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People from India, China out-educating Americans in maths and technology: Barack Obama

I know for a fact Indians leave Chinese miles behind in Maths and Science.

We will see the results in 2-3 decades. All the top notch research would be done in India.

The Chinese gained lead over India by relying on Cheap manufacturing. but when it comes to Science and Technology the Chinese kids are half as good as the Indians.

Lets see which country is ahead in technology in 2050.

Not only you are last in PISA ranking, none of your university rank in top 200, your literacy rate is not even 80% . What math and science? what research?? LMAO

Self delusion is a mental disorder, LOL
Not only you are last in PISA ranking, none of your university rank in top 200, your literacy rate is not even 80% . What math and science? what research?? LMAO

Self delusion is a mental disorder, LOL

Self delusion is when one Country's Central Govt becomes obsessed with PISA scores.

PISA scores is nothing but proof of CCP data manipulation to hide the incapability of the Chinese students.

If China really had good students, then it would not be the biggest Cheap Manufacturing facility of the world, and it would also not be the biggest copier of world.

Chinese case is like a Cat putting on a costume of a Tiger and asking the world to consider itself as a Tiger. lol

The whole world could only laugh as they know the Cat stupid habits.
Self delusion is when one Country's Central Govt becomes obsessed with PISA scores.

PISA scores is nothing but proof of CCP data manipulation to hide the incapability of the Chinese students.

If China really had good students, then it would not be the biggest Cheap Manufacturing facility of the world, and it would also not be the biggest copier of world.

None of your university ranked in top 200. Your literacy is not even 80%

Yes Chinese students are good. We won all the maths olympiads. We make our own drones and stealth fighters, we even made the spacecraft we flew to space. Cheap manufacturing is give jobs to the poor, unlike your poor, they remain poor.
The biggest copier of the world is India, your film industry Bollywood makes the most films per year, but the entire industry is copycat of Hollywood, you even copy Chinese and Korean movies LOL> :eek:
None of your university ranked in top 200. Your literacy is not even 80%

Yes Chinese students are good. We won all the maths olympiads. We make our own drones and stealth fighters, we even made the spacecraft we flew to space. Cheap manufacturing is give jobs to the poor, unlike your poor, they remain poor.
The biggest copier of the world is India, your film industry Bollywood makes the most films per year, but the entire industry is copycat of Hollywood, you even copy Chinese and Korean movies LOL> :eek:

ha ha ha ha

Even the Chinese universities students copy openly and the students consider it their right to copy. :rofl:

Yale professor Stephen Stearns, who taught at Beijing University in 2007, was so disturbed by the rampant plagiarism that he e-mailed his students, stating, according to a Web copy of the e-mail, “The fact that I have encountered this much plagiarism at Beida [Beijing University] :eek: tells me something about the behavior of other professors and administrators here. They must tolerate a lot of it, and when they detect it, they cover it up without serious punishment, probably because they do not want to lose face.”

Poor professor. Should have known. In Chinese education copying is birth right of every student. As long as PISA score is high, copying is right. :)

The effects are felt not only in the thinness of the cream in industry senior management, but also in the quality of leadership and mentoring in universities. A recent study by the Chinese government revealed that a third o_O of the 6,000 scientists at 6 of the country’s top institutions admitted to plagiarism or the outright fabrication of research data.

lol lol


that is Chinese quality education. So like Chinese products their quality of Chinese education is also the worst in world.:(
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Chinese only perform good in China, outside China they live on dole and are gwai lo slaves :eek:
ha ha ha ha

Even the Chinese universities students copy openly and the students consider it their right to copy. :rofl:

Yale professor Stephen Stearns, who taught at Beijing University in 2007, was so disturbed by the rampant plagiarism that he e-mailed his students, stating, according to a Web copy of the e-mail, “The fact that I have encountered this much plagiarism at Beida [Beijing University] :eek: tells me something about the behavior of other professors and administrators here. They must tolerate a lot of it, and when they detect it, they cover it up without serious punishment, probably because they do not want to lose face.”

