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PDF is addictive

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Hey me too

Use this for 3 to 4 hours a day.

U know the funniest thing is my room mates think i am going to be arrested or something for joining a pakistani forum :rofl::rofl:

Ofcourse they don't know what this forum is. They are not much net savvy.

The best thing i like is the arguments and the hilarious part was when on some occassion on which i don't remember indians and pakistanis were fighting together some other nation. Happened recently only.

Uncle sam wouldn't like this site.

I should say the confidence building measures between our countries should include this site.

P.S. this is surely ISI backed conspiracy :rofl::rofl:
Hey me too

Use this for 3 to 4 hours a day.

U know the funniest thing is my room mates think i am going to be arrested or something for joining a pakistani forum :rofl::rofl:

Ofcourse they don't know what this forum is. They are not much net savvy.

The best thing i like is the arguments and the hilarious part was when on some occassion on which i don't remember indians and pakistanis were fighting together some other nation. Happened recently only.

Uncle sam wouldn't like this site.

I should say the confidence building measures between our countries should include this site.

P.S. this is surely ISI backed conspiracy :rofl::rofl:

Even my colleagues think I am doing something illegal
lol its addictive for sure, PDF window is always open on my work computer :P
yeah very addictive.

man i have paper tomorrow and look at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i should get banned to avoid long hours stay here and focus on my exams, please ban me :D

i get pi$$ed off at some modertion, many members, many debates, but still i get banned and arrive back, it happening since june 2008.

in 2008, when i first arrived here, there were few indians(qualitative though) few bengalis, one few chinese but no iranians, no turkish people, no israelis, no afghanis, one-two americans(s-2 and tombstone), aussie, NZ, azris, srilankans it has since grown a lot now!!

there will be time when indians and pakistanis will be sitting back and enjoying countries like iran, turkey, greeks etc etc fighting lol

man get banned and focus on your studies lol
so true dude! I just open PDF to see whats going on but end up staying 3 to 4 hours.... and daily almost 10 hours are must....
Ok I left this thread 3 hours ago to go to school [which is across the street] and take my Chemistry exam. I didn't study for crap.

I cheated the entire 150 questions off of the smartest kid in the class who is also my friend.

And now im back on this thread, with a pending A+ on my final exam. :D
Ok I left this thread 3 hours ago to go to school [which is across the street] and take my Chemistry exam. I didn't study for crap.

I cheated the entire 150 questions off of the smartest kid in the class who is also my friend.

And now im back on this thread, with a pending A+ on my final exam. :D

:P desis are desis in Amreeeeeka too
Its addictive and it gets bad near exams. Man I am loosing grades ever since I joined.

wel you wont believe, during exams i often use to devide my task and then after completion of every task i come onto PDF for say every 10-15 minutes. However it is addicting and i remember once i screwed myself up in a presentation luckliy it was group demo so i escaped the wrath. I must say that its the site which i tend to spend more time on than those social networking sites like FB..!!!
Ok I left this thread 3 hours ago to go to school [which is across the street] and take my Chemistry exam. I didn't study for crap.

I cheated the entire 150 questions off of the smartest kid in the class who is also my friend.

And now im back on this thread, with a pending A+ on my final exam. :D

Almost the same happen to me in my calculus course. As i find it very easy i normally spend the time on PDF and revise the lectures in the bus on my way to Uni before the exam and end up getting an A in that. ..:)
I am here only for 4-5 hours a day!
in 2008 i was 24\7 online i think so lol.
Get banned once, this will help a lot or may be another way is get insulted, humiliated, abused by somebody who also wants to get banned :D :D :D
Btw, take it from me. Even though its good for our business that you folks remain hooked, we strongly encourage intermittent breaks. Massive amount of debating online can have a negative psychological impact - and I've seen this happen. You go through a mental burnout. You definitely need a time off once in a while and reconnect with the offline world with a full focus.

I and others from the team often take time off. Keeps us sane.
Some of sections are for old people. lol
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