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People from India, China out-educating Americans in maths and technology: Barack Obama

How could the Americans perform well in school!!!?

The teachers care more about pay and benefits than educating the children. They spent more time in union meetings than grading the papers.

The students have little to no respects for the teachers. The teachers would not raise their voice at the students lest getting sued.

The school is one big party, doing drugs, sex, facebook, drink and smoke, beat up each other.

The security in the schools is tighter than the airport. There are police, arm guards at the entrances and in the hallways.

Canada is not doing much better.
.@Jade @Srinivas @Sashan @GURU DUTT How elites of Shanghai spend on education. Now these guys are are comparing elites of Shanghai with the villagers of Tamil Nadu.
Chinese government only allowed rural families with access to tuition and high fees in school to take part in PISA test for favorable participation.


Bro - I have to give it to you taking on these kinds with actual facts - These are the kinds who come in with a given agenda - spin the story in a convenient way and hide behind different flags.
.@Jade @Srinivas @Sashan @GURU DUTT How elites of Shanghai spend on education. Now these guys are are comparing elites of Shanghai with the villagers of Tamil Nadu.
Chinese government only allowed rural families with access to tuition and high fees in school to take part in PISA test for favorable participation.


LOL, indian burning in jealousy. A simple PISA test is not a competition, it is testing basic skills that every student should have if one is well schooled.
Every major city in China spent heavily on education, not just Shanghai. We could have sent student from Beijing or Tianjin or Shenzhen....

Sour grapes americans are finding excuses for their poor showing against Chinese. Dumb indians joins the party LOL. The fact is every govt is free to send their best from rural or city. Why are Indian complaining Tamil Nadu is rural, it is of the best states in terms of education.

"Tamil Nadu is one of the most literate states in India. The state's literacy rate is 80.33% in 2011,[which is above the national average. A survey conducted by the Industry body Assocham ranks Tamil Nadu top among Indian states with about 100% Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in primary and upper primary education."

Yet India came in LAST in PISA. You are not even in the middle tier. LOL. Never mind how well Chinese performed. Stop your obsession with Chinese, it is bad for your mental health. So bad that it is impeding your intellectual ability to make sound argument
LOL, indian burning in jealousy. A simple PISA test is not a competition, it is testing basic skills that every student should have if one is well schooled.
Every major city in China spent heavily on education, not just Shanghai. We could have sent student from Beijing or Tianjin or Shenzhen....

Sour grapes americans are finding excuses for their poor showing against Chinese. Dumb indians joins the party LOL. The fact is every govt is free to send their best from rural or city. Why are Indian complaining Tamil Nadu is rural, it is of the best states in terms of education.

Tamil Nadu is one of the most literate states in India. The state's literacy rate is 80.33% in 2011,[which is above the national average. A survey conducted by the Industry body Assocham ranks Tamil Nadu top among Indian states with about 100% Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in primary and upper primary education.

Yet India came in LAST in PISA. You are not even in the middle tier. LOL.

Basic skills of families selected by CCP and letting only the highest score to be published. LOL
.@Jade @Srinivas @Sashan @GURU DUTT How elites of Shanghai spend on education. Now these guys are are comparing elites of Shanghai with the villagers of Tamil Nadu.
Chinese government only allowed rural families with access to tuition and high fees in school to take part in PISA test for favorable participation.


Thanks for the post. That is what I have been maintaining, there is a huge chance of selection bias entering the sample. And given that CPC wants to prove to the world what a great job it is doing in education its citizenry, I suspect a foul play here.
Basic skills of families selected by CCP and letting only the highest score to be published. LOL

Retarded indian, PISA are NOT administered by chinese government. LOL.
I told you, your obsession with chinese is hurting your intellectual capability. LOL
Mate ,You can see and observe the IQ and logic levels of chinese here in PDF, do they look like High IQ kind with smart barins???

The stats and numbers coming from China are always questionable.

.@Jade @Srinivas @Sashan @GURU DUTT How elites of Shanghai spend on education. Now these guys are are comparing elites of Shanghai with the villagers of Tamil Nadu.
Chinese government only allowed rural families with access to tuition and high fees in school to take part in PISA test for favorable participation.

Read the link I posted instead of talking crap. Your government was involved in selection of candidates and selective publication of highest result of Shanghai.


Every country can select the province or states to participate, the same rule applies to China and the world. China chose Shanghai and India chose Tamil nadu,

From your article you posted:
" Schleicher also said he was not surprised at Shanghai’s good showing, but he was surprised at how well rural provinces did on PISA.

Even rural china score close to OECD average, your Tamil Nadu, one of the strongest India state, came in LAST. LOL :D :D :eek: What excuses do you have now??????
Every country can select the province or states to participate, the same rule applies to China and the world. China chose Shanghai and India chose Tamil nadu,

From your article you posted:
" Schleicher also said he was not surprised at Shanghai’s good showing, but he was surprised at how well rural provinces did on PISA.

Even rural china score close to OECD average, your Tamil Nadu, one of the strongest India state, came in LAST. LOL :D :D :eek: What excuses do you have now??????

The same article says the rural candidates were first approved by Chinese government before appearing in PISA test , those kids belong to families who are firmly committed to education and can afford tuition and high fees for their kids. :D :D
Do the students go to USA to give the test? NO.

the tests are conducted in China itself. And we copying is a birth right for every Chinese student guaranteed by the school and university teachers.

The Chinese parents can even file a police complaint if their kids are not allowed to Cheat.
I wonder if the teachers themselves provide the answers of the PISA questions to the students.

Ultimately results speak more. The Chinese are the biggest copying machine in the world. This is because the kids have acceptance for copying from class 1.

For a fact the LARGEST number of START-UPS in silicon valley is by Indians. Obviously the PISA high rankers cannot create anything new.
I know for a fact Indians leave Chinese miles behind in Maths and Science.

We will see the results in 2-3 decades. All the top notch research would be done in India.

The Chinese gained lead over India by relying on Cheap manufacturing. but when it comes to Science and Technology the Chinese kids are half as good as the Indians.

Lets see which country is ahead in technology in 2050.
CCP and the paid brigade are using simple thing as PISA for politics and spreading propaganda about Chinese.

I challenge the Chinese govt. to make their PISA TOPPERS to sit for IIT exam. I bet even if 5000 top PISA Chinese kids appear for IIT, none would make it to even the lowest IIT.

The same article says the rural candidates were first approved by Chinese government before appearing in PISA test , those kids belong to families who are firmly committed to education and can afford tuition and high fees for their kids. :D :D

Our rural students still get close to OECD average, your Tamil Nadu, one of the strongest state, came in LAST. LMAO, :eek::eek:
" Andreas Schleicher, one of the OECD officials responsible for PISA, “Even in some of the very poor areas [china] get performance close to the OECD average.”
Our rural students still get close to OECD average, your Tamil Nadu, one of the strongest state, came in LAST. LMAO, :eek::eek:
" Andreas Schleicher, one of the OECD officials responsible for PISA, “Even in some of the very poor areas [china] get performance close to the OECD average.”

Where is the score of CCP screened students. LOL
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