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People at centre of China's virus outbreak say time to end lockdown


Nov 4, 2011
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People at centre of China's virus outbreak say time to end lockdown
Issued on: 08/03/2020 - 04:02Modified: 08/03/2020 - 04:01

Beijing (AFP)

For days now, several cities at the heart of China's deadly coronavirus epidemic have not recorded any new infections -- so residents such as factory worker Tang Wushan have a message for the authorities: it's time to lift their quarantine.

Tang lives in central Hubei province, whose nearly 60 million residents have been under lockdown since late January as the government rushed to put a lid on a virus that first emerged in the regional capital, Wuhan.

He has not stepped out of his home in rural Xiangyang for more than 40 days.

"It's been too long," the 30-year-old told AFP over the phone, adding that he felt like he was "going to have a breakdown".

On Sunday, there were no new cases in the province for a third consecutive day except in Wuhan, which recorded 41 fresh infections. It is the first time that has happened since daily figures were released in January.

There have been no new cases in Xiangyang for 12 consecutive days.

Xianning city and Shennongjia Forest District have not had new confirmed patients for 15 straight days.

"There are some areas with no virus cases since the start of the outbreak. I think these areas could gradually reopen," Tang said.

The hashtag "When will Hubei be unblocked" has been read more than 100 million times on China's Twitter-like platform Weibo as of Sunday.

"This situation has messed up my plans," wrote one user. "Can't the province be inspected and people allowed out in batches?"

More than 3,000 people have died and over 80,600 have been infected in China.

The vast majority of deaths and cases have been in Wuhan, where health officials believe the virus first appeared in a market that sold wild animals before spreading around the world.

But the number of new cases has gradually fallen for weeks.

Following China's example, Italy plans to put large parts of the north of the country in lockdown to contain the spread of the new coronavirus.

"China and other countries are demonstrating that spread of the virus can be slowed or even reversed through the implementation of robust containment and control activities," the World Health Organization said Saturday as the global number of cases passed 100,000.

- Treated like a 'tumour' -

In Hubei, a Weibo user called for officials to spare a thought for residents in less affected areas of the province.

"All of us from Hubei are being despised," the person wrote. "The situation is clearly severe in Wuhan, why are we treating all of Hubei as a tumour?"

A 23-year-old surnamed Jiang told AFP she has been paying thousands of yuan to rent a home she cannot return to -- in Shenzhen near Hong Kong.

"Even if I'm not staying there for a few months, I have to pay the rent," said Jiang, who has been trapped in Enshi since travelling there for the Lunar New Year.

Beyond financial pressure, she has another major worry.

"My cat is still in the (Shenzhen) home, and I'd only left half a month's food for it," she said.

Others report dire situations from the travel restrictions.

One Weibo user outside Wuhan said her grandmother was seriously ill and had been told to go to a provincial level hospital, but none would take her in.

"Apart from coronavirus patients, do others not have (valued) lives?" she asked.

- 'Going to lose it' -

A Xiangyang woman in her 20s told AFP it has been tough to buy daily necessities with a lack of delivery services. Her family has been surviving on vegetables they grow themselves.

She desperately needs to return to her job in another province, as her employer has not paid her since the lockdown. She has credit card bills and a mortgage to pay.

"There is a huge amount of pressure every day," she said.

"If things remain the same this month, with the province sealed off and both the healthy and ill cooped up, many people are going to lose it and might do extreme things."

But there are early signs of loosening restrictions.

Chibi, south of Wuhan, removed roadblocks on Friday after 19 days without new infections, allowing freer movement of traffic inside -- but not out of -- the city.

Wuhan, with tens of thousands of cases, seems far from being liberated, with officials last month retracting a notice that had suggested that some people would be allowed to leave under certain conditions.

In a sign of built-up frustration in Wuhan, a video circulating online on Thursday showed a resident yelling "it's all fake" when a vice premier visited her apartment complex, suggesting the property management put on a show to pretend that volunteers were bringing food to residents.

On Friday an official had reassuring words for Hubei residents hoping to see the quarantines lifted.

"I believe the day everyone is waiting for will not be too far away," said Ding Xiangyang, deputy secretary-general of China's State Council.

Like US hasn't seen rebellions for almost 300 years? Good sheep.

