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Pentagon report: Chinese ballistic missiles can target nearly the entirety of the US


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Pentagon report: Chinese ballistic missiles can target nearly the entirety of the US
MAY 11, 2015, 5:00 PM

China now has dozens of nuclear-capable missiles that could target almost the entirety of the US, according to the Department of Defense's 2015 report on the Chinese military.

The annual report to Congress focuses on China's military modernization, possible invasion plans for the self-governing and US-allied island of Taiwan, advances in space technology, and Beijing's rapidly advancing missile capabilities.

China's conventional capabilities are improving. But Beijing also now has what could be considered the ultimate military asset for a rising superpower: the ability to deliver nuclear warheads nearly anywhere on earth (outside of South America, at least).

The following map from the report highlights the maximum missile ranges of China's medium and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). The longest-ranging of the missiles, the CSS-4, can target almost the entirety of the US (except for Florida).

The CSS-4 has the largest range of any Chinese ICBM. The missile is nuclear-capable, according to the DoD report, and is housed in silos across the Chinese countryside. Beijing is estimated to have between 50 and 60 silo-based ICBMs.

The DF-31A has the second-longest range of any Chinese missile. It is capable of hitting the majority of the US' Pacific coast in addition to portions of the mid-West. Unlike the CSS-4, the DF-31A is a road-mobile missile. This means Beijing can move the ICBM to various points throughout the country to better target various locations and avoid possible incoming strikes.

The DF-31, the CSS-3, and the CSS-5 are all also road-mobile and nuclear-capable. But unlike the CSS-4 or the DF-31A, these missiles are intended for regional deterrence against neighboring powers like Russia and India.

Unlike the other land-based missiles on the chart, the JL-2 is a sea-based nuclear-capable ballistic missile. According to the DoD, the JL-2 will be carried by China's future JIN-class ballistic missile submarine as a nuclear deterrent. So far China has commissioned four JIN-class submarines with a fifth one under construction. The Pentagon report expects the JIN to begin patrols in 2015.


A Chinese JIN-class submarine

The improvement in China's nuclear deterrent has been spurred by developments in countries that China might consider to be its strategic competitors.

China modernized its missile forces because of "continued advances in the US and, to a lesser extent, Russian strategic ISR [Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance], precision strike, and missile defense capabilities," the report notes.
Chinese missiles can hit entirety of US - Business Insider
That means there're some more plan to put THAAD and more destroyers with SM-3 near China.
Everything need some makeup
Crouching Tiger: US Suspects China of Global Military Ambitions


The United States is concerned with China's swift naval modernization, Ankit Panda highlighted, adding that China is bolstering its shipbuilding industry and expanding the geographic reach of its military activities.

Washington is primarily concerned with China's rapid naval modernization, foreign affairs analyst Ankit Panda noted, referring to the Pentagon's 2015 report entitled "Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2015."

"The report is a sobering reminder that, despite China's headline-grabbing land reclamation activities in the South China Sea and its ongoing dispute with Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islets in the East China Sea, the primary driver of China's military modernization continues to be "potential conflict in the Taiwan Strait," the analyst underscored.


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According to the report, Beijing is currently carrying out a long-term, comprehensive military modernization program aimed at boosting China's armed forces capacity and capability.

The Pentagon's experts stressed that "as China's global footprint and international interests grow," Beijing has become more focused on investing into a range of missions beyond China's periphery. This new strategy includes China's power projection, sea lane security, counter-piracy and peacekeeping and humanitarian missions in distant regions.

"China's military modernization has the potential to reduce core US military technological advantages… China is investing in capabilities designed to defeat adversary power projection and counter third-party, including US, intervention during a crisis or conflict," the Pentagon report stated.


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Ankit Panda pointed out that China is using its "low-intensity coercion" strategy in the South China Sea, dubbed "salami slicing." On the other hand, Beijing has already deployed its nuclear Shang-class and Song-class submarines in the Indian Ocean.

Meanwhile, the country has boosted its arsenal up to 1,200 short-range ballistic missiles (SRBMs), including the 800-1,000-kilometer range DF-16, Mr. Panda underscored, adding that the number of China's medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs) has been also increasing recently.

China's speedy naval modernization will bolster the country's military capability and capacity, at the same time making Beijing a potential warships exporter in the near future, Ankit Panda suggested.


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For instance, the analyst noted that Beijing "may be looking to sell Russia its Jiangkai-II-class frigates." In general, China exported $14 billion worth of arms from 2009 to 2013, Mr. Panda emphasized, adding that currently Beijing's largest customers are Pakistan and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Interestingly enough, Beijing has already voiced its strong opposition to the Pentagon's report, blasting it as a demonstration of Washington's "Cold War mindset."

"We urge the US to abandon its Cold War mindset, take off its colored glasses, and have an objective and rational understanding of China's military development," China's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying stated in a reference to the Pentagon's 2015 annual report.

China's Foreign Ministry criticized the Pentagon for denouncing Beijing's efforts to protect its national sovereignty in the South China Sea.

Beijing's defense buildup is first and foremost aimed at maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region as well as the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of China, the Foreign Ministry stressed.

Read more: Crouching Tiger: US Suspects China of Global Military Ambitions / Sputnik International
That means there're some more plan to put THAAD and more destroyers with SM-3 near China.
Everything need some makeup
Why don't the Viet appreciate what the China done to them? Don't be hostile and I promise that the Chinese leader will help u much fore than India can't.
Why don't the Viet appreciate what the China done to them? Don't be hostile and I promise that the Chinese leader will help u much fore than India can't.

You cant understand above is what I guess they are going to do, not what I and you want.
The report come first by them and the THAAD also come later by them.
You cant understand above is what I guess they are going to do, not what I and you want.
The report come first by them and the THAAD also come later by them.

In either case, you are just a pawn and thus expendable.
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