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Persecution of Christians in Kashmir valley.


Oct 3, 2010
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Persecution of Christians in Kashmir valley

MODS : Please move this to the "Kashmir War" section since i do not have the required rights.

You might have read reports in international media on atrocities of Indian Army on Muslims in Kashmir Valley but Muslim Kashmiri activists around globe have never dared to write on victimization of Christians and Hindus in Kashmir Valley.

We have one very powerful forum in Pakistan known as “Kashmir Committee” which is led by Member of National Assembly of Pakistan for protection of Muslims in Kashmir.

The Pakistani Kashmir Committee highlights Muslims living in Indian state of Jammu-Kashmir as most victimized community on globe and never hesitates to support Islamic militancy as Jihad for their freedom. There are hundreds of Islamic seminaries funded by government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan where Muslims of Kashmir Valley are presented as victims of oppression of Indian army to recruit militants.

We are presenting fact in this report about persecution of Christians and Hindus in Kashmir Valley not by hands of Indian army but Muslim who are in majority now. The report also contains how Kashmiri Muslims are enjoying special status but still involved in militancy to achieve independence from India; The Muslim Kashmiri cross border to Pakistan to seek militant training and to learn how to support terrorists entering in Kashmir valley.

It must be noted that Muslims were not in majority in Kashmir Valley but such majority was created by pushing out Hindu Pundits and Christian from this valley by Muslims with support of Pakistani Kashmir Committee and Pakistani Establishment after formation of Pakistan.

Here is report of CSF on Kashmir:

Ground Zero realities:

1. False cases, frenzy zealots & rumors

The police under pressure from the "Supreme Court of Islamic Shariet", which is an extra-constitutional authority with no official legal sanction, has registered false cases trumped-up under sections 153A and 295A, for spreading hatred between communities, etc. These cases have been forged upon the missionaries and Christians without a shred of evidence. There is always the eminent danger of even more serious charges being added to cover their guilt. The fundamentalists are given a free hand and operate with impunity targeting Christians individually, if they don't revert to Islam. The mass media put out stories of those who recanted, which has added fuel to the fire. These reverts make all kinds of false allegations, like being lured and seduced with various enticement, in-fact they were made to drink swine blood and converted to Christianity. Rev. Khanna was told that he was being protected by the police, but he was arrested on a Saturday and kept in illegal confinement and refused bail for many days. Mrs. Kanta Khanna is publicly accused of proselytizing by enticement and is being moved out of the state as she is gravely ill and in a state of shock.

2. Hostile legal and official state machinery

The Bar Association and the judiciary allegedly also did not live up to expectations. It was reported that a notice outside the court urged all lawyers to boycott Rev. CM Khanna and mentioned, if any one even assisted, they would be thrown out of Bar Association, would be asked to stop practicing and will be responsible for the "consequences". Not only did the Bar Association announce that they would not defend him, but members of the local Bar disturbed the proceedings of the court. When the judge found that there is nothing in the case, and after the arguments, he was about to give bail, about 25 lawyers started shouting that if bail is given, there will be strike by advocates and Kashmir will be closed. There is no local official, no lawyer, no notary, no typist, no stationary, no photocopying machines etc. available to the missionaries and the converts.

The "Supreme Court of Islamic Shariet" has also requested the Sr. Superintendent of Police in Srinagar to ensure that a list of Muslims baptised by Rev. CM Khanna reaches it, as soon as possible.

3. Christian schools and institutions targeted

The Tyndel Biscoe School has just 4 Christian students out of over 7,000 including the girls wing. The Burn House Catholic School has 3 students out of over 2,000 and the same is true of also the faculty, where Christians are negligible. All Christian schools are ordered to teach Islam and daily prayers written by Syed Mohammad Iqbal should also be sung in the morning, the Islamic authorities say. The Sharia Court also ordered that Muslims be placed on the managing committees of the Christian school and their opinions sought before acting. No one denied an unconfirmed report that a Christian student was beaten up and that Christians schools encourage drug addiction and a permissive lifestyle among children. Pamphlets and handbills are reportedly circulated asking students not to recite prayers, calling God - one's Father, as it goes against the tenets of Islam, which does not mention God to be so. There is a view that some influential Muslim businesspersons involved with education, fear the Christian institutions, which offer quality education at fair fees and want to either get them out of the competition or control them by being on the management or taking over these institutions.

