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Pearls and perils in Pak-US relations



New Recruit

Jan 7, 2008
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I am convinced that our domestic weaknesses are making it difficult for us to secure a better standing, better rating and better value for our alliance with the U.S. and the Europe. Our strategic position and geopolitical strengths are under-estimated and under-valued largely because of the inability of the government to assert itself in view of the domestic violence, riots, agitations, economic woes and political instability and a general state of confrontation between the government and the important segments of state and society such as the judiciary, media, civil society organizations, intellectuals and political parties etc. We must strengthen ourselves within our boundaries and we will then earn the laurels that we deserve in the comity of nations.
I am convinced that our domestic weaknesses are making it difficult for us to secure a better standing, better rating and better value for our alliance with the U.S. and the Europe. Our strategic position and geopolitical strengths are under-estimated and under-valued largely because of the inability of the government to assert itself in view of the domestic violence, riots, agitations, economic woes and political instability and a general state of confrontation between the government and the important segments of state and society such as the judiciary, media, civil society organizations, intellectuals and political parties etc. We must strengthen ourselves within our boundaries and we will then earn the laurels that we deserve in the comity of nations.

Pak-US relations have a few bumps to negate before they can be called solid

1) Taliban: US feels that pakistan is not 100% committed to wiping out the taliban. there are still elements in the pak armed forcs who covertly support the taliban, and some pak soldiers surrender to the taliban without puting up a fight. pak has to convince USA that they are 100% committed to the war on terror.

2) China: USA wont bring this issue into the open, but the fact remains that they dont like pakistan getting closer to china. pakistan will have to somehow have to keep both USA and China happy. it will be very hard to get close to the US while also maintaining a strong friendship with China. sooner or later pak will have to choose
I am convinced that our domestic weaknesses are making it difficult for us to secure a better standing, better rating and better value for our alliance with the U.S. and the Europe. Our strategic position and geopolitical strengths are under-estimated and under-valued largely because of the inability of the government to assert itself in view of the domestic violence, riots, agitations, economic woes and political instability and a general state of confrontation between the government and the important segments of state and society such as the judiciary, media, civil society organizations, intellectuals and political parties etc. We must strengthen ourselves within our boundaries and we will then earn the laurels that we deserve in the comity of nations.

That statement in itself is the biggest problem. The Pakistani leadership has always wanted to establish relationships with more powerful nations based on its indispensable "strategic and geopolitical strengths" in attempts to bring about strong alliances and subsequent overnight riches. What's worse is that the string of incompetent leaders (mostly military dictators) since the 50s have managed to successfully sell this "full-proof" national policy to most of it's citizens.

The reasons for this IMO are :
1. It's the only surefire way to militarily counter a more powerful India.
2. The impact caused by seeing how it has enabled other Islamic states in the Gulf who have witnessed this fortune to obtain global prominence.
3. It is considered the fastest way to rid the nation of poverty and enable rapid industrialization.

All of these things are theoretically possible, but have not as yet materialized in real life (and chances are it never will). If anything it has brought about more disappointment, discontent, frustration and economic set-backs for the people and the leadership of Pakistan.

If Pakistan really wants to have a long term equitable relationship with more developed nations, then the best way would be through effective nation building, economic progress and human/societal development. Unfortunately this arduous process takes decades, involves multiple failures and heartaches, and offers very few opportunities of instant gratification in return. Ironically this is what makes such endeavors highly unpalatable for governments.

There is no doubt that the high level of instability and other assortments of problems listed in your post pose a great disadvantage, but it should be clear that even after these issues are pacified, there needs to be a paradigm shift in national policy if you really want the developed world to have a healthy relationship with Pakistan.
Pak-US relations have a few bumps to negate before they can be called solid

1) Taliban: US feels that pakistan is not 100% committed to wiping out the taliban. there are still elements in the pak armed forcs who covertly support the taliban, and some pak soldiers surrender to the taliban without puting up a fight. pak has to convince USA that they are 100% committed to the war on terror.

We cannot convince them more then we already have. For godsake we lost more number of soilders in this WOT then any other country including the US itself. If they are not satisifed, like the president said they should better find another alley who could fullfil all their demands. By the way the soilders that surrender were not of the army but FC a paramilitary force and also they we misinformed by the authorties. The area they clamied to be safe for the passage was not safe and when the miltants surrounded them, they asked for orders while the authorties keep on telling them to hold, we are negotiating with them untill it was too late to resist.

2) China: USA wont bring this issue into the open, but the fact remains that they dont like pakistan getting closer to china. pakistan will have to somehow have to keep both USA and China happy. it will be very hard to get close to the US while also maintaining a strong friendship with China. sooner or later pak will have to choose

This is a reality and this will not change no matter what the US thinks or for that matter wants to do about it. Pakistan and china are into long term strategic partnership and that is too remain unlike the US. There is no way in hell we will ever gonna give US priority over china and US will have to live with this fact.
One does not see any perils in the relationship.

All one can see is pearls!

One has to have an optimistic bent of mind.
We cannot convince them more then we already have. For godsake we lost more number of soilders in this WOT then any other country including the US itself. If they are not satisifed, like the president said they should better find another alley who could fullfil all their demands. By the way the soilders that surrender were not of the army but FC a paramilitary force and also they we misinformed by the authorties. The area they clamied to be safe for the passage was not safe and when the miltants surrounded them, they asked for orders while the authorties keep on telling them to hold, we are negotiating with them untill it was too late to resist.
This is a reality and this will not change no matter what the US thinks or for that matter wants to do about it. Pakistan and china are into long term strategic partnership and that is too remain unlike the US. There is no way in hell we will ever gonna give US priority over china and US will have to live with this fact.

Well said.
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