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Percentage of Muslims in India grew by just 0.8 in last decade

people like @jamahir should be neutred so that they contribute to society and not indulge in love jihad. :pop:

actually, i hope there's a global fund for love jihad... i have a... you know, not-bad face, good voice and dashing persona... don't want those to go waste, yes?? :agree:
actually, i hope there's a global fund for love jihad... i have a... you know, not-bad face, good voice and dashing persona... don't want those to go waste, yes?? :agree:
yeah and you got moves like jagger.. :p:
Census: Hindu share dips below 80%, Muslim share grows but slower | The Indian Express

According to figures of the religion census of 2011, yet to be officially released, Hindus comprised 78.35 per cent of the total population of 121.05 crore, compared with 80.45 per cent of the total population in 2001. In absolute terms, however, the Hindu population increased 14.5 per cent from 82.75 crore to 94.78 crore during the period (2001-11).

The 2011 religion census data also shows that the share of Muslims in the population has risen 80 basis points (one basis point is one-hundredth of a percentage point) from 13.4 per cent in 2001 to 14.2 per cent with some border states showing a high increase. This decadal increase in share, however, is lower than the 1.7 percentage points increase registered in the previous decade, 1991-2001.

In absolute terms, the number of Muslims increased 24.4 per cent to 17.18 crore from 13.8 crore during the period 2001-11. And during the previous five decades — 1951 to 2001 — their share rose from 9.8 per cent to 13.4 per cent.

The share of Hindus over the previous five decades — between 1951 i.e. post-partition and 2001 — dropped 3.65 percentage points from 84.1 per cent to 80.45 per cent of the total population. Again in absolute terms, the Hindu population more than doubled (172 per cent increase) from 30.36 crore to 82.75 crore during the 50 years till 2001. The drop in share of Hindus, due to a steady dip in the rate of growth of the Hindu population, comes on the back of rising education and income levels of the majority community.

Last Wednesday, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had announced that the religion data of census 2011 would be released soon. The data was ready in January 2014 but the UPA government, facing a resurgent BJP, took the decision not to release the data ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. In normal course, the data from the religion census is released within three years of the census enumeration exercise being completed. By this yardstick, the data should have been out by March 2014.

The share of other religious groups like Sikhs and Christians in the total population remained steady at a little over 2 per cent each, roughly in the same range as in the 2001 census.

The Census 2011 data shows that since independence, the share of Hindus has dropped by 5.75 percentage points while the share of Muslims has risen by slightly more than 4 percentage points. According to the 1951 census, Hindus comprised 84.1 per cent of the population post partition, after the inflow of Hindus from Pakistan and the outflow of Muslims at partition changed in the country’s demography. Hindus comprised just about 66 per cent of the population of India before partition.

i thought india was past 1.35 billion long back.

According to figures of the religion census of 2011, yet to be officially released, Hindus comprised 78.35 per cent of the total population of 121.05 crore, compared with 80.45 per cent of the total population in 2001. In absolute terms, however, the Hindu population increased 14.5 per cent from 82.75 crore to 94.78 crore during the period (2001-11).
who decided that the bangladeshis are illegal while the anti-communist tibetans are legal "refugees"??
Stop acting dumb!! Anyone who is in the country without getting the legal status from Govt are illegal. Be it Bangladeshis or others. Tibetans got the refugee status from Govt and any Tibet born in India are Indian citizens by birth. Just because they are anti communists does not mean they are illegal. They may be in your fancy dream world filled but not in real world of real people.

anti-china is different matter but it is crime to be against socialism/communism... to be against that is to be against humanity itself... and why should you be anti-china??

Lol, now it is crime to be against socialism/communism. What are you? Khalifa al bagdadi that you will decide what one can be against and what one can not. And stop the non-sense, where did i say I am anti-China. It was your nonsense to throw anti-china Tibetans out based on your weird thinking. Just because they are not Islamist like your dear illegal Bangladeshis, they can not be called illegal.

even indrani, the spokeswoman for pdf sanghis, was defeated by my words months ago... and if modi and me are on a stage in front of international diplomats and media, my words will shame him forever... so let us not get into that religion thing.
Now you are at declaring people to be Sanghis and deciding who is their spokesman!! Just be happy to have defeated someone in debate in your fancy world. Anyways I find most of the things you say weird and mostly aligned with the thought process of weirdos from Arabian deserts. Go teach the Muslim man of yours who are killing humanity on a daily basis some humanity not us. I am sure you will be lucky if they do not cut your throat.

and please answer to arsalan khan's post just above.