4. Christians are soft targets with no support

For many people, Christians are soft targets for politicians, extremist groups and other vested interests and the bogey of conversions is a handy tool to achieve their selfish ends. Most of the time, conversions are used by the opposition and the ruling parties to score points over each other - with Christians caught in between. No political party or group has spoken in favor of the Christians, since they are politically inconsequential and economically backward in the state. Whipping up anti-Christian sentiments is the fastest ticket to gaining popularity, with many a minion fundamentalist, especially those influenced by 'Wahabism', taking potshots at will. All those who have converted have done so, knowing fully well the consequences and reportedly buckle down only under extreme torture and pressure, for there is no one to hear their cry. But there are enough numbers of those who are prepared to die for Christ - the issue is should we let them?

5. Muslims well organized to protect the faith

Noted clergyman & Hurriyat Conference chief, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq recently launched a well networked multi-faceted Majlis Tahafuz-e-Imaan (Committee for Protection of Faith) to "thwart nefarious designs of pervasive forces and the deep-rooted conspiracy of making youth apostate and defectors by giving them concessions and benefits secretly". It aims to make people "aware of missionary tactics and this would be exposed before public to safeguard Imaan (faith) of our brethren". The website (Tahafuz-e-eemaan) further adds "Though the fundamental goal for this organization is to thwart catastrophic missionary activities however it cannot dissociate itself from immunizing its own people with injections of Quran and Authentic Sunnah. These are noble ideals and one must stand up for one's belief. However, the fear is that such advocacy can well be misused at the lower level, with little control or machinery to check the abuse in the name of protecting the faith, including taking law into one's hand. Imams (clerics) at the Friday prayer gathering preach against apostasy, mentioning Christians and with one even referring to a Korean couple to be targeted next.

6. Persecution history of death, churches burnt & mayhem

There have been instances of Christians killed and property destroyed mysteriously, even until recently, besides dozens facing grievous inquiries, but here is the track record of over 20 years that cannot be denied. Christians in the Kashmir Valley have faced the fundamentalist wrath earlier. One was when it was alleged that the Alaska Mosque was desecrated by the Israelis in the mid-sixties Arab-Israeli war and the Catholic Church of the Holy Family in the heart of Srinagar at Maulana Azad Road was set ablaze. Another, when a book titled Book of Knowledge was discovered from the Government Degree College (Anantnag) in the early seventies and the All Saints Church, Srinagar was ransacked, set ablaze and copies of the Holy Bible desecrated. In November 2006, a convert from Islam, Bashir Ahmed Tantray, was shot dead by Islamist extremists in Baramullah district. Recently The All Saints Church was burnt again and in September 2010, Muslim mobs burned a school and a church in Tanmarg district. On 26 February 2011, a school run by a Christian family was burnt. Among the other schools torched by extremists are The Tyndale Biscoe School (Tangmarg), The Good Shepherd School (Pulwama), etc

7. Hundred Percent Muslim Kashmir – Christian dilemma in J & K

India will soon have a 100 percent Muslim Kashmir region, since returning back to their homes for the Kashmiri Pandits, Sikhs and now Christians is impossible, given no political will and hostile conditions. The government's inaction both at the state and federal level is greater cause for worry, as Christians in the valley are left at the mercy of the fundamentalists and allowed to perish. The non-existence of even a superficial state minorities commission or an effective human rights / women / child commissions, makes it even more difficult for the truth or the exact impact of persecution to be brought to light. The National Minorities Commission which visited J & K along with a fact finding team has been able to do little. It placed on record though that they found no evidence of force or fraud in baptisms. The government has not been able to quickly investigate the allegations made against the Christians and publicize its findings to prevent rumours from gaining currency and set the matter to rest. No relief of any kind from the administration has been received by the victims, nor is there any hope of it. The government calls these refugees or internally displaced persons migrants to deny them any assistance.

