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People bribed by India tried to malign Kashmir cause: Rehman

Indian Agents (300) in the Million March


Bharti posting wrong picture

Where is tomatoes, bottles and eggs??????? :mad::mad::mad::mad:
Pakistan is hell bound of making mockery of itself. First, cease fire violations, then ran way with to UN, US, China, etc etc..Now this drama of million march.

Have some face neighbor. Stop getting insulted. We also feel sad when our neighbor is disrobed like this by its own leaders and actions.

To say so is incorrect.

Whatever Pakistan is doing has great value for its internal audience and hence very useful to keep them in line with policies being pursued.
KARACHI – Former Interior Affairs minister Senator Rehman Malik has condemned the mistreatment Pakistan People's Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto was subjected to when he went to London to express solidarity with Kashmiris on Sunday.

Talking to journalists at his residence in Karachi, Senator Rehman said that people bribed by India tried to put a dent to Kashmir cause and urged the government to probe the treachery. He said the United Nations (UN) was an international organisation and if referendum can take place in Scotland then why not in Kashmir.

He demanded of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to take notice of the incident at the Kashmir rally in London and said that Bilawal Bhutto raised voice for Kashmiris and had visited London to express solidarity with them. "Workers of a party tried to harm Kashmir cause after taking money from India,” he said.

He said that cases should be launched against those who committed treason against Kashmir cause. Aseefa Bhutto Zardari's tweet said that hue and cry against Bilawal's speech failed; nevertheless the PPP chairman completed his speech. “Indian agents tried to stop my brother from speaking but Alhamdulillah they did not succeed,” she said.

“We stand by our Kashmiri brothers and sisters,” Aseefa said. Former federal minister and Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader Babar Ghauri conveyed grief over the incident, saying that Pakistanis, wherever they may be, must control their sentiments. “The dissents must develop the habit of tolerance,” he said. He also condemned the attack on Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's (PTI's) office in Hyderabad.

Hasan Niazi, a nephew of PTI chairman Imran Khan, was taken into custody by London police from Kashmir Million March. According to reports, Niazi was released shortly after being detained in the wake of commotion caused by some participants of the march. “I simply used my right to protest, I did nothing wrong by doing so,” Niazi said while speaking to a TV channel.

The uproar was seen after the PPP chairman Bilawal Bhutto arrived at the Trafalgar Square to deliver a speech at the rally but had to cut short his speech as some participants started chanting slogans against him.

People bribed by India tried to malign Kashmir cause: Rehman
Any excuse to mask the shortcomings. Maybe Pakistani political parties should refrain from dividing it's own people on party-lines outside Pakistan. They will never be able to put a unified front if you have PML, PPP, PTI, JUI & all that malaki even outside Pakistan.
To say so is incorrect.

Whatever Pakistan is doing has great value for its internal audience and hence very useful to keep them in line with policies being pursued.

So you are saying without these flop rallies and going to nations after nations, the internal audience might interest in this national policy?
So you are saying without these flop rallies and going to nations after nations, the internal audience might interest in this national policy?

Do you wish to review this post of yours? I think you might have missed a word.
No sorry that was a misquote on my part...But it was quoted from your quote which was quoting my quote...Basically its a requote of my quote...The problem is not the quote or who quoted it it is what the quote says


Answered above Sir.
so after pakistani, indians too participated in million's march.

That's the reason it has few hundred participants(majority of them Indians)... or else samj gaye na. BTW who came up with the idea of naming it as "Million March", might be thinking in term of committing su!ccidddddeeeeee .
Thanks to BBZ otherwise no body ha deven noticed the march. He sincerely is deemed to be next PM of pakistan.
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