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Percentage of Muslims in India grew by just 0.8 in last decade

I'm saying get over this fuss about who follows what religion? Will they take over? How many kids are the minorities producing? etc etc. But you obviously would never take it for what it really means.


No, I would take it for what it really means, if anybody took the trouble to explain, which you have done. Thanks.

Ill withdraw from this debate because i have no idea why you think im justifying babu bajrangi, a monster who brags about such things and god know what actually guilty of.

He should be punished for what hes guilty of.

However all im saying is that that video is inadmissible in a court as well as in a debate as proof of anything except bajrangi being a monster.


THAT, I can agree with, and have nothing more to say than you have said above.

Sir, fascism is an ideology not a character that people are born with. It spreads but mostly remain irrelevant if there is no support from majority. I just stated a simple fact, I don't know what made you to conclude that I am justifying it.

you have the same fear of hindu majority that Pakistani had during partition. The only thing that can help you mate is another partition.


It was precisely because I wanted to avoid flying off the handle that I wrote what I did. Now that you have made your position clear, I have nothing to say further.
The Hindu population in India more educated, rich and nearly 80% they will hold the power for centuries.Muslims are poorer and divided their birth rate will come down. The Hinduvta brigade is obsessed with Muslims and are adopting some of Muslim retrograde practices. Hinduvtas now object to women wearing jeans and start demonstrations when they perceive any slight to Hinduism. Why dont they instead concentrate on cleaning up India's filthy cities, polluted rivers, end caste discrimination and show more understanding. Seems like Hinduvta are wannabe Muslims.

I think here its more about the religious based census. Conditions of Muslims and other backward classes, schedule caste and schedule tribes is the same.

Muslim population rose by 24 per cent during 2001-11

Muslim population in India has grown by 24 per cent between 2001 and 2011 against national average of 18 per cent with the community's representation rising to 14.2 per cent from 13.4 percent of total population.
Among all states in the country, Jammu and Kashmir has the highest Muslim population (68.3 per cent), followed by Assam (34.2 per cent) and West Bengal (27 per cent), according to the census data on the population of religious groups.

The growth rate of Muslim population in the country was around 29 per cent between 1991 and 2001. At 24 per cent, the growth rate of Muslim population is higher than the national average of 18 per cent for the decade (2001-11).

The most rapid rise in the share of Muslims in the total population was witnessed in Assam. Muslims constituted 30.9 per cent of the state's population in 2001 and it has risen to 34.2 per cent a decade later. Assam has been facing the problem of illegal immigration from Bangladeshi for last three decades.

A Home Ministry spokesperson said the data is still being compiled by the Registrar General of Census and will be released officially shortly.

Manipur is the only state where the percentage of their population has decreased -- from 8.8 per cent to 8.4 per cent.

West Bengal, another state where illegal immigration from Bangladesh has been an issue, has also seen a rise in Muslim population from 25.2 per cent in 2001 to 27 per cent in 2011. It is a growth of 1.8 percentage points, more that double the national average for Muslim population (.8 per cent).

Uttarakhand has also seen rise in the share of Muslim population from 11.9 per cent to 13.9 per cent, a growth of 2 percentage points, between 2001 and 2011.

Other states with a significant rise in the share of Muslims in the total population as per the 2011 census were Kerala (from 24.7 per cent to 26.6 per cent), Goa (6.8 per cent to 8.4 per cent), Jammu and Kashmir (67 per cent to 68.3 per cent), Haryana (5.8 per cent to 7 per cent) and Delhi (11.7 per cent to 12.9 per cent).

The Registrar General and Census Commissioner, under the Home Ministry, had compiled the data by March 2014, but the previous UPA government held back the release.

Home Minister Rajnath Singh yesterday said the data could be released soon.
Among the Union Territories, Lakshadweep has the highest Muslim population -- 96.2 per cent.

Such statistics, experts said, is released within three years of data collection and being 2015, that time-limit has already been exceeded.

The last time religion-based data was released in the country was in 2004, which was a record of figures till 2001.
Hindu % is shrinking since day one of independence. While Muslim population grew from 9 to 14.5% now.

Even in Pakistan poorer and uneducated people have more children. In India, now on average Muslims have one more child than Hindus. While some Hindus and Sikhs are practicing female infanticide. I don't see you raising the issue of how many future Hindu mothers being aborted before their birth. The Hindu and Sikh 0-5 and 5-12 age gender ratio is skewed in favor of boys.
"Bharat is expected to have 311 million Muslims in 2050, which is 11 per cent of the global total. This will make India the largest population of Muslims in the world," the editorial titled 'Making numbers policy relevant' said.

Isn't that a sign of fear?

Its a sign to understand that Indian Muslims are part of India like the rest of Indians.

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