Democracy, Federalism, Secularism, Harmony & Minority Rights at Stake

The union and state government must take a firm stand on the issue, as it has wide repercussions for the country and its citizens as a whole. On the altar of sacrifice, in case of mishandling of J & K issue is the very existence of India as a secular and democratic federation. The minorities are already facing a common enemy in terms of a belligerent and violent Hindutva saffron brigade and are reeling under attacks - both direct and subtle. A further division among minorities, who are united all over the country, will only be to the advantage of communal forces. Fundamentalism of by any faith needs to be condemned and the rule of law in the land must prevail, not that of might is right. This is especially true for present-day India, which is looking at taking its rightful place as a world superpower.

Fr. Jim Borst - Serving J & K for 50 years

Rev. Father Jim Borst, Mill Hill Missionary Catholic Priest has been serving the valley since August 1963. He has established two schools under the name and style of Good Shepherd's Mission School - one each at Pulwama and Shiv Pora in the Kashmir Valley. His school at Pulwama was bombed twice by the terrorists and was later set ablaze. The Christian schools have been functioning in the valley since the 19 th Century and have been rendering yeoman's services in the valley.. Tyndale Biscoe School was established in 1865 and St. Joseph's School, Baramulla in 1905 followed by the Burn Hall School, Srinagar in 1954 and Presentation Convent School, Srinagar in early 40s. Besides this the Mill Hill Missionaries had established Cambrigde School and a college too.

Juan Marcos Troia, an Argentinian football coach

He is credited with taking footbal in J & K to its greatest heights. In 2009, Juan Marcos Troia, an Argentinian football coach (star of the documentary, 'Inshallah Football') revived football in Kashmir. But he is now suspecting, as he has been questioned by the state football association about the funding for his clubs. Not just he, but his family too is now the target of a whisper campaign. Fundamentalists are ratcheting up religious mobilization. His house vandalized, Marcos is now running around asking cops for help. "We have to fend for ourselves," says his dejected wife, Priscilla, writes the media of their plight.

Predhuman K Joseph Dhar's Remarks

“Not all Muslims are terrorists, most of them want to live in peace. But today the situation is so exacerbated that anyone who speaks of Muslim extremism or Islamic terrorism is considered Islamophobic or racist. Hence, no one is willing to stand against the abuses on the minority Hindu Pandits and now Christians in J & K. Why is the government giving all its attention to the Kashmiri Islamists? The answer is: It’s not because they are Kashmiris; it is because they are they know the best way of getting you to listen is to threaten or use violence. Plant a few bombs, hijack the odd plane, mastermind a massacre or two, and suddenly, those in power will beat a path to your door. There will be negotiations, peace talks, and conciliatory proposals and finally, you will get some measure of "justice", according to you.

But the Kashmiri Pandits and now Christians are decent, educated people who have always eschewed violence and who, in the face of grave provocation, have never resorted to attention-seeking terrorism. Instead, they have put their faith in Indian democracy, hoping that politicians will recognize that injustice has been done to them and offer some recompense. Sadly, we have failed them. Nobody pays any attention to their cause. Politicians do not regard them as electorally significant enough to merit any concern. As for the rest of the world, when global conferences are held on tension in South Asia and on finding solutions to the Kashmir problem, the Kashmiri Pandits and now Christians don’t even get a mention. They are the invisible people, too uncomplaining to matter and too decent to count for anything. The least we can do is pray for them and support any person or NGO like The CSF, which has taking up their cause ".
This is how islamic countries are created which in turn get ruled by extremist nuts and become dangerous for neighboring countries(Even neighboring islamic countries)
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