Poor professor. Should have known. In Chinese education copying is birth right of every student. As long as PISA score is high, copying is right. :)

The effects are felt not only in the thinness of the cream in industry senior management, but also in the quality of leadership and mentoring in universities. A recent study by the Chinese government revealed that a third o_O of the 6,000 scientists at 6 of the country’s top institutions admitted to plagiarism or the outright fabrication of research data.

lol lol


Plagiarism exists in every country. But nobody beats India, your elite IITs are plagued with rampant plagiarism. LOL


Even the dean is implicated, LOL, LOL.

Deans under lens for plagiarism

Indian science adviser caught up in plagiarism row

Plagiarism seems to be a disease plaguing Indians
The relatively small city of Zhongxiang in Hubei province has always performed suspiciously well in China's notoriously tough "gaokao" exams, each year winning a disproportionate number of places at the country's elite universities.

"Last year, the city received a slap on the wrist from the province's Education department after it discovered 99 identical papers in one subject.:eek: Forty five examiners were "harshly criticised" for allowing cheats to prosper."

"We want fairness. There is no fairness if you do not let us cheat."o_O

so that's the secret of doing well in China's top most exams be it gaokao or PISA.

I can have 5 brilliant students and remaining state illiterate and still win any international tests.

I am from a political family and I know first hand how Indian government works...For Indian Government running a subsidy schemes that provide free money, TV or mobile phone to people is infinitely more important than educating young minds or encouraging the young minds to participate in international tests.

Dunno which is more pathetic, your ignorance or your education level...

1. PISA is the de facto int'l test measuring a nation''s general education level of its youths.

2. PISA scores are the de facto scores analised and benchmarked by educators of ALL countries in the world.

3. PISA scores are generally recognised internationally to be THE proxi for IQ scores.

4. You don't choose students for PISA tests. PISA tests RANDOMLY select schools and students (including both good, bad and regular) from the paticipating areas/countries, to achive rigourous statistically valid results.

5. PISA scores are analised rigurously and thouroughly using all statatical means to showcase the the vary detail results of ALL participate students. e.g. score precentile to identify the % of each scoring segment. BTW, in the top scoring segment, neglecively none of India's students scored within this segment, comparing to more than 1/3 of Chinese studentes randomly tested and a good % for those of OECD countries. It proves that India even doesn't have a small population of top IQers.

To conclude, if there is an universally recognised international test, PISA is the GOLD standard.

A well known Russian American blogger Anatoly Karlin has the following piece analising China vs India on PISA scores (note that his frequent commenters even include Ron Unz, with IQ of 200, the billionaire owner and editor of American Conservatives):

Why China Is Far Superior To India

It is not a secret to longtime readers of this blog that I rate India’s prospects far more pessimistically than I do China’s. My main reason is I do not share the delusion that democracy is a panacea and that whatever advantage in this sphere India has is more than outweighed by China’s lead in any number of other areas ranging from infrastructure and fiscal sustainability to child malnutrition and corruption. However, one of the biggest and certainly most critical gaps is in educational attainment, which is the most important component of human capital – the key factor underlying all productivity increases and longterm economic growth. China’s literacy rate is 96%, whereas Indian literacy is still far from universal at just 74%.

Many people claim that China’s educational success is superficial, arguing that although it has achieved good literacy figures, standards – especially in the poor rural areas that have been neglected by the state during the reform period – are very low. This is not a minority view. The problem is that for proof they cite figures such as the average number of years of schooling or secondary enrollment ratios - which are still substantially inferior to those of developed nations – and assume that they directly correlate to the human capital generated among Chinese youth. This is a flawed approach because it doesn’t take into account the quality of schooling. Though not without its problems, by far the most objective method of assessing that is to look at international standardized tests in literacy, numeracy, and science. The most comprehensive such study is PISA, and it tells a radically different story.

The big problem, until recently, was that there was no internationalized student testing data for either China or India. (There was data for cities like Hong Kong and Shanghai, but it was not very useful because they are hardly representative of China). An alternative approach was to compare national IQ’s, in which China usually scored 100-105 and India scored in the low 80′s. But this method has methodological flaws because the IQ tests aren’t consistent across countries. (This, incidentally, also makes this approach a punching bag for PC enforcers who can’t bear to entertain the possibility of differing IQ’s across national and ethnic groups).

In contrast, the PISA tests are standardized, and – barring a few quibbles – largely free of the consistency and sampling problems that tend to plague international IQ comparisons. And they confirm what the IQ data has long hinted at: At least among schoolchildren close to graduation, the Chinese are simply far, far smarter than their Indian counterparts (necessary caveat: As measured by these tests).

