Good, right now, what we need is if we have a doctor or someone who's an expert of this from a biological POV to be here and verify some information. Then let's use that to create some slides arming people with the latest info and linking back to us in case they want to be uptaded. Let's create these with dates so people know exactly when we created these and here let's link to credible sources.
We should make simple graphical infographics citing what we know of the virus, debunk some common conspiracies, tell them why social distancing is important, let them know who's most vulnerable, what to do if your area has a patient, what to do if you're sick, how the disease progresses and how important it is to remain calm because stress screws up the immune system.
Then let's advice them what precautions are necessary and so on.
We also need to monitor and debunk viral content that's spreading misinformation, especially claiming cures. We also need to keep on spreading this information.
Please read this with my updated comment now.
Kindly re-read my first post, imran bahi.
It's already sold out, do you have a source for this? See, this is what I'm talking about.