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Peace not possible until resolution of Kashmir issue

Our Kashmir valley is peaceful wic Kashmir you talking abt ? P.O.K?. India are not facing any problems at Kashmir then why we should negotiate with Pakistan?. P.O.K is issue now if you handover it to India then peace prevails in Pakistan.

you call this peaceful but we call it piece of crap

From january 1989 to december 2011(not from 1948)

Total killings 93,712

Custodial killings 6,989

Arrests 1,19,738

Children Orphaned 1,07,434

Houses/shops Destroyed 1,05,936

Women widowed 22,762

Rapes 10,019
The best option remains a partially demilitarized Kashmir.. with Kashmiris getting special ID cards issued by a joint indo-pak authority.. that way.. they can come and go between the two places..and neither side can cry foul on the ID cards..and life for the rest can go on.

My vote goes to you.
you call this peaceful but we call it piece of crap

From january 1989 to december 2011(not from 1948)

Total killings 93,712

Custodial killings 6,989

Arrests 1,19,738

Children Orphaned 1,07,434

Houses/shops Destroyed 1,05,936

Women widowed 22,762

Rapes 10,019

Reality In Indian Occupied Kashmir. Shame on the Liars and Decievers.
you call this peaceful but we call it piece of crap

From january 1989 to december 2011(not from 1948)

Total killings 93,712

Custodial killings 6,989

Arrests 1,19,738

Children Orphaned 1,07,434

Houses/shops Destroyed 1,05,936

Women widowed 22,762

Rapes 10,019

Hypocrite, y Dont u say, how many women were widowed by terrorist u support?
How many innocents have been killed by terrorist u support?
How many kashmiri pandits have been forcefully sent out of kashmir by terrorist u shamelessly support?
Pandits form about 23% of kashmiri population!! U know how many are ther now? Or stupid terrorist u support who in the name of religion did all those atrocities in kashmir and other parts of india?
you call this peaceful but we call it piece of crap

From january 1989 to december 2011(not from 1948)

Total killings 93,712

Custodial killings 6,989

Arrests 1,19,738

Children Orphaned 1,07,434

Houses/shops Destroyed 1,05,936

Women widowed 22,762

Rapes 10,019

Wat a Pakistani saying abt our country its not really matters to us. And we aren't crying for Pakistan certificate.

Baseless claims do have a proof(neutral) for that? I can say same things about Pakistan.
that because you are sure that they dont want to remain with you and you are killing them..


Its because back in 47, no state had the option to go it alone. It was either India or Pak.
Hypocrite, y Dont u say, how many women were widowed by terrorist u support?
How many innocents have been killed by terrorist u support?
How many kashmiri pandits have been forcefully sent out of kashmir by terrorist u shamelessly support?
Pandits form about 23% of kashmiri population!! U know how many are ther now? Or stupid terrorist u support who in the name of religion did all those atrocities in kashmir and other parts of india?

33000 werekilled by terrorists but there is a large difference between 33000 and 93000 so who is the biggest terrorist?
33000 werekilled by terrorists but there is a large difference between 33000 and 93000 so who is the biggest terrorist?

Calling Kashmiri Freedom Fighters ''Terrorists'' who are fighting against the real Terrorist state India in shameful. Do you really believe they are terrorists, Saif ???
Calling Kashmiri Freedom Fighters ''Terrorists'' who are fighting against the real Terrorist state India in shameful. Do you really believe they are terrorists, Saif ???

Whatever you call a Cancer..... A gift, A boon, A blessing, will not change the fact. It will remain Cancer.

Its better to treat it and chop it off from the body, before it starts rotting your body.
Calling Kashmiri Freedom Fighters ''Terrorists'' who are fighting against the real Terrorist state India in shameful. Do you really believe they are terrorists, Saif ???

Its also applicable to Balochistan and Sindhudesh freedom fighters I think. They fighting against world no:1 terrorist nation IMO they fighting for world peace in another aspect.
33000 werekilled by terrorists but there is a large difference between 33000 and 93000 so who is the biggest terrorist?

Where did u get that fig?
Did some org gave u inside info?
93000 people my boot?
less than 2000 people may have died... The rest are by so called jihadi activist who unleashed state of terror in kasjmir

Calling Kashmiri Freedom Fighters ''Terrorists'' who are fighting against the real Terrorist state India in shameful. Do you really believe they are terrorists, Saif ???

No wonder, pakistanis support taliban
Those who are crying shall keep on crying.
India will continue its efforts to prosper itself,and j&k as one among the 28 states of india is also enjoying the result of these efforts.

Those who cry for a 'free kashmir' and those who are ready to 'shed their last drop of blood' for kashmir,let me ask you one thing,
All you have done is destroy thousands of lives in the region.

If you are so keen in 'liberating kashmir' bring it on,my brothers are waiting for you in the border!
No Doubt about it. India and Indians shamelessly defy it, does not make the realities change on ground. Peace in South Asia is only linked to the Peaceful and the Just Resolution of Jammu and Kashmir dispute.

We are happy the way we are .............Look for that word PEACE in your country.............At present Our Kashmir is much much Peaceful than any part of your country.................now cry as much as you can....................
Ah! So the Hizbul Mujahideen's so called supreme commander Syed Salahuddin makes the rules and lays down Pakistan's foreign policy?

If not, can someone ask him to shut the fu@k up? Jeeez!
I am not real familiar with the whole back-story, but has leaving them as an independant buffer-state been considered?

I would advice you to stay out of it- would you consider allowing our secessionist to have their independent buffer states ( Texas , Alaska)?. It's rightfully India's land.

There is room for negotiations but that would mean a comprise on the P.O.K and India to get a direct access into Asia inlands IMO.
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