I already covered China, so I will simply quote in extenso from an older post. I emphasize the most important part in bold.

“As regular blog readers know, I think that educational capital and more broadly average IQ levels are one of the key – and frequently under-appreciated due to political correctness – determinants of economic development and whether or not convergence to developed country levels is even possible. Its much higher educational capital is one of the key reasons why I think China will continue doing much better than India in development, regardless of its “democratic deficit.” However, many people argue that China’s human capital must actually be quite low, because it doesn’t spend much on education, resources are bare in the provinces, statistical fudging under unaccountable governors, etc.

The recent results from the international standardized PISA tests in math, reading and science will make this an increasingly untenable position. Shanghai got by far the best results out of all the OECD countries (never mind the developing ones). Now while you might (rightly) argue Shanghai draws much of the elite of the Yangtze river delta, the Financial Times has more: “Citing further, as-yet unpublished OECD research, Mr Schleicher said: “We have actually done Pisa in 12 of the provinces in China. Even in some of the very poor areas you get performance close to the OECD average.””

Since countries like the US and France get scores “close to the OECD average”, this means that the workforces soon to be entering China’s economy, even from its poorest regions, will be no less skilled than those of leading Western economies (note too that the numbers of Chinese university graduates are soaring). And with China’s massive population, four times bigger than America’s, its road to superpowerdom must be all but guaranteed. [AK adds: I.e., because under market economies, development - as proxied by GDP per capita - tends to converge to a level commensurate with the human capital level of the country in question].”

Also in December 2011, but unnoticed by myself until now, PISA released additional information on nine countries*. Critically, this included two Indian provinces, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh. How did they do relative to China?

On math proficiency, Tamil Nadu scored 351 and Himachal Pradesh scored 338. On science, they scored 348 and 325, respectively. In both cases, they were at ROCK BOTTOM of the league table of the 74 sampled countries together with Kyrgyzstan. Literally no other country did worse.

In comparison, even the poorest Chinese regions performed close to the OECD average of about 500, putting them in the same rank as the bottom half of the industrialized countries such as Russia, Italy, or the United States (high 400′s); but well above other prominent developing states such as Brazil, Mexico, and Malaysia (high 300′s-low 400′s). The better off Chinese regions will have presumably done better, perhaps similar to Australia or Japan, while the most developed Chinese region, Shanghai, blew every other country out of the water with a mean score of 600 in math and 575 in science.

Note that Tamil Nadu is fairly developed by Indian standards, while Himachal Pradesh is about average. One simply shudders to imagine what the results would be in a poor state such as Bihar or Uttar Pradesh. China and India are both truly exceptional in educational attainment for dynamically developing emerging markets, but only the former is exceptional in a good way.

Many Indians like to see themselves as equal competitors to China, and are encouraged in their endeavour by gushing Western editorials and Tom Friedman drones who praise their few islands of programming prowess – in reality, much of which is actually pretty low-level stuff – and widespread knowledge of the English language (which makes India a good destination for call centers but not much else), while ignoring the various aspects of Indian life – the caste system, malnutrition, stupendously bad schools – that are holding them back. The low quality of Indians human capital reveals the “demographic dividend” that India is supposed to enjoy in the coming decades as the wild fantasies of what Sailer rightly calls ”Davos Man craziness at its craziest.” A large cohort of young people is worse than useless when most of them are functionally illiterate and innumerate; instead of fostering well-compensated jobs that drive productivity forwards, they will form reservoirs of poverty and potential instability.

Instead of buying into their own rhetoric of a “India shining”, Indians would be better served by focusing on the nitty gritty of bringing childhood malnutrition DOWN to Sub-Saharan African levels, achieving the life expectancy of late Maoist China, and moving up at least to the level of a Mexico or Moldova in numeracy and science skills. Because as long as India’s human capital remains at the bottom of the global league tables so will the prosperity of its citizens.

* One other thing I noted in amusement is Georgia’s horrendous performance on the PISA: 379 in math, 373 in science. From being one of the most literate and urbane nationalities in the USSR to hanging out with Indonesia and Panama near the bottom of the international numeracy league tables, Georgians have sure come a long way under Saakashvili.

