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Pentagon tracking suspected Chinese spy balloon over the US

Why not put death ray, ionic cannon and Nova bomb while you are at it??

You are talking about a weapon that completely depends on a singular deployment method, which is highly susceptible and predictable in term of interception.

And I would not call Westerlie constant

Again, violating is not the same as intrusion. And it's different outside China Territorial Water that may or may not drifted inside, you are talking about it went into Montana, Utah, Missouri

and just because US can shoot them down is not the same as it had not happened. This is still an international incident to which the Chinese diplomat have to come out and express their regret that happened.
Of course, including intrusion by US.

Whats wrong with Chinese diplomat expressing regret as should, after all the Chinese ballons did drift into US airspace.
so they’re going to let a threat to secret military facilities and ground assets, simply stroll by?
This is why we should all watch and enjoy as China gives them a taste of their own medicine

Your so right bro, This really is rich, coming from the US State Department. Let us count how many clear violations of sovereignty the US has committed against other countries. We'll wait for you to count them all, Blinken. Hahaha
China's nuclear stockpile probably hasn't crossed the 1000 mark and will likely rise rather slowly, that's why cheap alternative measures need to be exploited.
Well, I don't know what you guys look for when you try to weaponised something.

For me, the platform need to be reliable, dependable and substainable

If you think Balloon is all 3, then please do go for it.......
The Pentagon is tracking a suspected Chinese high-altitude surveillance balloon over the continental United States, a senior defense official said on Thursday.

The Pentagon has been tracking the balloon for several days as it made its way over the northern United States, Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder said. He added that the US military decided against shooting the balloon down.

“The balloon is currently traveling at an altitude well above commercial air traffic and does not present a military or physical threat to people on the ground,” Ryder said.

“We are confident that this high-altitude surveillance balloon belongs to the [People’s Republic of China],” the senior defense official said. “Instances of this activity have been observed over the past several years, including prior to this administration.”

The official said the US government has engaged with the Chinese government both through the Chinese embassy in Washington and the US diplomatic mission in China.

The balloon “does not present a military or physical threat to people on the ground,” Ryder said.

The senior defense official added that it was the “strong recommendation” of senior military leaders, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, “not to take kinetic action due to the risk to safety and security of people on the ground from the possible debris field.”

Officials assessed that the balloon has “limited additive value” from an intelligence collection perspective, the official said.

The news comes as Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to travel to Beijing in the coming days, a significant trip meant to follow up on President Joe Biden’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping last year. The conversation between the two leaders was “open and candid,” Biden said at the time, adding that while he was not “suggesting this is kumbaya,” he didn’t believe there’s need for concern of “a new Cold War.”

Tensions between the US and China escalated in August last year with the visit of then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, which resulted in China’s announcement of military exercises at the same time.

why not shot it down?

It is a frigging BALOON and the USA has MASSIVE amounts of open space this thing has flow over - so why is this taking so long.

I tell you - propaganda ... nothing else.
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