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PDF Color Scheme

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you traitor - Webby promoted you to Jr.TT and you went behind his back surfing other forums :mad: -------

aray chalo,ab kiya jaan lo gay mujh masoom ki tum log?:p
I am not traitor,if I were then I wouldn't have requested webmaster to take a look at this site.
Plus I haven't joined other forum,before jrTT promotion and I have left it too as I was motivated due to jrtt promotion.Don't worry,I am ambit to my promises,I am not shameless meray bhai:D
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I don't like it at all. Almost all the data is lost like my posts and thanks. I really hope the mods with fix it soon.
ohhhhh god why i no die before watching this look of PDF

Wow. Lots of changes, some good, some bad.
Can we get bigger avatars? Please? Pretty please? :D
Also please allow us to use JPG or GIF in our signature !
I like the smoothness of the new look- that's very nice. Also there are some nice new features and now creating and or editing posts/threads is quite a bit easier.

It will take some getting used in general.

My only issue/request would be to bring back post and likes/thanks received countsas well as country flags @WebMaster
The theme is too childish for a defense forum but the forum software is way cooler and user-friendly than the previous one.
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