India - 12 or 20 cases in 1 billion people.

China - 999 million out of 1 billion copy.

If you copy, you are punished in India.

In China if you copy it is considered birth right of all university graduates. lol

When presented with facts, you sidestepped to writing personal opinion as your case for argument. No wonder India came last in PISA test. The infamous indian IQ :eek:
China vs India PISA scores and IQ comparison:

Analysis Of China’s PISA 2009 Results

(Anatoly Karlin)

As human capital is so important for prosperity, it behoves us to know China’s in detail to assess whether it will continue converging on developed countries. Until recently the best data we had were disparate IQ tests (on the basis of which Richard Lynn’s latest estimate is an IQ of 105.8 in his 2012 book Intelligence: A Unifying Construct for the Social Sciences) as well as PISA international standardized test scores from cities like Shanghai and Hong Kong. However, the problem was that they were hardly nationally representative due to the “cognitive clustering” effect. The Chinese did not allow the OECD to publish data for the rest of the country and this understandably raised further questions about the situation in its interior heartlands, although even in 2010 I was already able to report a PISA representative saying that “even in some of the very poor areas you get performance close to the OECD average.”

As regards Chinese intelligence
Happily (via commentator Jing) we learned that the PISA data for Zhejiang province and the China average had been released on the Chinese Internet. I collated this as well as data for Chinese-majority cities outside China in the table below, while also adding in their PISA-converted IQ scores, the scores of just natives (i.e. minus immigrants), percentage of the Han population, and nominal and PPP GDP per capita.

Reading Math Science Average (native) IQ (native IQ) %汉族 GDP/c (n) GDP/c (P)
China* 486 550 524 520 ~ 103.0 ~ 91.6% 5,430 8,442
China: Shanghai 556 600 575 577 589 111.6 113.4 99.0% 12,783 19,874
China: Zhejiang 525 598 567 563 ~ 109.5 ~ 99.2% 9,083 14,121
Hong Kong 533 555 549 546 557 106.9 108.6 93.6% 34,457 49,990
Macau 487 525 511 508 514 101.2 102.1 95.0% 65,550 77,607
Singapore 526 562 542 543 550 106.5 107.5 74.1% 46,241 61,103
Taiwan 495 543 520 519 534 102.9 105.1 98.0% 20,101 37,720

* Twelve provinces including Shanghai, Zhejiang, Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu totaling 621 schools, 21,003 students. Results have been released for Shanghai, and later on for Zhejiang (59 schools, 1,800 students – of which 80% were township-village schools) and for the 12-province average.

(1) Academic performance, and the IQ for which it is a good proxy, is very high for a developing nation. Presumably, this gap can largely be ascribed to the legacy of initial historical backwardness coupled with Maoist economics.

(2) The average PISA-converted IQ of the 12 provinces surveyed in PISA is 103.0. (I do not know if provincial results were appropriately weighed for population when calculating the 12-province average but probably not). We know the identities of five of the 12 tested provinces (Shanghai, Zhejiang, Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu). They are all very high-income and developed by Chinese standards. Furthermore, these five provinces – with the exception of Tianjin – all perform well above average according to stats from a Chinese online IQ testing website.

The provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang also have a reputation in China as gaokao powerhouses.

(3) The Chinese average as given by PISA therefore appears to have an upwards bias, as at least a third of the tested provinces – Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Beijing – are at the very top end of the Chinese IQ league charts. As such, the true IQ average for China is likely closer to 101-102.

(4) The very high score of Shanghai (111.6) is surely for the most part a reflection of its long status as a magnet of Chinese cognitive elites. This may well be true for Hong Kong (106.9) too although perhaps to a lesser extent. But the IQ of native Taiwanese is 105.1 even though the Han Chinese there are substantially interbred with lower-IQ aborigines. Singapore (107.5) too drew Chinese cognitive elites, and quite consciously too - their immigration policies were (are) de facto cognitively elitist – but on the other hand, this is counteracted by their large, lower-IQ Malay and Indian minorities. Regardless, one cannot escape the conclusion that with the (unexplained) exception of Macau, all developed Han majority regions have IQ’s in the 105-110 range. Likewise with other East Asians, such as native Koreans (106.6) and native Japanese (105.3). This means that there is a 5-10 point IQ gap between developed East Asian regions and the Chinese average.

