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PDF meet in Hyderabad, India

Be sure to take a Pakistan Defence Forum banner with you!:D

Why? To get beaten? :P

You're going on a congregation based off a Pak forum in India :). Although Pak forum is inaccurate. PDF is Pakistani to the point that its subject matter is primarily Pakistani for all intents and purposes we are an international forum. I would back such initiatives from our members.

I just thought it would be nice to see community driven activities of PDF out in the open. Koi bhi banda PDF pe ghalat kaam nahi kar raha.

Has PDF done any relief works?
hey even i am frm hyderabad.. and wats the date and place... :p
I'm in, lucky to catch this thread. @Syama Ayas I gave you a call and a message..

What do you guys think about an evening at Taramati Baradri.. The climate is awesome and what better way to bask in the glorious history?
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So guys our next secret official meeting will be in Hyderabad according to plan, this meeting is highly classified..(raw will be screwed after reading my post :sarcastic:)
Well, if not Biryani, I had this awesome Kulfi from some Chat place, Gokar or something
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