15 Aug 1947. Before that there was British India and before that there were Mughals.

I ask again,,are u educated??
Many Indians treat Tipu and his father like heroes.

I for one respect this great South Indian Muslim for his stand against the Brits.

Pakistanis are not exactly familiar with the concept of pluralism. Apparently one has to admire Tipu; otherwise he is a Hindu bigot. The concept of coexisting with different opinions is alien to many of them.
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