(5) The biggest gaps between China and Chinese enclave regions are typically where we can reasonably hypothesize a “cognitive clustering” effect, so minus that the current gap is probably closer to 5 points. This means that China very likely still has the potential to raise its average IQ by c. 5 points via the Flynn Effect.

(6) A side-consequence is that this presents a serious challenge to Ron Unz’s theory of The East Asian Exception to Socio-Economic IQ Influences.

As regards Chinese intelligence in global perspective
Below is another table with a list of countries representing a typical sample of the developed countries that China is striving to become; and the emerging nations (BRIC’s and SE Asian) with which China is typically compared.

Reading Math Science Average (native) IQ (native IQ)
Korea 539 546 538 541 544 106.2 106.6
Japan 520 529 539 529 535 104.4 105.3
China 486 550 524 520 ~ 103.0 ~
Germany 497 513 520 510 533 101.5 105.0
United States 500 487 502 496 502 99.5 100.3
Russia 459 468 478 468 477 95.3 96.6
Thailand 421 419 425 422 422 88.3 88.3
Malaysia 414 404 422 413 ~ 87.0 ~
Brazil 412 386 405 401 399 85.2 84.9
Indonesia 402 371 383 385 378 82.8 81.7
India* 327 345 337 336 ~ 75.4 ~

* Average of Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh.

(1) Assuming that average Chinese IQ is now 101-102:

■Means that it is approximately equivalent to the German IQ of 101.5 (with the typical East Asian bias towards better numerical and worse verbal scores).
■As of today, this IQ level is still somewhat below those of other developed East Asian nations be they Korean, Japanese, or Han majority. It is also slightly below the results of Australians, Canadians, native Germans and white Americans; and approximately equal to the results of native Britons and French.
■It is head and shoulders above other SE Asian “tigers” whose average IQ’s are in the high 80′s (Thailand, Malaysia) or low 80′s (Indonesia).
■Relative to the BRIC’s, the Chinese average IQ is substantially ahead of Russia (95.3) and greatly ahead of Brazil (85.2). As for India, whose average IQ is 75.4 according to PISA results from two fairly rich provinces, there is simply no comparison whatsoever. As I have indeed pointed out on numerous occasions.
(2) Needless to say this is an extremely good result that practically ensures convergence to developed country levels within a reasonable time frame. This is especially true because as is almost always the case, there exists a positive feedback loop with greater development pushing average Chinese IQ to its genetic “ceiling” of approximately 105-108. That in turn will further raise the capacity of Chinese labor for skills absorption and even greater productivity.

Addendum 8/15: The commentator Jing graciously provided the list of all the 12 Chinese provinces that participated in the PISA 2009 study. They were: Tianjin, Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jilin, Hubei, Hebei, Hainan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Ningxia.

This allowed me to make an interesting conclusion. No matter whether you weigh the provincial IQ scores above by population or not, the difference between the 12 provinces and China on average is only about 0.5 points in favor of the 12 provinces. This means that the PISA sample is actually pretty good – and that China’s PISA-derived IQ is in fact about 102.5 or so.


Note Ron Unz at the comment section.
What do chines parents say about Chinese education:

"According to the protesters, cheating is endemic in China, so being forced to sit the exams without help put their children at a disadvantage":eek:

local government conceded that "exam supervision had been too strict and some students did not take it well". :eek:

Maybe they should have allowed them to copy 80% of the answers. :oops: So that supervision is fairly strict and for fair competition with other Chinese kids.:D

When presented with facts, you sidestepped to writing personal opinion as your case for argument. No wonder India came last in PISA test. The infamous indian IQ :eek:

what facts? that 12 professors were caught doing palgiarism? :rofl: so do you expect zero people to copy in India.

See below for FACTS. Copying is allowed by Govt. Even the local govt. conceeded that they did mistake by not allowing the kids to copy. LOL LOL

"According to the protesters, cheating is endemic in China, so being forced to sit the exams without help put their children at a disadvantage":eek:

local government conceded that "exam supervision had been too strict and some students did not take it well". :eek:

Maybe they should have allowed them to copy 80% of the answers. :oops: So that supervision is fairly strict and for fair competition with other Chinese kids.:D

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