I do not take any Pakistani talking about India seriously so will not waste time on them.

LOL Bringing in left overs from other thread? So why didn't you come back there and then to rubbish my claims about Kaaba?
How can you seriously justify killings & invasion/occupation of Kabba? It's a fact that it was worship place of non Muslims and Mohammad attacked it, killed many and converted the religious place of peace loving non muslims to place of worship of hate filled followers of Islam. How disgusting? n'est-cs pas? It shows how peaceful your Muhammad was. And TBH the same mentality was carried forward by his followers when they destroyed many more religious places of other religion and converted them to Mosque. Trust me such mosques which are built on the graves of innocent can never be place of worship of god. they can be of devil only.

And as far as womb slicing is concerned, Well listen for yourself(You definitely will be inspired).....

I gave you a link which tells that the Kausar Bibi's body was found and postmortem was done on it and that exposes lies of Mullahs which is going on for ages now. This video you posted is a Tehelka creation and has no credibility (The owner of Tehelka is behind prison for trying to rape a junior journalist who was friend of this own daughter).

islam is early socialism... this i have said many a time... the greeks before prophets jesus and muhammad were speaking of direct-democracy... many others cried about human miseries... and like i said some days ago, greek works were inspiration for many a muslim philosopher during the "islami golden age".
Progression of Islam meant death for the followers of Non-Muslims. Calling it socialism and act of Muslims as peaceful/socialists is like calling Hitler to be the most peaceful/just person to live on earth.

the so-called "western education" is what muslims gave to the west.

None of which actually belonged to them. All stolen knowledge and education was being passed. Muslims contribution was just to destroy other's places of education, & rewriting in Arabic the stolen knowledge.

It's not about him. It's about you.

Don't you feel saying something like,"Poor fellow, he shows that he is a murderous, bigoted bastard entirely by accident, he was tricked into it," says something about you, making that justification for a monster?

I'm trying to say that your standing up for him is the horrifying bit, nothing physical about it, like his crimes, but at an intellectual level, that bland and unctuous willingness to grasp at a straw to justify excess is quite appalling.

Or am I being a westernised sickular who doesn't understand what a red-blooded hero of the people should feel, and say, and pass off as boys being boys when confessions of perverted nature turn up?

Just curious to know.

A Lie is a lie and in the case of Kausar bibi story it was proven because a postmortem was done on her body. And you can take the Tehelka tape as evidence but no one else. Only fools will believe it specially when the body of the women in question was found and postmortem done on her which nailed the lie.

And Babu Bajrangi was a culprit of rioting. Nobody is denying that and for the same he is in prison. I pointed to the stupid fake stories built around the Gujarat riots by some of the Muslims to show their victim-hood mentality.

Prophet Mohammad had always encouraged knowledge gathering be it from any source(Even Western) but look at the present "followers" of him who claim otherwise...
He encouraged to invade,occupy, and covert non muslim places of worship. I think more and more Muslims took that message seriously instead of getting encouraged by gaining knowledge message.
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It's not about him. It's about you.

Don't you feel saying something like,"Poor fellow, he shows that he is a murderous, bigoted bastard entirely by accident, he was tricked into it," says something about you, making that justification for a monster?

I'm trying to say that your standing up for him is the horrifying bit, nothing physical about it, like his crimes, but at an intellectual level, that bland and unctuous willingness to grasp at a straw to justify excess is quite appalling.

Or am I being a westernised sickular who doesn't understand what a red-blooded hero of the people should feel, and say, and pass off as boys being boys when confessions of perverted nature turn up?

Just curious to know.

The source of that fake story is not that video. The story was spread much earlier by some others and he repeated that in the video. Now that propaganda story about the unborn child has taken a life of its own even after being rejected by medical evidence. Every time that fake story is repeated, for the sake for justice, it should be debunked.

