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PDF Paris 17 Condolences Thread

Your personal position is of no interest here. We are talking about nations, and their policies. We did not see hundreds of thousands of people on French streets protesting against French policy of supporting Takfiri rebels in Syria.

Trying to milk this and raise Islamophobia should be countered. That is why the response. You have to realize that you are responsible for this as much as as the next guy.

I didn't see a milions of Iranian protesting in the streets against terrorists/supporting Syria/Assad.
Now,can we avoid off topic ?

@Horus @waz @Manticore
@jhungary Pakistan just buried 140+ innocent souls, the ones whom would have went on to become Engineers, Doctors, Army Officers etc & who knows we just buried future President, PM, .. The smallest the coffin the heavy it becomes to carry with each step heading toward the final destination... As a human-being, As a Pakistani & As a Muslim i denounce the violence in name of Religion.... The Terrorists did not ask the religion of the dead Muslim Cop, they just shot him, they were just blood thirsty cowards.....
RIP to dead...
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Coming to wash your dirty laundry in a condoleances thread,even using accusations ,like any of us here decide for our goverments.And than some will cry that they're called "uncivilised" without reason...
R.I.P to the victims
As this is a victims thread so lets not go into the perceived lack of attention payed to victims of terrorism in developing countries even though i may feel the same way
What we can learn from the french here is that they value the gift of life and consider it a blessing...hence perhaps this emotional outburst that is something we in our countries should learn to do!
I didn't see a milions of Iranian protesting in the streets against terrorists/supporting Syria/Assad.
Now,can we avoid off topic ?

@Horus @waz @Manticore

Actually Iranians did come on street protesting against your support for these scums. Years before you do.

Yes, we can now remain on topic since now we know the context of this all. Today you are protesting against the same scums on whose side you were about to go to war with Syrian government, just about a year ago. That's all for now.
I wanted to also put the name of 80,000 people died in Syria / Libya and other places but there was no room on thread nor I know they names of all the people that died

So I observe a silence protest for not only these 5-7 but greater number of 80,007

Yep that is my condolence to that
More than 4000 people are killed in Ukraine because of western funded military coup all that's justified as strategic depth and courtesy of war against Russian Federation ignoring victims' beloved ones, babies, parents, child, wives, same like that in 1979 to 2014 Afghanistan how many generations were leveled under carpet bombing of NATO or US allies or non-NATO allies as courtesy of war against Soviet Union and after western funded war against terrorism.

We lost 60000 lives and recently 140 little angels were dead in line up firing.
Interesting how representatives of 40 countries are gathered in the memorial which is aftermath of western freedom of speech/etc.
Yes they have families but what about families of thousands who are forgotten because it was not happened in the West?
& EU funded human right organizations and EU pressured Pakistan not to lift ban over capital punishment & not to hang terrorists convicted from the court death sentences when EU's best friends Gulf states sponsored butchers messed in Pakistan and now European countries just killed the suspects not to fall in their own capital punishment banned laws.

Our deep condolences with victim's families.
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RIP to all of the victims .

but i had a question @WebMaster @Slav Defence @jhungary[/USER] @RescueRanger

the 17 victims of these terrorist acts are just a hint of whats going on in ME . everyday we have bombings and killings in different middle eastern countries which result in mass murder of our people .

just with a single bomb in iraq 100 innocent men , women and children vanish .

don't they care the same amount of attention ? are European and american bloods more red and valuable than ours ?

i come to this thread and i see a massive amount of positive rating given to each post , and i wonder whats going on with us muslims .

@Gabriel92 explain to me why your govt. supports the same fanatical terrorists in syria ?

Dear mate , i think you misunderstood me .

i was not complaining about this thread , but about the amount of media attention these acts of terrorism got .

i think everyone is ignoring the massacre in iraq , nigeria , syria , afghanistan , ....... and we are paying too much attention to a couple of terrorist acts in EU .

compared to those acts , the situation in ME is more than Dire !! its devastating .

but it looks like the world media and propaganda values European blood more than middle eastern one .

anyway , once i gain , my thoughts to all victims of terror in France .


if its a common thing then more media coverage should be given to it .

its off topic but french govt. supports F$A and other terror groups in syria

While every death is tragic, whether in France or in ME, but we have to remember that we are not equal. The talk of equality is beautiful in principle but does not exist in reality. French are a victorious nation, with lots of power. ME is filled with scums. The victors can go about and commit grave mistakes and still the sympathies remain with them. France was one of the nations supporting Takfiri civil war in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan etc etc and elsewhere. But there is not even a single mention of this responsibility.

Then there is the other side of the problem, which is the ME people themselves, who as I said are the scums falling for medieval ideologies. Instead of improving their lives, they prefer to cut each other. Saddam supported by France, invaded Iran. Saudi Arabia supported by US, raised hell in Afghanistan. These stories are well known. No matter how much they milk this newest incident, it will not hide who are really responsible for all this mess to begin with (namely all those nations who supported rebels against the government of Syria).

