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PDF vs CORONAVIRUS - Call to Arms!

Could you post a picture of that? We need to eventually head towards a neighbourhood based support system otherwise this would be a disaster. So we need such examples. We may need to develop an app or something.
I am uploading the attachment. Sorry about poor quality as my wife received from another doctor friend who was already doing the same



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Good, right now, what we need is if we have a doctor or someone who's an expert of this from a biological POV to be here and verify some information. Then let's use that to create some slides arming people with the latest info and linking back to us in case they want to be uptaded. Let's create these with dates so people know exactly when we created these and here let's link to credible sources.

We should make simple graphical infographics citing what we know of the virus, debunk some common conspiracies, tell them why social distancing is important, let them know who's most vulnerable, what to do if your area has a patient, what to do if you're sick, how the disease progresses and how important it is to remain calm because stress screws up the immune system.

Then let's advice them what precautions are necessary and so on.

We also need to monitor and debunk viral content that's spreading misinformation, especially claiming cures. We also need to keep on spreading this information.

Please read this with my updated comment now.

Kindly re-read my first post, imran bahi.

It's already sold out, do you have a source for this? See, this is what I'm talking about.
How about multi lingual infographics, sindhi, balochi, pashto, saraiki, punjabi, eng and urdu.
Precisely, we need to make the info from reliable sources too. Exactly!
How about multi lingual infographics, sindhi, balochi, pashto, saraiki, punjabi, eng and urdu.

Bro, can you make this a FB virable post? Like briefly explain the idea?
I am uploading the attachment. Sorry about poor quality as my wife received from another doctor friend who was already doing the same
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Precisely, we need to make the info from reliable sources too. Exactly!

Bro, can you make this a FB virable post? Like briefly explain the idea?
You are a better man to viral it. I hardly get time to come online these days :(

Its a good idea to create such form in good quality and share it on FB so people can print it out and spread across the neighbors (fi-sabilillah). Credit to original poster who took this initiative and it reached to me... You can go 10 steps forward
I need volunteers, come on, please, we've a lot of work to do!
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How do you know they help?

Olive leaf extract:

The Effect of Olive Leaf Extract on Upper Respiratory Illness in High School Athletes: A Randomised Control Trial
This is the first study investigating the effect of Olive Leaf Extract (OLE) on Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) incidence and duration in school athletes. OLE had no significant effect on incidence but significantly reduced the number of sick days by 28%. A reduction in the number of days would likely aid in ‘return to play’ and potentially improve performance. High school athletes should be educated on adequate intake of nutrients to support immune function, mainly concerning carbohydrates, prior to any consideration of supplementation. This research shows that OLE supplementation could be used to alleviate the effect of URI on high school athletes; however, adequate food-based nutrition and potentially other polyphenol products should still be investigated to decrease incidence.


People (I know personally) who have taken olive leaf extract do not get common cold and flu.. if they get it, they get better in 2-3 days.

Problem with OLE is that if an individual is also taking BP medicine, OLE further reduces the BP and a person may experience double effect.. which might not be good. For healthy individuals, it is fine. I have been taking it for about a month.. and I can tell you I feel much better.. I had a skin allergy that's gone now.
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i think we should buy ration items for the poor people in our locality and give them the sadqa. if we have saved money for hajj or umrah we should spend it in doing sadqa. all those who have to pay zakat shouldn't wait for the year to complete or wait for ramzan they should give the zakat immediately. this is a real panic and our government cant sustain it on its own. its a test of all of us as a nation. we dont know how many of us will survive so we should do good deeds before its too late. the rich should help the poor so that they can also stay indoors atleast for 2-3 weeks.
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Yes and we need to start telling people how to organize this way.
i think we should buy ration items for the poor people in our locality and give them the sadqa. if we have saved money for hajj or umrah we should spend it in doing sadqa. all those who have to pay zakat shouldn't wait for the year to complete or wait for ramzan they should give the zakat immediately. this is a real panic and our government cant sustain it on its own. its a test of all of us as a nation. we dont know how many of us will survive so we should do good deeds before its too late. the rich should help the poor so that they can also stay indoors atleast for 2-3 weeks.
What my wife did is,

She printed out a template and shared with neighbors particularly targeting old neighbor explaining she is a GP so if they need immediate medical assistance or if they are self isolating and need food supplies they can contact us and we can buy them groceries etc. None of the neighbor have contacted so far but we have done our part

In my case I took responsibility of shopping on their behalf and she could check if they need to be hospitalized.
Husband of a GP?
On a serious note... It is appreciable what she is doing , but also look at the legalities.
Everything we do in this country is a crime, even generosity and charity .
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