Pftttt...you need to get a proper education not that CPC curriculum you’ve been fed all your life. The last rebellion happened in 2016.

Besides your sheep have been in the pen for 40 days :coffee: . Did the Pooh forget about them?
On a related note, how did that hotel collapse? Damn brah..a brand new hotel... did some sheep step out? :)
Pftttt...you need to get a proper education not that CPC curriculum you’ve been fed all your life. The last rebellion happened in 2016.
You call that a rebellion? then China has rebellions of various scales every single day. A true rebellion to take up arms and try to overthrow the governments, US civil war can be regarded as a rebellion, but that was also long long time ago.

On a related note, how did that hotel collapse? Damn brah..a brand new hotel... did some sheep step out? :)
Taking pleasure in building collapsing? we always know your true colors.
Taking pleasure in building collapsing? we always know your true colors.

Are you trying to change the narrative? How does a brand new building full of potentially infectious people collapse?
Do you dare demand the truth from the Pooh? Say baaah...baaah..:tup:
Are you trying to change the narrative? How does a brand new building full of potentially infectious people collapse?
Do you dare demand the truth from the Pooh? Say baaah...baaah..:tup:
Where did you hear that's a brand new building? Your fake media?
It's a privately owned old hotel, collapsed during the remodeling work, the renovation and remodeling of the building was illegally carried out , the owner of the building was put into police custody.
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Where did you hear that's a brand new building? Your fake media?
It's a privately owned old hotel, collapsed during the remodeling work, the renovation and remodeling of the building was illegally carried out , the owner of the building was put into police custody.

Fake media ...AP reported the hotel opened in 2018. Did Pooh tell you otherwise?
Even worse, your government choose an unsafe building as a quarantine site. I thought your CCP was infallible :china:

The hotel, which takes up multiple floors of the building, opened in 2018

Fake media ...AP reported the hotel opened in 2018. Did Pooh tell you otherwise?
Even worse, your government choose an unsafe building as a quarantine site. I thought your CCP was infallible :china:

Privately owned hotels are often renovated old buildings tranformed into small hotels, the renovation and remodeling sometimes can compromise the structure of the buildings, the owner of this building was fined 3 times in the past 3 years for illegally operating the hotel and was put in the blacklist of abnormal business operations.



Collapse accidents do happen around the world sometimes, they are not always done by CCP as you naively believe, your mind is so helplessly brainwashed by your media.
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To me, coronavirus is just flu. It happens due to the cold. Many die from even normal flu. And now people die from Coronavirus is nothing but just another flu. I feel this is because of the cold. Now that summer is approaching, the flu or something like flu will simply vanish as it came.
Just my two cents.
Don’t worry ...sheep never rebel :tup:

Besides your sheep have been in the pen for 40 days :coffee: . Did the Pooh forget about them?
On a related note, how did that hotel collapse? Damn brah..a brand new hotel... did some sheep step out? :)
That's some "impressive" logic right there. I always thought Hubeinese were wonderful human beings with independent thought and emotion, but you tell us they're "sheep".

I always thought that hotel collapsing and killing innocents was a tragedy, but I see that you exploit stuff like this to insult countries/people you don't like.

Guess I'll never be as smart as an American but yeah, I'm happy being dumb.
That's some "impressive" logic right there. I always thought Hubeinese were wonderful human beings with independent thought and emotion, but you tell us they're "sheep".

I always thought that hotel collapsing and killing innocents was a tragedy, but I see that you exploit stuff like this to insult countries/people you don't like.

Guess I'll never be as smart as an American but yeah, I'm happy being dumb.

Let me catch you up. @beijingwalker informs me that the building owner had prior citations for building code violations. The only question that now remains is why did the officials choose that hotel as a quarantine facility- especially if the building was known to be unsafe?
Let me catch you up. @beijingwalker informs me that the building owner had prior citations for building code violations. The only question that now remains is why did the officials choose that hotel as a quarantine facility- especially if the building was known to be unsafe?
Someone will answer for it and being punished for it. But your claim it was done by CCP is so hilarious, CCP has many works at their hands, they don't have time to find every building and every bed for every patient. You obssession with CCP is incredible, you give CCP too much credit for everything.
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