You are right this is not about that person, but this is also not about me. This is about those who have tried to spread propaganda regarding Gujarat riots.
Census: Hindu share dips below 80%, Muslim share grows but slower | The Indian Express

According to figures of the religion census of 2011, yet to be officially released, Hindus comprised 78.35 per cent of the total population of 121.05 crore, compared with 80.45 per cent of the total population in 2001. In absolute terms, however, the Hindu population increased 14.5 per cent from 82.75 crore to 94.78 crore during the period (2001-11)

The Hindu population in India more educated, rich and nearly 80% they will hold the power for centuries.Muslims are poorer and divided their birth rate will come down. The Hinduvta brigade is obsessed with Muslims and are adopting some of Muslim retrograde practices. Hinduvtas now object to women wearing jeans and start demonstrations when they perceive any slight to Hinduism. Why dont they instead concentrate on cleaning up India's filthy cities, polluted rivers, end caste discrimination and show more understanding. Seems like Hinduvta are wannabe Muslims.
Change in demographics of India is dangerous for India, but Muslims should be treated like any other Indians in terms of education, jobs, political representation etc... Muslims should be educated on family planning. There is no need to panic, probably our population is going to stabilize in another 20 to 30 years. The fertility rate is decreasing across all communities including Muslims. In urban areas, I have not seen Muslims having not more than 3 children, though in rural areas it is different.
The source of that fake story is not that video. The story was spread much earlier by some others and he repeated that in the video. Now that propaganda story about the unborn child has taken a life of its own even after being rejected by medical evidence. Every time that fake story is repeated, for the sake for justice, it should be debunked.

You are right this is not about that person, but this is also not about me. This is about those who have tried to spread propaganda regarding Gujarat riots.

I thanked you, for demonstrating the extent of mental confusion that you suffer.

I never suggested that the source of the fake story was the video. I was not talking about the fake story at all, to be honest, but about that animal who took pride in killing and in leading others to kill. I said, and I am saying it again: justifying Babu Bairagi because the video was being taken without his knowledge is the abomination. You are effectively saying it's all right what he did, but it's not all right to trick him into saying what he did.

It is about you; it is about the state of suspension of morality that makes you see nothing wrong in his confession, and that makes you see everything else, including the wickedness of those who tricked him into admitting what he did.
I take it that you are advocating our neighbour's solution to the problem of too many religions.
I'm saying get over this fuss about who follows what religion? Will they take over? How many kids are the minorities producing? etc etc. But you obviously would never take it for what it really means.
Was that a justification of fascism? That where there is the support of the majority, minorities live like second class citizens, and there are more than 50 nations like those?

I ask because it sounds like that, and before deciding that something really offensive has been said, it'd be fairer of the original instance.
Sir, fascism is an ideology not a character that people are born with. It spreads but mostly remain irrelevant if there is no support from majority. I just stated a simple fact, I don't know what made you to conclude that I am justifying it.

Do you think it is hard to convince the majority that minorities are blood sucking parasites? How do you think Modi sold a dream to become a PM or how majority of the Germans in Nazi era remained silent when Jews were being rounded up...?
you have the same fear of hindu majority that Pakistani had during partition. The only thing that can help you mate is another partition.
% of Hindu and other populations are decreasing while Muslim % is increasing, is it 'just'????

What do they want??? :o:

The Hindu population in India more educated, rich and nearly 80% they will hold the power for centuries.Muslims are poorer and divided their birth rate will come down. The Hinduvta brigade is obsessed with Muslims and are adopting some of Muslim retrograde practices. Hinduvtas now object to women wearing jeans and start demonstrations when they perceive any slight to Hinduism. Why dont they instead concentrate on cleaning up India's filthy cities, polluted rivers, end caste discrimination and show more understanding. Seems like Hinduvta are wannabe Muslims.

Wrong. Hindu % is shrinking since day one of independence. While Muslim population grew from 9 to 14.5% now.

Think in Pakistan same thing happening!!! just even imagine!!!! Ohh sorry, you even can't.

Now Muslims are not safe in India!!! Who says that???

What Hinduvta has to do anything about this?? We are working on our development. What few idiots say don't matter.
I thanked you, for demonstrating the extent of mental confusion that you suffer.

I never suggested that the source of the fake story was the video. I was not talking about the fake story at all, to be honest, but about that animal who took pride in killing and in leading others to kill. I said, and I am saying it again: justifying Babu Bairagi because the video was being taken without his knowledge is the abomination. You are effectively saying it's all right what he did, but it's not all right to trick him into saying what he did.

It is about you; it is about the state of suspension of morality that makes you see nothing wrong in his confession, and that makes you see everything else, including the wickedness of those who tricked him into admitting what he did.

Ill withdraw from this debate because i have no idea why you think im justifying babu bajrangi, a monster who brags about such things and god know what actually guilty of.

He should be punished for what hes guilty of.

However all im saying is that that video is inadmissible in a court as well as in a debate as proof of anything except bajrangi being a monster.

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