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Pelosi's journey to Armenia and her anti-TR PR campaign

The Armenian diaspora in the USA has never been in favor of peace. The little children here do not know, but need remember that when we were closest to permanent peace, they had to use Kocharyan, and raided the parliament. Pelosi is one of the tongs of this dirty and warmonger network. She owes her political career to these funds.

We probably are very close to permanent peace for the second time between Azerbijan and Armenia, all that needs to be done is to put the terms of the 2020 agreement into effect. However, the same dirty network is again trying to destroy the peace table with one of their tongs.
The Armenian diaspora in the USA has never been in favor of peace. The little children here do not know, but need remember that when we were closest to permanent peace, they had to use Kocharyan, and raided the parliament. Pelosi is one of the tongs of this dirty and warmonger network. She owes his political career to these funds.

We probably are very close to permanent peace for the second time between Azerbijan and Armenia, all that needs to be done is to put the terms of the 2020 agreement into effect. However, the same dirty network is again trying to destroy the peace table with one of their tongs.
As someone neutral in this conflict, I don't think it will be peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Sadly hatred from both side will prevail. Armenia will want to reclaim Nagarno Karabakh again. So I doubt. But a peace between Turkey and Armenia maybe.
There were many statements during Pelosi's visit. Among these rhetoric is that the US is the only state Armenian state can trust, they have come to learn what Armenia needs militarily, and many more statements like this. While showing a target against the Armenian state in these speeches, she always fingered to Turkiye, not Azerbaijan. As you will see above, there are speeches where Azerbaijan is not even mentioned.

This visit contains two messages that even do not need to be hidden by US: The first is that the main target should be TR, and the second is that the US patronage is offered in return if Armenia abandons cooperation with the countries of the region and Russia, and overturns the peace table. Ukraine, Taiwan, the Karabakh and many more geographies. The world is wanted to be drawn into a great mess at full speed. In order not to see this, it is not enough to be an idiot, but also need to be blind.
Armenia is a CSTO member and CSTO forbids members from joining another military alliance. However, Armenia can be a major non NATO ally.
As someone neutral in this conflict, I don't think it will be peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Sadly hatred from both side will prevail. Armenia will want to reclaim Nagarno Karabakh again. So I doubt. But a peace between Turkey and Armenia maybe.
Majority of Armenians don't want that. Especially when Turkey continues to deny the genocide. Only Pashinyan wants to open the country to Turkey,but even that moron knows it will be his government's end. That's why he acts like a dictator.

The question is,what will Russia actually do. The government in Moscow is in denial when it comes to the war in Ukraine and everybody from the politicians,to the officers,to the people are tired of this.

Armenia is a CSTO member and CSTO forbids members from joining another military alliance. However, Armenia can be a major non NATO ally.
That's why Putin let the Azeris go that far in the 2020 war. Because Pashinyan toppled the pro-Russian government and tried to take the country pro-Western.

Did you think I'm google? If you don't trust your knowledge of Armenian realpolitik and recent history, why are you keeping duty for 24 hours on all related topics with hardcore pro-Armenian stance?
You're not google?
The Armenian diaspora in the USA has never been in favor of peace. The little children here do not know, but need remember that when we were closest to permanent peace, they had to use Kocharyan, and raided the parliament. Pelosi is one of the tongs of this dirty and warmonger network. She owes her political career to these funds.

We probably are very close to permanent peace for the second time between Azerbijan and Armenia, all that needs to be done is to put the terms of the 2020 agreement into effect. However, the same dirty network is again trying to destroy the peace table with one of their tongs.
There's going to be peace because Armenia doesn't have the power to resist. However if US started shipping arms to Armenia it could all change.
when Turkey continues to deny the genocide.
Yes Foinikas got start his shift again and started manipulating the subject, as always.

And our issue is the Karabakh situation between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and end the Armenian occupation. Provoking Armenia against Turkiye and pouring gasoline on the fire is not a peace perspective. The fact that the genocide card is opened every time when we want to discuss Armenian warmongering is another indication that this false claim is a pure political tool and how it is inscribed in the character of anti-TR people.

Regarding the part I quoted, Turkiye always says that all its archives are open and that it will open all possibilities for the joint history commission to the academic circles with all its transparency. The Armenian diaspora side is trying to turn this issue into an imposition tool by making political decisions in the parliaments, not accepting the joint research of historian circles. In relations with Turkiye, these states tend to use it as a political leverage, but TR don give a shit anymore. We do not accept this political imposition that is not based on real evidence. And we are ready to discuss this issue with everyone with documents, and prove of fake claims. When we tried to explain why this was not genocide and what we were trying to do, genocide denial laws were passed in the parliaments in question. The decisions taken in France and Switzerland were found to be unlawful by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights and these states were convicted by the way. The French state paid compensation for oppressive and obstructed truth-telling.

Turkiye did not harbor hostility towards the Armenian state for the terrible massacres of the Tashnak and Hinchak terrorist organizations. While the ASALA terrorist organization massacred our diplomats and civilians in all corners of the world with bomb attacks, TR did not hold the people living in Armenia responsible. We had to stop our diplomatic and economic relations as a result of the massacres, destroyed cities and the invasion wave in 93 in general. Because we had no other choice.

The key to the permanent peace is putting the 2020 agreement into effect. The key to peace is not to let the warmonger diaspora destroy this opportunity, this is last chance.
Yes Foinikas got start his shift again and started manipulating the subject, as always.
Why are you so upset? That's one of the main issues for establishing Armenian-Turkish relations. When Armenians don't see positive steps from the Turkish side,I mean REAL steps,then what do you expect them to do? They will always be suspicious.

I heard the most ridiculous thing on the news today. Apparently,one of your government officials said that "Greece and Armenia are squeezing Turkey",as in threatening Turkey.

The key to the permanent peace is putting the 2020 agreement into effect. The key to peace is not to let the warmonger diaspora destroy this opportunity, this is last chance.
It's not just the diaspora. The Majority of Armenians,almost all non-Pashinyan supporters and many who used to support him,are against this agreement. It's a major blow to them. It's unthinkable. Especially when Azerbaijan is given parts of NKR that weren't captured by them during the war.

I wonder,if you were driven back to the Treaty of Sevres borders and everybody told you that it's the best chance for peace that you have,would you have accepted it? Would you have said "Ok,I'll give up all that for peace,I'm not a warmonger"?
Just like many American's she is also bad in Geography. Google it Nancy, you mean Azerbaijan not Turkiye, At least she know's that Turkey is a country and not the Turkey she had in Thanksgiving lol
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