Oh, really? You mean the blood of an Iranian who was being killed by Saddam using the fighter jets and bombs you were gifting him and the blood of a French person are equal? You mean the blood of a Syrian who was being killed by the rebels you were supporting against the government of Syria and the blood of a French is equal?

Oh, no. No body is expecting you to give any coverage. Just do not raise hell in other places. Do not support rebels as you have been doing everywhere from Afghanistan to Libya to Syria. Just cover in your media the French support for these rebels. That is not too much to ask, Is it?

iranians already flocked to the streets 2 days before your french rally , only your zionist owned media weren't there to cover it :lol:

firstly , speaking for iranians , my people came into streets in support of people in syria and iraq .

the fact that you don't know this specifically proves my point , the western media does not value the blood of MEasterners and Europeans equally .

i am not proud of ME today , but i'm very much proud of its people .

i'm proud of all iraqis and syrians , afghans and pakistanis , for what they have resisted all these hardships and are still striving .

i'm more proud than you .

a well-written and heart-warming post .


My deepest condolences to all the victims of Western aggression throughout the world.

Actually Iranians did come on street protesting against your support for these scums. Years before you do.

Yes, we can now remain on topic since now we know the context of this all. Today you are protesting against the same scums on whose side you were about to go to war with Syrian government, just about a year ago. That's all for now.

More than 4000 people are killed in Ukraine because of western funded military coup all that's justified as strategic depth and courtesy of war against Russian Federation ignoring victims' beloved ones, babies, parents, child, wives, same like that in 1979 to 2014 Afghanistan how many generations were leveled under carpet bombing of NATO or US allies or non-NATO allies as courtesy of war against Soviet Union and after western funded war against terrorism.

We lost 60000 lives and recently 140 little angels were dead in line up firing.
Interesting how representatives of 40 countries are gathered in the memorial which is aftermath of western freedom of speech/etc.
Yes they have families but what about families of thousands who are forgotten because it was not happened in the West?
& EU funded human right organizations and EU pressured Pakistan not to lift ban over capital punishment & not to hang terrorists convicted from the court death sentences when EU's best friends Gulf states sponsored butchers messed in Pakistan and now European countries just killed the suspects not to fall in their own capital punishment banned laws.

Our deep condolences with victim's families.

As i said before , this is a thread about common humanity, that is for you to be a human, when a man is killed solely for ideology, wherher or not one believe is tragic.

This thread is to pay the respect for those who died in the terrorist attack, not to ask why or lay bblame, so if you want to talk about whos to blame, theemre are about 10 thread out there blame the west and about 3 thread out there blame the muslim extremist. If you cannot show a common decency and be a human for 5 second and post your condolence , then the best thing for you is not to post here as i said there are way too many thread out there already

I actually wanted to print this out and send this to france chalie hedbo office and the jewish supermarket, is this the message you eant to represent your religion and or country?

I am asking nicely for any mod @Horus @Manticore can you clean up those post that is off topic, and can title member negative rate those off topic post show in case the mod does not delete those post?@slav defence @RescueRanger

Dont want to send them the condolence with post like the one i quoted
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Violence, whether in the name of religion or politics or crimes, that results into deaths and sufferings of innocents anywhere in world is condemnable. May God give patience to those who have lost their loved ones in this tragic incident. We will forget but the hearts of the parents, spouses, children, and friends of the fallen will keep weeping blood.

I am asking nicely for any mod @Horus @Manticore can you clean up those post that is off topic, and can title member negative rate those off topic post show in case the mod does not delete those post?@slav defence @RescueRanger

Dont want to send them the condolence with post like the one i quoted
The thread needs to be cleaned from the off-topic posts. However, giving negative ratings to the off-topic posts is bit too much IMHO, for this does not happen in other threads, which are full of off-topic posts. I'll suggest you to retract your negative ratings too unless they were given for the violation of forum rules.
The death of innocent people from any culture, race, religion, country is condemned and as a muslim i condemn anyone who partakes in any sort of violence against them.
My sincere condolences to those who died in the recent attack, a true travesty for all people. Prayers for their souls, to their bereaved families, and to the entire French Nation.

From a Citizen of Japan !
jhungary, have you read the articles, what do you think? Just wondering, have you created a thread about Muslim victims of Western state terrorism?
My deepest condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in charlie and kosher market. Human life is very precious. Every human being is a whole world of hopes, dreams and beauty. And by cowardly killing those lives, terrorists extinguished 17 worlds in charlie and 5 worlds in the market. I am a Tengrianist and I condemn these acts of terror.

Morior Invictus!
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